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Strange Pictures Thread


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It is. I was always aware of it, my family is from Fort Worth and my dad grew up in Arlington, TX nearby (relatively). I thought it was named after a hill or something geographic, and that the name was a funny coincidence, but is actually based off the fact that it was settled by white people originally and not affiliated with a nearby Native American community (settled pre-1941 mind you)


It's one of many lame, dull, completely forgettable suburbs/exburbs within the DFW metroplex. My parents temporarily rented a house there for a year before finding their home now. There's one awesome Thai Restaurant run by a charismatic woman who goes by "Mama Tiki" and her husband, but otherwise it's a typical middle-class/lower middle-class community with typical strip malls and franchise businesses.


The reason there is a F-16 on the water tower, and a Thai resturant for that matter, is because it borders the Lockheed Martin factory plant (formally General Dynamics) which shares a runway with a big military air base now JRB_Fort_Worth. And well, that's basically their economy right there.


But seriously, from this angle all I see is 'MERICA

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Guest Gary C

Intentionally strange isn't strange. Get the fuck outta here, *checks name* MadameChaos.

Shit, are you Machine's wife?

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