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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Guest Gary C

Obviously, fanboys are mentioning Oscar's. I'm not sure about that, but if TDK supposedly got pretty close and if nothing else stakes a claim, then maybe.


Considering TDKR is up against The Master, Lincoln, The Surrogate, Django Unchained, Les Miserables, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Argo, Gravity, Brave and The Great Gatsby, I'd say it's not going to win a major Oscar.

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Guest Gary C

He looks like a squidman.


I'd hope that his mask would be dripping with steam, sweat, grease and spit. Whenever he took a deep breath there'd be a mist and when he got in people's faces he'd be dripping horrible shit all over them. Snarling.


If he doesn't, then I think they've missed a trick.


One of the most subtle elements of the Jokers design was that his teeth looked disgusting. In the scenes where he was getting in people's faces, you knew that his breath would fucking stink.

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Guest Gary C

A month ago people were complaining that there wasn't any significant promotion, and no-one really had any idea what the film was even going to be about. We had two official character shots, but only unofficial set-reports.

It's only just over a week to go, and Empire are running an 'advent calendar' which releases a new poster or interview everyday so it'll seem that way.


But compared to The Avengers, this is still a pretty classy campaign.

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I should embellish really. When I saw the Dark Knight I hadn't seen any trailers, I avoided it all and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The truck scene in particular was well impressive, which I found out after was spoiled to death in the trailers which were littered all around tube stations and the like. Worst of all was the trailers spoiling the Gordon not dead twist.


I've already seen a bunch of setpieces from the new one, like the collapsing football ground and the bridges exploding, which bothers me because I'm sure they'd be so much more effective without prior knowledge.


I know it's my fault for watching the trailers, but still it kills me. I just want the film to appear one day and be able to watch it without knowing bits that are going to happen. Fart.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, I watched Dark Knight without having followed the hype, and was pleasantly surprised. I think I'd seen the truck-flip and had searched for a shot of Two Face, but I was mostly fresh going into it.


I've seen loads of shots of this one, and am pretty sure I know exactly what's going to happen. But adding all the trailers (and the 6min prologue together) I've probably seen 15 minutes of footage from a film that's almost 3 hours long.


I'm certain there are still lots of surprises. There's been practically nothing official released about Marion Cotillard's character and we're all sure we know where that's going to go. There's going to be flashbacks, Selina's storyline, Blake's storyline, Gordon being hospitalised, boardroom stuff. And then the ending. And supposedly there's over an hour of just action scenes. The second half will be insane.


But if you're burnt out, then definitely don't watch the two latest trailers that came out today. They revealed dialogue I'd never heard before, and put a little bit more context to one of the action scenes.

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Yeah, I'm done watching trailers now, I've seen enough til it's out. I saw one the other week with



Bane calling him Mr Wayne



Thought that was a pretty terrible thing to reveal in the trailer. Ah well.

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Guest Gary C


Bane calling him Mr Wayne




Because of the mask it's difficult to know whether Bane is really saying those lines over particular scenes, or whether they've taken liberties and are just dropping his most intense dialogue over his most intense visual scenes.


But it would be more impactful to have Bane reveal that he knows Batman's secret identity before kicking the shit out of him, so yeah. They've probably taken the shock and tension out of that line now.

But equally, for viewers that weren't expecting an enemy to know that, it might have raised their pulse in the trailer.


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Guest Frankie5fingers

Worst of all was the trailers spoiling the Gordon not dead twist.

WAIT GORDAN WASN'T DEAD!? next your gonna tell me Bruce Willis was dead the whole time too. lol
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Average Rating: 8.9/10

Reviews Counted: 31

Fresh: 29 | Rotten: 2


Reading the comments for the "rotten" reviews is depressing. I just realized i don't hate the dark knight i hate the fucking fanboys.


a voice of reason!!!


I would embrace you if I could.

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yeah if only a plinkett type would do a review of these...

Plinkett's hinted at reviewing them before but I'm not sure if it would be a huge epic teardown given (I believe) RLM weren't entirely negative about Inception the one time they made reference to it

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Now I'm going to preface this by saying that this isn't specifically about The Dark Knight Rising (and maybe not even any of the recent Batman trilogy) but with - what I guess you'd call - Hollywood blockbusters in general. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting old, have become over-saturated by this particular style of cinema, or just have become overtly cynical of late - but when I see these films advertised I'm actually emotionally numb. When I see the American football player running over the collapsing playing field I don't feel exhilarated, I just see that someone's composited a 3d rendering of some earthy-physics animation over the top of a man running towards the camera on blue screen. Instead of the exhilaration of Father Christmas giving presents, I have my parents asking me to order some things and they'll pay me back a bit later.


I think the last time a 'mainstream' (ugh, that's such an elitist way of wording it) film got me excited by its effects in any shape or form was the first Matrix back in '99 when I was 17. Everything from then on has been the slow rounding of corners of the sharp emotion I once felt towards any kind of action adventure film. And it's probably not even specific to cinema either - games too: I see an FPS trailed with uber HD graphics with physics that'd make Hawking cry, and instead of being impressed I shrug at the emotionless shell of a once engrossing genre.


So for me I'm left just with story (If I wanted fancy pants explosions I'll go to a fireworks display), and unfortunately to bring in the crowds you're gonna be left with something that probably doesn't have many more nuances than Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar (though I have to admit the ending of that did originally catch me off guard). The first two films seemed well written enough, were nicely paced and definitely plotted much tighter than the sieve-like Prometheus but are hardly revolutionary in terms of narrative, pop-prose perhaps (If I were a dick enough to coin such a phrase).


Maybe my issue runs even deeper that this, maybe I'm just rebelling against every form popular culture (film, music, games) in some bizarre ploy to appear somehow superior in the tiniest, most pathetic way possible. Who knows, I certainly don't - sometimes just getting stuff off your chest is nicely cathartic even if it gets you nowhere !


So in the shortest possible summary - You get delight from hour after hour of flashy-bangy things, I sit there empty watching a moth repeatedly bumping it's head against a lamp all night. Obviously you've had the more fun, I'm just the party pooper (N.B. the royal 'you' rather than anyone specifically here).


Loveyoubye xx

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