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What sounds like Chiastic Slide?


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I know this is a dumb question but I am dying for some crusty, lopsided, ambient-ish, electro-influenced hip hop that reminds me of Seward, AK the way Chiastic Slide does. Or something at least somewhat similar to the previous description. My brain's map of Chiastic Slide is really threadbare at this point. The real thing is just not cutting the mustard.


(I know the real answer is nothing, but give me some hints pleeeeease. Help a brother out.)

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well ciclisuite ep came out around then, so that's probably your best bet.


Cichlisuite is awesome but it doesn't sound anything like Chiastic Slide.

I mean, stuff made by other people.


I just realized that Burial is probably the closest thing I can think of.

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I'm really at a loss for any other artists having produced anything sounding remotely like chiastic slide (something by Richard Devine maybe?), although Gescom's Key Nell was released around the same time and has chiastic's pummeling mechanical rhythms in abundance.

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old album of mine from 2003. it's from my early buzz days so it's a bit mushy and repetitive, but a lot of it is built from hiphop beats mashed up and processed beyond recognition.

Nice, will check this out.

I'm really at a loss for any other artists having produced anything sounding remotely like chiastic slide (something by Richard Devine maybe?), although Gescom's Key Nell was released around the same time and has chiastic's pummeling mechanical rhythms in abundance.

Richard Devine is an interesting idea. I think he feels a lot more psychedelic/scientific than atmospheric/vibey. But there's definitely some crunchiness to his stuff.


True, in fact Key Nell 4 sounds quite a lot like Cichli. I had that queued up in Grooveshark a couple days ago and I ended up skipping over it for some reason.

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I highly recommend Team Doyobi's 'The Kphanapic Fragments' , it's one of the only albums i've heard that captures some of that epic, emotional but also hard edgy idm vibe that Chiastic slide has. Also some of Mike Dunkley's stuff captures this energy as well. If you've checked out Doyobi before and not been that impressed, you absolutely must give Fragments a try, if not just for the opening track which is if i remember correctly 15 minutes long

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my advice would be to avoid any autechre clones at all cost. nothing can beat them at their own game.

So, try the Gescom eps (keynell remixes, this/that) maybe, or some of their remixes from that time (Dalcan, Impulse)

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I highly recommend Team Doyobi's 'The Kphanapic Fragments' , it's one of the only albums i've heard that captures some of that epic, emotional but also hard edgy idm vibe that Chiastic slide has. Also some of Mike Dunkley's stuff captures this energy as well. If you've checked out Doyobi before and not been that impressed, you absolutely must give Fragments a try, if not just for the opening track which is if i remember correctly 15 minutes long

OK now we're getting warmer. Doyobi is one of those bands I listened to before and I thought they were cool but didn't bother to investigate any further. Also the Autechre remix of their track (can't remember the name & too lazy to google it atm) was awesome. Good call.

my advice would be to avoid any autechre clones at all cost. nothing can beat them at their own game.

So, try the Gescom eps (keynell remixes, this/that) maybe, or some of their remixes from that time (Dalcan, Impulse)

I'm not looking for clones. I'm looking for vibes. Those run throughout all different kinds of music and art and nobody has a monopoly on any of them although obviously some do better than others with certain ones. Good idea w/ the remixes though... their remix of Merzbow's "Ecobondage" is pretty awesome and does sound quite a bit like a Chiastic Slide with some of that weird LP5 mysticism (shrooms?).

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try Quinoline Yellow maybe. a lot of his shit has crunchy beats innit

Yeah, good call. I like "weekendrush" a lot and the album that's from.

Brothomstates - Qtio.


Reminds me (in places) of Chiastic Slide.

Oh yeah. I get that. Good album, but that's another one I've worn pretty damn thin.

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i find it very interesting how protective AE fans are of people inspired by AE or out right called 'clones'


you notice how Aphex twin has thousands of clones and people making music in an inspired style that rarely ever get called out for that?



i hope the Team Doyobi comment didn't spark the Clone response! :emotawesomepm9:

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I highly recommend Team Doyobi's 'The Kphanapic Fragments' , it's one of the only albums i've heard that captures some of that epic, emotional but also hard edgy idm vibe that Chiastic slide has. Also some of Mike Dunkley's stuff captures this energy as well. If you've checked out Doyobi before and not been that impressed, you absolutely must give Fragments a try, if not just for the opening track which is if i remember correctly 15 minutes long

OK now we're getting warmer. Doyobi is one of those bands I listened to before and I thought they were cool but didn't bother to investigate any further. Also the Autechre remix of their track (can't remember the name & too lazy to google it atm) was awesome. Good call.



thanks! i'd be curious what you thought of that album, it's really grown on me over the years

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regardings Ae clones, i wasnt refering to Team Doyobi & Quinoline Yellow (i like both). i just dont relate them at all to err...Chiatic slide even if somehow i see the point. i just remember buying a funkstorung album back in the days, hoping it would sound autechrish & indeed it really sound autechrish, without the magic obviously.

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old album of mine from 2003. it's from my early buzz days so it's a bit mushy and repetitive, but a lot of it is built from hiphop beats mashed up and processed beyond recognition.


Listening now. I'd say it sounds like EP7/Peel Session 2 with just a hint of Chiastic Slide, if you're comparing it to Ae. I'm on "Gerax" which is the best so far, and I think it could be the clincher that gets it a place in my collection.

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Try digging up their "Flex" liveset from 1996 again. And talking about clones, the recently released Autopilot Sto-Lend EP) comes pretty close. The story goes the tracks were made with presets taken from that Flex-set (gettit: the stolen or lend ep) by some other guy.

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'Atol Scrap' by Arovane is not a million miles away in places, slightly less 'industrial' but lots of reverbed out pads and a similar kind of mood.




goddamn...arovane....was so perfect when i was in a deep depression...ill never forget smoking cigarettes in the bathroom alone in the house while tascel 7 played downstairs...

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'Atol Scrap' by Arovane is not a million miles away in places, slightly less 'industrial' but lots of reverbed out pads and a similar kind of mood.


ah, this track pretty much sums up everything i love about early 2000s idm. there was some really great stuff released just before everything went stale.


the ending reminds me of 'nine', so pretty!

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Guest texan whip

try fizzarum's first (and only?) album. proem's first album 'burn plate no.1' is another to try.

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Try digging up their "Flex" liveset from 1996 again. And talking about clones, the recently released Autopilot Sto-Lend EP) comes pretty close. The story goes the tracks were made with presets taken from that Flex-set (gettit: the stolen or lend ep) by some other guy.

haven't listened to this set in a while, but doing this right now and it's just :wtf:

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try fizzarum's first (and only?) album. proem's first album 'burn plate no.1' is another to try.


yes yes yes, fizzarum is very much worth checking out. They also used to have a sound board recording of a live set on their webpage which was mostly unreleased stuff also very good


Try digging up their "Flex" liveset from 1996 again. And talking about clones, the recently released Autopilot Sto-Lend EP) comes pretty close. The story goes the tracks were made with presets taken from that Flex-set (gettit: the stolen or lend ep) by some other guy.

haven't listened to this set in a while, but doing this right now and it's just :wtf:


that story sounds far too good to be true

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