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Pope's advisor calls UK a third-world country, pulls out of visit


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One of the Pope's senior advisers has pulled out of the papal visit to Britain, after reportedly saying the UK is a "Third World country" marked by "a new and aggressive atheism".

Cardinal Walter Kasper, 77, made the remarks in a German magazine interview.


The Vatican said the cardinal had not intended "any kind of slight", and was referring to the UK's multicultural society.


It added that he had simply pulled out of the Pope's visit due to illness.


They are saying it is ill health, but I wonder if that is the fact. I wonder if he has been dropped because he is an embarrassment”


The German-born cardinal was quoted as saying to the country's Focus magazine that "when you land at Heathrow you think at times you have landed in a Third World country".


He also was reported to have criticised British Airways, saying that when you wear a cross on the airline "you are discriminated against".


Vatican sources said Cardinal Kasper - who stepped down in July as the head of the department that deals with other Christian denominations - was suffering from gout and had been advised by his doctors not to travel to the UK.


The Pope is spending four days in Scotland and England, starting on Thursday.


The BBC's correspondent in Rome, David Willey, said the cardinal's reported comments were "a slightly clumsy thing to have done on the eve of the visit".


However, he added that he did not think it would have much effect on the Pope's trip to the UK.


Clifford Langley, from Catholic newspaper The Tablet, said the cardinal was "obviously talking nonsense".


"I don't think he believes Britain is in the grip of secular atheism, and he shouldn't have said so," said Mr Langley.


"They are saying it is ill health [that has forced the cardinal to drop out of the visit], but I wonder if that is the fact. I wonder if he has been dropped because he is an embarrassment."


British Airways said the cardinal had been "seriously misinformed" in his claims about the airline.


"It is completely untrue that we discriminate against Christians or members of any faith," it said in a statement.




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Due to the Pope closing all of the bridges and walkway on the motorway here in Glasgow today, College was shut due to large amounts of staff suddenly being unable to make their commute to work realistically....



So I get extra time to recover from this hangover and listen to some tunes..... :D

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the first 8 headlines are just like one punchline after another lol


What makes them think saying that it was because there were a bunch of scary dark people around is an adequate cover up?


hmm... so a lot of developed countries with 1000+ years of dealing with the church... I think I see a trend... go sweden!

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The ironic thing is most third world countries are more religious.


why is that ironic?


don't mean to challenge, just curious as to your reasoning


because the bishop was complaining about the uk looking like a third world country. so he was basically insulting his most devoted followers.


i see where you're coming from though, i think you might've misinterpreted the context of his comment. it does make sense that people in third world countries turn to religion, because of the harsh poverty they have to go through. at least religion gives them hope of a better afterlife.

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I'm glad the fuckwit didn't come over here. Keep all the religious fucking nonsense away from here.


Religion's the cause of everything that's every gone wrong in the world.


Including David Cameron becoming Prime Minister....... Fuck me our luck's gotta change at some point.

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Religion's the cause of everything that's every gone wrong in the world.


I love how any topic that might even kinda pertain to a religious subject eventually degenerates into this. :facepalm:


In any case, lol @ paying for a ticket to see the pope.

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we ARE a third world country, i mean sometimes they can't get the fucking foam on my mochaccino foamy enough.






And only three bars on my mobile? Puh leeeeeeeeeeez.

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