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Guest sirch

sad the last 2 pages of this thread have been pointless bickering, when id love to hear reader reactions to seeing the movie


lol. well the jist so far is that it's shit... if you believe everything you read. see the last 2 pages... oh never mind. :rolleyes:

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do no europeans here go see movies on opening night? what the fuck i thought we had some severe film nerds in here, get off your asses guys.


edit: or wait, it is out in the euro market already right? or is that tomorrow?

Edited by Awepittance
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But it's not ranting, it's a philosophical discussion about how to consume. I'm saying don't believe everything you read, experience it for yourself and then reflect on it with others. The notion that we must anticipate the future is a consumer habit I think and it's just unfortunate that we can't just be like "oh thats looks interesting maybe, curious to see what thats about"


It's like we gotta keep putting everything in little boxes in our brains to keep it organized so that when we face questions about things that we like we can be sure to give the supreme response to get better notability... when really I don't understand the concept of favorites and such. Cause like one day Ill maybe be in the mood for let's say a film I wouldn't usually be in mood for... but I like it that day... so it works in that sense. Things change is all I'm saying and we are all different people and such. It's better to be aware of this and celebrate our differences by not listening to one another and just doing things for ourselves.

Edited by compson
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I think theres also a problem with just the individual, because things are becoming more universally accepted as good now... with like rating systems and consumer reports/reviews... point values. So like we look at whats at the top, the things with the most points and we associate the elements within those things as good when thats simplifying it down too much. Prevents filmmakers and such from taking risks because they look at the past instead of the future, theres no more visionaries really, its just lots of rehashing. And I think thats mainly because of the culture of how we consume. I don't know, I think you just like have to turn your brain off for a bit and just relax and think "ok well I'm here, lets see whats happening here". Not saying you lower your intelligence, but rid yourself of culture.


You might not like it in the end at all but you're not thinking about it external terms or anything, its just if you're in the mood for whatever it is at the time.

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Guest zaphod

It is to Alien what The Phantom Menace was to Star Wars.



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To quote a friend of mine: I want to get on an airplane, go to Hollywood, find Ridley Scott, and punch him in the dick.


It is to Alien what The Phantom Menace was to Star Wars.



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Prom is getting good reviews on this side of the pond, btw. General consensus is the second part of the movie feels rushed, but the first half is excellent. In the second half the action pushes the story to the background....reviews say.

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That must be '79 Lucas. It's a silent reference to Alien.....



/wishful thinking





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is it true that the space jockey is actually just a






a more purple grey 20 feet tall version of dr manhattan but more goth? and that the 'mystrery' of the space jockey in Alien is ruined by the reveal that we're only seeing some kind of robotic suit but the alien underneath looks like a silly giant person, far less aesthetically pleasing than that one giant in Silent Hill




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is it true that the space jockey is actually just a






a more purple grey 20 feet tall version of dr manhattan but more goth? and that the 'mystrery' of the space jockey in Alien is ruined by the reveal that we're only seeing some kind of robotic suit but the alien underneath looks like a silly giant person, far less aesthetically pleasing than that one giant in Silent Hill






Pretty much.


The problem with the movie is that it tries to cram a story into the whole Alien legacy. But the Alien movies are not about story. They're about survival.



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is the supposed 'fake' spoiler synopsis that may or may not have been leaked by the studio about it essentially being inspired by Planet of the Apes ending (except in reverse, they aren't on a future earth, but an earth that's 5 billion years old or something) accurate? and i also heard there is a worm hole that interrupts their trip at the beginning to the far away planet again similar to planet of the apes


if this aspect is true, and that the android does essentially retcon the human race itself, it seems like a cheap studio ploy to allow for future sequels where they don't have to follow any previous continuity kind of like the new Trek movies. So are we to assume Weyland industries themselves even have no knowledge of being the people who indirectly create the human race when they send out the nostromo in Alien? I mean maybe that synopsis is totally off base, im just wondering if it just ends with a kind of 'reset' button to the alien universe, which would be frankly stupid.


is this story they try to cram into it interesting, compelling or original? Aesthetically it looks problematic, especially the giant human head and the cheapo AVP style cave paintings. Was the strongest part of the movie the core survival aspect? I'm probably going to see it in the theater, because at the very least it's a nicely executed high budget thriller horror movie....right?


edit2: do we get any cool giant beat downs? im assuming they would have shown us that money shot in the trailer if it did exist, but are we left with a lot of cool surprises like this in film or do we only get glimpses of mr. jockey?






edit: i forgot to mention i saw a Q & A with ridley where a fan in the audience asked him if the reason the aesthetic if Prometheus looks so clean and high budget compared to alien is because these aren't 'space truckers' and ridley totally didn't acknowledge that aspect and simply said 'grunge has been done to death, i didnt want to do grunge again, everybody does grunge now'. So there is your real answer, has nothing to do with space truckers

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i'm a huge alien fan (1979) & was of course quite disapointed with it. agree with awepittance on the space jockey. what is pretty sad is that all the old ideas are actually old (like doing the first scenes of alien with way more computer graphics, visual effects etc AGAIN), and all the new ideas are actually crap. regarding atmosphere,


the best way to kill a movie would be an opening scene with a naked goth bodybuilder doing tourism in Iceland. i cant believe all this huge blockbuster has such a weak screenplay.

