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How much Watmming is too much Watmming ?

Guest the anonymous forumite

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Guest the anonymous forumite

When I'm at work, I can spend like 7 hours on Watmm. At home. depending on the days, it can be up to 2 hours.


I believe I'm watmming too much.It can get addictive sometimes.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

because I work at the same time and I'm currently working in a public library and nobody bothers you about anything.

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Too much WATMMing =


- refreshing General Banter three times before there are any new posts

- deciding the only thing left to do is to go into CHATMM

- having more than one dream a month related to WATMM (unless it's essines in your dreams, which is completely understandable)

- actively brainstorming new thread topics to post, as if you're working on new sitcom scripts

- writing WATMM threads that really ought to be your own livejournal or Twitter feed (you know whom I'm talking about)

- momentarily switching tabs from your porn and, dick in hand, pecking out a quick WATMM reply with the other hand

- laptop WATMMing on the crapper (only theocide was bold enough to admit this outright)

- getting sincerely flustered or angry at a WATMMer or his posts

- creating a special folder to save pics of the female WATMMERs

- thinking that your fastidious posting each day will bring you one step closer to LTM admission

- having replied to every thread in General Banter

- actually reading the 'Now Playing' thread

- actually knowing wtf 'The Gear Box' subforum is

- donating more to the forum each week than you spend on food or utilities

- having met your girlfriend through WATMM ( ;-p )

- knowing the text code for every smiley

- making and wearing custom WATMM boxers

- all your friends know what WATMM is, even though none of them has seen the site

- believing that any of the Subforum Artists actually has an account here

- spending more time Photoshopping a 'POST YOUR RECENT PIC' image than you do cleaning your house

- printing out, framing and hanging up one of gaarg's (to be sure, quite lovely) MS Paints

- having Joyrex's address and phone number in your little black book

- missing Beno

- making a list with this many items about what constitutes too much WATMMing :ok:


(ps: entered the 'ok' smiley text code from memory)

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Guest Calx Sherbet

thank god, i'm ok. although i do believe it's possible that some subforum artists had accounts at one point or another


but i think too much is when you gotta ask

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Guest Enter a new display name

...when you talk with some users on CHATMM, you go to sleep, and you see those same people still logged on CHATMM the next morning.

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Too much WATMMing =


- refreshing General Banter three times before there are any new posts

- deciding the only thing left to do is to go into CHATMM

- having more than one dream a month related to WATMM (unless it's essines in your dreams, which is completely understandable)

- actively brainstorming new thread topics to post, as if you're working on new sitcom scripts

- writing WATMM threads that really ought to be your own livejournal or Twitter feed (you know whom I'm talking about)

- momentarily switching tabs from your porn and, dick in hand, pecking out a quick WATMM reply with the other hand

- laptop WATMMing on the crapper (only theocide was bold enough to admit this outright)

- getting sincerely flustered or angry at a WATMMer or his posts

- creating a special folder to save pics of the female WATMMERs

- thinking that your fastidious posting each day will bring you one step closer to LTM admission

- having replied to every thread in General Banter

- actually reading the 'Now Playing' thread

- actually knowing wtf 'The Gear Box' subforum is

- donating more to the forum each week than you spend on food or utilities

- having met your girlfriend through WATMM ( ;-p )

- knowing the text code for every smiley

- making and wearing custom WATMM boxers

- all your friends know what WATMM is, even though none of them has seen the site

- believing that any of the Subforum Artists actually has an account here

- spending more time Photoshopping a 'POST YOUR RECENT PIC' image than you do cleaning your house

- printing out, framing and hanging up one of gaarg's (to be sure, quite lovely) MS Paints

- having Joyrex's address and phone number in your little black book

- missing Beno

- making a list with this many items about what constitutes too much WATMMing :ok:


(ps: entered the 'ok' smiley text code from memory)


bravo man. bravo.

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because I work at the same time and I'm currently working in a public library and nobody bothers you about anything.

How much does that gig pay? I might just do that in addition to my current jobs. Hell, I could work one of my current jobs from the library if it's like yours. Double moneeeeey.


I'd say about 20-30% of my watmming happens while I'm on the go and I get an email update on my phone and then check it out on watmm while I'm hanging out with friends, at a club, or stopped at a stoplight.


I know and use: :beer:, :shrug:, :sad:, :biggrin:, :dry:, and :emotawesomepm9:.

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