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Pan Sonic


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I've been realising there's a Pan Sonic shaped hole in my music collection.. The only thing I have is Ostato and a few of Ilpo Vaisanen's solo CDs and enjoy them. But for some reason, I've never dug into the main Pan Sonic discography. I'm not sure why, I saw them live in 05 at a festival on an old boat and they were awesome.


I'd be interested in recommendations for what releases I should consider next... any thoughts?

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Aaltopiiri, A, Katodivaihe and Kesto if you're feeling adventurous.


I love Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You with Keiji Haino too.

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Aaltopiiri is a good place to start. Katodivaihe is also worth a look as is Kesto. Gravitoni is also a fine album. Be sure to check out Mika Vainio's solo stuff as Ø, awesome minimal techno and the Kolmio EP as Philus for more of the same. The Philus album Tetra is some disturbingly minimal clinical ambient.

Edited by azatoth
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Kulma is my favorite album of their's, it's the green one right before they got threatened with a lawsuit and had to change their name from Panasonic to Pan sonic.

Then i would recommend Vakio (Their first, a lot more 'bedroom' sounding and less sterile than their later stuff) and 'A' . A was when they started getting into a custom 808 bass drum sound that im not a huge fan of, but the album is still quite awesome.


edit: Osasto too was my first pan sonic record, i think if you dig that one you'll like their earliest stuff the best. Some of their later stuff is kind of retread of their earlier and imo better work

edit2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kesto_(234.48:4) , Kesto my favorite later period Pan sonic album is a long haul, it's pretty epic 3 4 discs of madness

Edited by Awepittance
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I'd recommend Aaltopiiri, Gravitoni, and Katodivaihe. Aaltopiiri is my favorite, but probably the one I've given the most chance. Machinist on Katodivaihe is a great song.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know that way when you get an Itunes gift card as a present and you don't want to buy something that you'll end up really liking and then have to buy again on a physical format? I hadn't got around to investigating any of the recommendations and when I saw that you can get the whole of Kesto for £7.99 it was too good to say no to.


Really good stuff. I found the first two "disks" very accessible and even the latter stuff is pretty enjoyable as more mood dependent listening. Pretty pointless post, except to say Kesto is the business.

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Guest Billov
Kesto is the business.


8 squid... nice find :)


I'm listening to a bit of Gravitoni now, never thought I'd take to industrial/noise like this... but somehow it helps me work.

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I'd be interested in recommendations for what releases I should consider next... any thoughts?


um. everything.



Also maybe it's "uncool" to say so, but I would start with the most recent stuff and work backwards.

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On 5/4/2020 at 8:02 PM, whosebrian said:

not a big fan of muslimgauze, but *z:f* remixing pan sonic? count me in!



edit: just listened to the previews;  the muslimgauze mixes don't sound too bad actually...

Edited by kieselguhr kid
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