Hollywood style i guess :-/


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is the supposed 'fake' spoiler synopsis that may or may not have been leaked by the studio about it essentially being inspired by Planet of the Apes ending (except in reverse, they aren't on a future earth, but an earth that's 5 billion years old or something) accurate? and i also heard there is a worm hole that interrupts their trip at the beginning to the far away planet again similar to planet of the apes


if this aspect is true, and that the android does essentially retcon the human race itself, it seems like a cheap studio ploy to allow for future sequels where they don't have to follow any previous continuity kind of like the new Trek movies. So are we to assume Weyland industries themselves even have no knowledge of being the people who indirectly create the human race when they send out the nostromo in Alien? I mean maybe that synopsis is totally off base, im just wondering if it just ends with a kind of 'reset' button to the alien universe, which would be frankly stupid.


is this story they try to cram into it interesting, compelling or original? Aesthetically it looks problematic, especially the giant human head and the cheapo AVP style cave paintings. Was the strongest part of the movie the core survival aspect? I'm probably going to see it in the theater, because at the very least it's a nicely executed high budget thriller horror movie....right?




God damnit, everything I just wrote got deleted...


The story is nothing like The Planet of the Apes.

The story, or the initial story, is pretty interesting, but it's almost as if Ridley Scott bites off more than he can chew, because he's dealing with some pretty fucking heavy subjects in what is essentially a monster movie. I don't want to go into too many details. But story-wise it builds up nicely, just like all the other aspects of the movie, but then for some reason it decides to fall flat on its stomach and lie there like a stranded fish looking desperately at the audience as if it's thinking, 'what the fuck, do I do now?'.

Visually it was beautiful, and the set pieces were really cool. Thank the Gods, that he didn't green screen all the locations.

The strongest parts of the movie were the build-ups, but because of the terrible conclusion to each build-up it was like watching someone dropping a huge fucking bomb that doesn't go off.



i'm a huge alien fan (1979) & was of course quite disapointed with it. agree with awepittance on the space jockey. what is pretty sad is that all the old ideas are actually old (like doing the first scenes of alien with way more computer graphics, visual effects etc AGAIN), and all the new ideas are actually crap. regarding atmosphere,


the best way to kill a movie would be an opening scene with a naked goth bodybuilder doing tourism in Iceland. i cant believe all this huge blockbuster has such a weak screenplay.

Hollywood style i guess :-/



I've spoiler tagged some of your comments. Please be careful about spoiling anything about this movie without tagging it because a lot of people are excited about it.

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So what I got from it was that 2000 years ago [the birth of christ] the space jockeys were about to come kill everyone on earth but decided not to.


Noomi Rapace reckons this was because Jesus sorted out the planet and hence wanted her crucifix back.





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Ok - so let's really talk about this movie. Some of you must have watched it by now.

There were so many things about movie that made absolutely no fucking sense at all and things that were totally irrelevant. For instance, why the fuck should we care that old man Weylon is Charlize Theoron's father. Was this supposed to be some kind of twist? Did I miss something? When she said "yes.......father", and the ominous music started playing, I was thinking to myself, "ok, sooooo he's her father. So what?". Plus, this "twist" led to nothing. Why were we supposed to know that he was her father?


Also, do old people no longer look like old people on film? Or did someone think it would be fucking hilarious to dress up Guy Pearce as an old guy? Either way, it looked like shit and ended up being unintentionally funny - especially when he suited up in the exo-skeleton. And then he got killed. Just like that. How do you pitch that to a, what I expect to be a rather intelligent movie director, like Ridley Scott? I bet it went something like this:

"So then Weylon has been on this ship the entire time and it'll be a huge fucking surprise to everyone (it wasn't), and then 10 minutes later he gets destroyed by one of the creatures who created all life on Earth."

And that's another thing... Why the fuck did the "engineers" who created life on Earth, who are basically our Gods, decide to rip everyone apart? Doesn't seem like a very sensible thing to do to your own creations.


Another thing... The music sounded extremely uninspired. The theme melody was so terrible that when I got home I wanted to figure out how to play it on my piano just to see if I could modify it to make it any better. I could. This is of course very subjective, and it's going to make me sound like an asshole for saying this.





I'll post more over the weekend...

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yeah it's a film where things just happen because they've got to keep the script moving, it's just a collection of random shit sci-fi nerds wank to, littered with facepalms and unintentional hilarity.


They've should've gone ahead and called it Space Octopus, that's a more fitting title.


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Well, sometimes creators decides to erase what they have built, it coulld have made sense regarding the level of technology of the human race (like the creators dont want their creations to be a threat) but as the event happened 2000 years ago (the accident) it doesnt make sense at all. Plus, this bullshit story about the creation of mankind is a recent interest of r.scott, nothing to do with the Alien (1979) story. the screenplay is such a mess : charlize theron has burned one guy of the crew & once he's burned, no ones blame her for that (??). or the first 2 disapearing guys, they're scared of getting into the big room at first and leave the team (like in any pre Scream horror movie) but once lost, they decides to get inside & starts playing with the creatures..

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Guest sirch

why is everything shit nowadays?




is it cos we're all getting older and more jaded? or is it cos these 'classic' directors and writers and getting older and stoopid?


it's a bit like hardcore idm fans still relying on the old skool (feat. artists) to keep delivering the goods time and time again.

when in reality, people just get old, and get shit, out of touch and lazy.

that's just the way it is.. (?)


still gonna go see it anyway.

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