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whats the point

vamos scorcho

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Guest Calx Sherbet

after reading this thread, i'm thinking that maybe having advanced brains is just hurting us.


life isn't supposed to be fantastic or terrible (maybe for a single person, it can be, but as a whole population, no). why do we really need to stop and think about what the point is, or what the meaning is. there isn't one when it comes to stuff that just happens naturally. we are on a rock that just formed by chance billions of years ago and life just "went with the flow". things balance out. the good isn't constantly "stomped down" by the bad. it's been the other way around innumerable times.


your own personal wellness is something you should really be focusing on, not an entire population you'll never change. your death will more than likely not make a difference in the world, but it WILL to people who know you. pessimism won't get anyone anywhere.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

and seriously, handle sadness in a better way. a public forum is the last place it should be spewed.


For the lulz is a perfectly acceptable reason to live your life.


i agree whole-heartedly

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be the hero and strive to know every detail of what that means - thats what gets me out of bed in the morning!

stop eating bad, doing drugs, drinking, over fucking + over fapping because it steals your vital, revolutionary, superhero powers!



oh and...



man the fuck up!


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Guest Funktion

i think you should seriously consider turning to the lord jesus christ, because only through him will you achieve everlasting salvation.

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i keep going with the expectancy that i have the wits to beat the "system" and slack off my whole life.


i'll let you know how it goes. so far... not so well.


maybe i should do more work in the high profile/high profit field of electronic music production.

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as far as society goes, i care about it as long as i'm alive. i don't really plan on kids, but i understand the importance of sustainable living and see it as a major hurdle in the progress of human civilization. i'm not devoted enough that i'll become a rich guy/politician and spend my life fighting assholes, so i resign to live far away while there's still undeveloped land perhaps in the west USA.


i would rather spend my time with my girl and dogs than 96% of the people i know.

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well i've been thinking and weighing my options. i've decided to go with "suicide."




just kidding. i'm getting my testicles fixed because i've been in pain for a few months down there. doctor's orders.


i have to say, i decided that changing my diet was the first step to living a "better" life. so i've been trying to eat only organic foods, which isn't too easy but i'm working towards a goal of cutting out all bad foods so that my body feels clean and happy. i was pleasantly surprised today to see that i'd lost 10 pounds in the past few weeks. good start.


on the side of hating mankind so much that i don't want to do anything - i heard this quote by bob dylan that really, really helped me see something positive from it:

it went like this:


"never say something that the people you're communicating with won't understand." - something like that. it doesn't always hold true (at all) but it's a refreshing quote. it's always good to know there are others in the world that have been where you are. i've been thinking about it a lot and it helps me avoid arguments and negativity with some people i deal with daily.


anyway, my goals over the next few weeks will be to begin educating myself on the community around me and doing some volunteer work downtown. all that is secondary though to me finding a good job. my ultimate goal is to cut all of this out of my life, bad jobs and my current way of life in general. but first i need to get my head on straight and sht.


good times, folks. and when i'm not working on those two things i'll be shitting around on the internet or watching Sopranos reruns. and hopefully i'll meet a nice girl.



so yeah, if you're reading this feeling how i felt when i made the OP, this post might help lift you up a bit. whatever, tomorrow i might be seething with anger one moment and laughing my ass off the next.


nobody knows what the fuck is going on here. we're all stuck inside this big dream. i prefer to see the dream as hilarious but it can go either way.


also was watching bill hicks (and some richard pryor) youtubes last night. hicks said something funny, i can't reproduce it at all, heres the video. the bit at 4 minutes about the guy in traffic was great. actually most everything he says makes me happy.



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yeah man don't rush into college. i didn't even fuck up (got out in 3.5 years) and im still 20k in debt


lolol welcome to the workforce.

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