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THE SAVIOURS OF GOD Spiritual Exercises


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WE COME from a dark abyss, we end in a dark abyss, and we call the luminous interval life. As soon as we are born the return begins, at once the setting forth and the coming back; we die in every moment. Because of this many have cried out: The goal of life is death! But as soon as we are born we begin the struggle to create, to compose, to turn matter into life; we are born in every moment. Because of this many have cried out: The goal of ephemeral life is immortality! In the temporary living organism these two streams collide: (a) the ascent toward composition, toward life, toward immortality; (b) the descent toward decomposition, toward matter, toward death. Both streams well up from the depths of primordial essence. Life startles us at first; it seems somewhat beyond the law, somewhat contrary to nature, somewhat like a transitory counteraction to the dark eternal fountains; but deeper down we feel that Life is itself without beginning, an indestructible force of the Universe. Otherwise, from where did that superhuman strength come which hurls us from the unborn to the born and gives us - plants, animals, men - courage for the struggle? But both opposing forces are holy. It is our duty, therefore, to grasp that vision which can embrace and harmonize these two enormous, timeless, and indestructible forces, and with this vision to modulate our thinking and our action.




Thought I'd share a little bit of this brilliant yet probably unheard of man, Nikos Kazantzakis.


To me he is the Aphex Twin of Writing (Or better yet of philosophy).


Please feel free to comment and share some of your favorite writers or philosophical quotes.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

The Last Temptation of Christ is one of my favorite films, and it's based off his book. Been meaning to read that one for a long time. The prologue you posted is brilliant, i definitely want to read this one now too.


Willem Dafoe is the most badass Jesus in any film, ever.

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The Last Temptation of Christ is one of my favorite films, and it's based off his book. Been meaning to read that one for a long time. The prologue you posted is brilliant, i definitely want to read this one now too.


Willem Dafoe is the most badass Jesus in any film, ever.


Yeah great film, need to read it too. That book was banned by the Vatican and I believe he got excommunicated for it. He has had some other stuff banned in other countries as well at least during his time.



most people on these boards don't like spiritual stuff


Thats ok, but I wouldn't really call this spiritual, at least in the common sense of the word.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

The Last Temptation of Christ is one of my favorite films, and it's based off his book. Been meaning to read that one for a long time. The prologue you posted is brilliant, i definitely want to read this one now too.


Willem Dafoe is the most badass Jesus in any film, ever.


Yeah great film, need to read it too. That book was banned by the Vatican and I believe he got excommunicated for it. He has had some other stuff banned in other countries as well at least during his time.


Rushdie shit. I read about the movie theater riots when the film was released, but hadn't read about the reaction to the book

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