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whats the point

vamos scorcho

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Sorry to hear about your trials and travails through meds, despair and suicidal ideations.


Like Wake pointed out, such notions as fairness, good and evil and so on are ridiculous constructs in the face of all existence. Good and evil are relative to the observer. Fairness is a naive ethic outside of scientific game theories.


You are nothing more than the meta structure of an extremely complex molecule that exists simply to replicate. Your faculties exist only to aid the mission of this molecule. Art is the atrophy of creativity. Creativity only exists to further survival and, in a world gone soft, such creativity bubbles over into other pursuits and is labled "art", "philosophy" and so on.


We all know that the planet is ruined and civilization will end. The few that have foresight and restraint to turn the situation around unfortunately lack the leadership, decisiveness and sheer ruthlessness to rise to the top. It takes a special character to attain a position like CEO or President, and that character is not one worried about the children of tomorrow or the dew covered moss in the forest...


I doubt we'll see the meltdown in our lifetimes, but I'm not taking any chances and neither should you. It's time to get back to basics: learn first aid, how to find food in the wilderness, how to build fire and shelter. Start acquiring the necessary bits and storing them. Be prepared to fight to defend your person and supplies. Be prepared to kill in order to do so.

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Don't you see that even discussing this bullshit is a complete waste of your valuable time here on this earth, this planet, this atom slingshotting through space. Maybe if the human lifespan was only 30 years you wouldn't give a fuck about tyranny and fucking oppression and instead worried more about what you wanted to accomplish before you past away. But alas, that phase in our lives will come 60-80 years from now, so instead we ponder about what life is and how to solve it. Hell I'm wasting my time writing this out, but I'm waiting for class to start and I'd rather not exercise my left hemisphere and try to shed some light on why whining and complaining is an ignorant phase to be in. It's redundant, gets you nowhere, and ultimately can never be solved in one sitting. Life is a wave function, that coincides and weaves among everyone else's wave function that sometimes compliment eachother and other times destroys it. It's the brevity and magnitude of the critical point that determines how sharply we change our wave direction. If anyone here has taken calculus based physics, or calculus in general will probably be the only ones that understand what I'm trying to get across. The point is that singularly, the greatest thing you can do is an action. Thoughts are meant to organize and build up potential for that particular action/s. But until you actually, physically, dimensionally, exercise an action, you will not change anything.

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I doubt we'll see the meltdown in our lifetimes, but I'm not taking any chances and neither should you. It's time to get back to basics: learn first aid, how to find food in the wilderness, how to build fire and shelter. Start acquiring the necessary bits and storing them. Be prepared to fight to defend your person and supplies. Be prepared to kill in order to do so.

...and make some ACIIID!

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Guest Gbiscuit

That stone woman performing fellatio is saying no, but the stone fat Asian man is saying yes... yes, yes, yes...





















































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The goal in life is to get a blow job. If you havent gotten a blow job you still have a goal and you must strive to achieve it. Therefore giving you a purpose in life.


If you have gotten a blow job, clear up you miserable bastard you just got a blow job.



blow job


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