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Reality Check


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It's hard for me to follow this thread because whole chunks are gone when I come back and then I wonder if I imagined what I'd read...then I ruminate on if and implanted memory is just as good (if not better) than a memory earned "the hard way".


This is really messing with me.

see Tyrell, poke out eyes, hold a white dove


lost, like tears in the rain. :emotawesomepm9:

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It's hard for me to follow this thread because whole chunks are gone when I come back and then I wonder if I imagined what I'd read...then I ruminate on if and implanted memory is just as good (if not better) than a memory earned "the hard way".


This is really messing with me.

see Tyrell, poke out eyes, hold a white dove


lost, like tears in the rain. :emotawesomepm9:

oh i forgot - strip down to your boxers and run about in the dark with carefree abandon

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Guest abusivegeorge

Feels good to finally contribute something to this forum other than my alter ego.





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Once again, I've had to remove off-topic discussion from this thread. Let's keep other current topics out of this or in their own thread, or a PM. Thanks.

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Just throwing it out there - I've virtually not touched the chat or blog? functionality here and have no interest in doing so. My vote would be you can drop that.


As for downloads, would it not be cheaper to seek help from the community here to mirror the downloads on free file hosting sites such as mediafire? In my experience they (mediafire at least) have great speed, file retention and general site uptime. It can be tedious but considering most of the Downloads section seemed to be sourced from members it doesn't seem like a stretch that people would be happy to take the time and bandwidth out once again to do this. I for one would be happy to.


Thank you for your continued efforts on this forum and the website, once upon a time. Been visiting since the joyrex.com days.




Don't forget torrents either. Torrents are virtually free. That said I personally don't have the bandwidth to spare to sit on a torrent for an extended period of time to maintain the seed. My internet plan only allows for 80kb/s upload and I download ~100gb of concerts a month from sites that require me to maintain a ratio.


Those are all ideas we've considered before, the main problem is the Downloads manager that is integrated into the Forum software can't use torrent/external links. We need to have a way to control who gets access to the downloads, otherwise what's the point of having them here as an incentive to be part of the community. A lot of people surprisingly joined just to have access to the Downloads, and then some stayed when they realized it was a great place to discuss the music as well.


Ok well if the download manager is getting in the way I would suggest setting up a subforum where each post is titled with a concert date and venue and the download links for any audio or video recordings, pictures etc are just hotlinked inside in relatively plain text. I have other ideas as to how this could work but I'll leave it at that for now.


I'm not sure if I follow the idea that downloads are mainly used as incentive as joining and being part of the community. Back in the day there was nothing stopping someone setting up some 2 post lurker account purely to have access to the download section and download to their hearts content and then share everything elsewhere and take full credit for it if they were so inclined. That's the worst case scenario of course. As you've said in the last sentence there - whether the downloads are freely accessible to anyone or require a few minutes spent on an account registration page it does not stop people from hitting and quitting the forum once they have that content. Having it around may still expose new people to the rest of this site should they get curious as to how and why all this great media is being shared here. If the subforum was accessible to registered users only then the only change from the old setup is that someone can copy paste the mediafire links to their friends and bypass needing to visit the forum entirely. This strikes me as a scenario that is not going to take the bulk or even a significant minority of traffic away from the forum, particularly if it is set up the way I've suggest with each concert in a separate thread which makes copy/pasting the links elsewhere a tiresome and manual process compared to "hey just sign up for this forum, it is free and you can explore which concerts you want to download yourself."


I bookmarked this reply with the plan to follow up later. It is now like a week later and this thread is enormous and I haven't read through it all so forgive me if the same stuff is said somewhere between pages 5 and 9. Also I haven't slept right in the last two nights so my apologies if that is a pain to read.


Finally getting back to this - I missed your post in dealing with all the off-topic garbage in here.


While your idea has merit, one thing it doesn't allow us is the ease of managing said content - the download manager (especially the new one) that integrates into the forum offers more features than just providing a download link, and I'd like to exploit those benefits fully instead of just a half-hearted effort.

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If keeping the DL section exclusively for members you could always have password protected zips or something like that.


Also I agree that the blog function is useless. Blogs sites like google are free anywhere and if people have a real interest in blogging they can put their link in their sig.

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cheers for pinning this, i was just thinking about having a public complaints/suggestions thread in watmm, and here it is..


