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Charlie Sheen


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this is disgusting. how the fuck is this news. this is the worst shit i've ever seen.


this guy looks like total shit. i mean, it's shocking.




someone needs to help this guy. this is disgusting. or just leave him the fuck alone and keep him out of the spotlight.



even though he's hilarious!

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let me revise my statement:


charlie sheen is seriously awesome, and it's interesting how calm he is with his responses what with the sort of insane side in there. inspiring shit.




but the newslady ... not liking her or the people making this interview happen.





CHARLIE: "All crap. Believe nothing. I will never speak about any of this as long as I'm alive. You're all gonna have to keep towing the same redundant line, guessing wrong. By the way, two wars are in an endless state of sorrow. Egypt about burned to the ground, and all you people care about is my bullshit."

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The dude has gone full-on tweaker.


Here is a really ...entertaining one: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/41824892#41824892


Some great quotes here!


Allow me:




"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending I'm not bitchin a total frickin' rockstar from mars and people can't figure me out... they can't process me, I don't expect them to, you can't process me with a normal brain."


Says he's underpaid at 2-mil an episode and now wants 3 million dollars per episode.





His manner of speaking reminds me of some interviews with Charles Manson.

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I can never tell if he has a really good understanding of what he wants out of life, or is just really really high.


Couldn't have said it any better. Either way, Charlie Sheen is fucking awesome.

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