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What do you like writing on the walls when using a public toilet?

Guest cardan

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What do you like writing on the walls when using a public toilet?


Nothing, because that would be a crime. And besides, it would distract me from the pleasures of sniffing at the tip of that sweet sweet pen.

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nothing because i understand that other people have to use that facility.


it must suck being utterly joyless.


It's quite satisfying, cuntface.

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Guest hahathhat

i always enjoy the challenge of slightly altering existing graffiti in ways that entirely change the meaning. i sit there and work it out, while i'm sitting there and working it out.

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What do you like writing on the walls when using a public toilet?


Nothing, because that would be a crime. And besides, it would distract me from the pleasures of sniffing at the tip of that sweet sweet pen.


sharpie in pooper.

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Guest cardan

i cant believe so many of you go in those fucking stalls! i shit at home only.


This. The only time I do is at work, in the last stall on the topmost floor which is usually pretty clean.

Yea my work's bathrooms are decent enough. Some people there are fuckin gross. One fat guy ran in threw his jacket on the pissy urinal floor and started shitting loudly and explosively and with lots of grunting and UGH BGAAA, streaming out huge lengths of t.p. and wiping his ass like you'd wipe a fire off your arm with anti-fire material, wasting so much t.p. he only wiped for like 15 seconds, then was outta there in a flash, not even washing his hands. I have an office job lined up to start soon.

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Guest hahathhat

i like to write a solution to fermat's last theorem, but i have yet to encounter a stall door big enough to fit all of it.


someone shove this nerd into a locker.

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i like to respond to whats already there



my favorite one i've seen was a neatly drawn house with a bulbous twister next to it and written above was "FUCK TORNADOS"

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Zentences-absolutely rubbish and pretentious sounding crap like

'...remember,wherever you are,you're always gonna be there...'


'Mountains only hide the distance...'

and my new favourite,shamelessly stolen from a post here at WATMM

'If a Justin Bieber track is playing in a forest and noone hears it,is it still shit?'

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'If a Justin Bieber track is playing in a forest and noone hears it,is it still shit?'


Something being shit is an opinion formed by an intelligent though formed by intelligent life. Assuming that you dont believe wild animals can form opinions, then no its cannot be shit.


Ive written that before though :D

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Seen at work recently:


A man/cat (man's body, cat's head) shagging a woman/cat from behind. Man/cat was wearing a top hat. The whole drawing was around 2ft x 2ft. Impressive.

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Yea my work's bathrooms are decent enough. Some people there are fuckin gross. One fat guy ran in threw his jacket on the pissy urinal floor and started shitting loudly and explosively and with lots of grunting and UGH BGAAA, streaming out huge lengths of t.p. and wiping his ass like you'd wipe a fire off your arm with anti-fire material, wasting so much t.p. he only wiped for like 15 seconds, then was outta there in a flash, not even washing his hands. I have an office job lined up to start soon.


This happens on a daily basis here. The building is rather large and has 6 different bathrooms, so I tend to use one of the nice, clean, downstairs bathrooms; but when I'm stuck using the one upstairs it is invariably visited by some grumbling old man who groans, mumbles, coughs, makes bizarre animal-like noises, and even whistles while he's dropping a deuce.


If I'm in a rest stop or other roadside stop bathroom, I like to write ominous or threatening material.


"I'm two stalls down and I'm watching you." or "While you're in here I'm kidnapping your daughter." I figure the extra surge of momentary fear will help the process along.

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