Which this is NOT. If you have an issue, either create a thread, or send me a PM.


If keeping the DL section exclusively for members you could always have password protected zips or something like that.


Also I agree that the blog function is useless. Blogs sites like google are free anywhere and if people have a real interest in blogging they can put their link in their sig.


Problem with that, is the password will leak out - too much hassle.


While you might think the blog function is useless, apparently others disagree with you on that point based on usage.

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cheers for pinning this, i was just thinking about having a public complaints/suggestions thread in watmm, and here it is..


Which this is NOT. If you have an issue, either create a thread, or send me a PM.



nah, it'd just look trollish if i created it in the current climate, and it should be public too.

it would be better as subforum than a thread in genban too..

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cheers for pinning this, i was just thinking about having a public complaints/suggestions thread in watmm, and here it is..


Which this is NOT. If you have an issue, either create a thread, or send me a PM.


If keeping the DL section exclusively for members you could always have password protected zips or something like that.


Also I agree that the blog function is useless. Blogs sites like google are free anywhere and if people have a real interest in blogging they can put their link in their sig.


Problem with that, is the password will leak out - too much hassle.


While you might think the blog function is useless, apparently others disagree with you on that point based on usage.


Would there be an easy way to have a dynamic password. One that changes every week/month whatever. The if someone needed it they could pm a mod or something.

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cheers for pinning this, i was just thinking about having a public complaints/suggestions thread in watmm, and here it is..


Which this is NOT. If you have an issue, either create a thread, or send me a PM.


If keeping the DL section exclusively for members you could always have password protected zips or something like that.


Also I agree that the blog function is useless. Blogs sites like google are free anywhere and if people have a real interest in blogging they can put their link in their sig.


Problem with that, is the password will leak out - too much hassle.


While you might think the blog function is useless, apparently others disagree with you on that point based on usage.


Would there be an easy way to have a dynamic password. One that changes every week/month whatever. The if someone needed it they could pm a mod or something.


Nah, too. much. trouble. Thanks for suggesting a solution though!

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Guest hahathhat

each member gets a password to the downloads section that is something like md5("jorex pwnz" . username). this never changes. if it leaks out, it's clear who was to blame, and their account gets axed.

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each member gets a password to the downloads section that is something like md5("jorex pwnz" . username). this never changes. if it leaks out, it's clear who was to blame, and their account gets axed.


That would probably lead to more bannings and more drama surrounding the bannings.

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Guest disparaissant

if itunes drm can be broken, adding someone's username to the md5 or w/e will be useless.

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If someone wanted to hack the shit then they probably could get it. I thought the point was to make it easier for people to get it by joining.


If they join, then we get more memebers \o/

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Guest disparaissant

If someone wanted to hack the shit then they probably could get it. I thought the point was to make it easier for people to get it by joining.


If they join, then we get more memebers \o/

i guess my point is, the only way to make it "easier" to get it is to make it harder for them to get it. if that makes sense.

like, someone will join, get all the downloads, and think "hurrah, upload credit on what.cd!" or "this'll go great on my music blog!" and blammo, all of the sudden it's quite a bit easier for a huge chunk of people to get it there rather than join up here.

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If someone wanted to hack the shit then they probably could get it. I thought the point was to make it easier for people to get it by joining.


If they join, then we get more memebers \o/

i guess my point is, the only way to make it "easier" to get it is to make it harder for them to get it. if that makes sense.

like, someone will join, get all the downloads, and think "hurrah, upload credit on what.cd!" or "this'll go great on my music blog!" and blammo, all of the sudden it's quite a bit easier for a huge chunk of people to get it there rather than join up here.


That could happen anyway.

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Guest Space Coyote

While your idea has merit, one thing it doesn't allow us is the ease of managing said content - the download manager (especially the new one) that integrates into the forum offers more features than just providing a download link, and I'd like to exploit those benefits fully instead of just a half-hearted effort.


Ok fair point but I guess my problem is that we aren't able to use the download manager currently and we have nothing in the way of an alternative. As far as managing content couldn't you just give one or two people access to actually post the links and then have people pm them the mediafire link to check before it gets posted. This is kind of what I thought was being done when CATS was working on the download manager. What other features does the download manager provide that are an absolute must-have?

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Guest the anonymous forumite

I'd be interested to know who actually read the blogs here...

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