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FDA about to ban alcoholic energy drinks in US

Rubin Farr

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Guest the anonymous forumite

The only blackout I've ever had was after drinking 0.7 liters vodka + red bull (not the ones that come ready made, the ones you mix yourself). The next morning I couldn't remember anything of the previous night from midnight. I couldn't figure out how I got home and what I had done. So obviously I started making phone calls to my friends, and they tell me that

I behaved "weirdly": I tried to start a few fights, went body to body with random girls before even saying hi and pissed on some bikes parked in front of the club. When they got me home, they left me in front of the building, and I started running the opposite direction. To this day, no one knows what happened afterwards. Pretty scary, anything could have happened. The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that I haven't been buttfucked by some random street homo, since my butt wasn't hurting upon waking up.


But fuck it, vodka red bull is so good. Just limit yourself to 3 or 4.

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i nearly got the shit beaten out of me by four blonde girls outside a student gaff called bamboo in glasgow after sinking a litre of vodka and four redbulls. thats when i quit. to this day i have no idea what i said to them. the main issue with it is that you can be so steaming you think its a good idea to throw bricks at cars, and yet still navigate the world in a pretty reasonable standard.


the heart palpitations all day next day arent great either.,

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Guest the anonymous forumite

the main issue with it is that you can be so steaming you think its a good idea to throw bricks at cars, and yet still navigate the world in a pretty reasonable standard.



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Come to think of it I've gotten into a local coffee beer lately and I'm pretty sure it has some serious caffeine content in it. It's also about 10%, super thick, tasty, and blacker than black.


A few of those is completely mind-altering in a way that draft beer isn't.

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Hystery around 12% caffeine drink? Are you fucking kidding me? Fucking american kids don't know how to drink. We mix 80% with red bull here.


oh really ur so 'ard m8 takin shots with red bull omg can i party with u cooldude?

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Here's the thing about this... It;s FUCKING POINTLESS. They won't stop mixing Rebull and Vodka, they won't stop making Jager Bombs etc. You just can't buy sparx, 4loko etc now...


For the safety of consenting adults hurrrr durrr :facepalm:
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why are we so intent on protecting the lives of idiots who think that drinking large amounts of caffiene and alcohol are a good idea? the people drinking these are supposedly over 21, so they should be able to make rational decisions like "maybe drinking three "four lokos" isn't a good idea." i mean, what the christ. if you can't figure that out, maybe you should fuck off into a shallow grave.

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Come to think of it I've gotten into a local coffee beer lately and I'm pretty sure it has some serious caffeine content in it. It's also about 10%, super thick, tasty, and blacker than black.


A few of those is completely mind-altering in a way that draft beer isn't.

Fuck yeah -- you talkin bout Surly Darkness?

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Come to think of it I've gotten into a local coffee beer lately and I'm pretty sure it has some serious caffeine content in it. It's also about 10%, super thick, tasty, and blacker than black.


A few of those is completely mind-altering in a way that draft beer isn't.

Fuck yeah -- you talkin bout Surly Darkness?


It's some local french beer called Peche Mortel.. (mortal sin). A friend introduced me to it a month ago.. Dayamn is it good.

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Come to think of it I've gotten into a local coffee beer lately and I'm pretty sure it has some serious caffeine content in it. It's also about 10%, super thick, tasty, and blacker than black.


A few of those is completely mind-altering in a way that draft beer isn't.

Fuck yeah -- you talkin bout Surly Darkness?


It's some local french beer called Peche Mortel.. (mortal sin). A friend introduced me to it a month ago.. Dayamn is it good.

*jots that shit down* yo!

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While I'm generally not in favour of the energy drink/alcohol combination (bad experiences with vodka/red bull to report here), this kind of regulation is a frivolous waste of time and money.

Plus eliminating these drinks reduces possible Darwin award candidates.

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