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WATMM Fitness Thread


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So for all those who workout with weights, who run long distance, or who want to lose weight, or WHATEVER:


Post your daily/weekly workouts here. Post some questions about working out, nutrition, losing weight, exercises, etc.


I'll try to help out. Personally, I lost 65lbs over a 5-6month span with the help of my GF who actually has a Masters in exercise science, so if anyone has any questions I can help. I think a fitness thread is a good idea because I know a lot of people workout and I know even more people want to start working out and getting into shape.


So yeah,


Post your stuff!


Today for me I did 50 pushups, 100 situps and a 5.36KM run in around 30 minutes. I'm not a juice head or a weight freak, I just do bodyweight exercises and run long distance to stay a lean mean fighting machine.


Post em up.

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Destined to be the most unpopular thread on WATMM.



So, I'm not currently on a fitness regime, but last year I was keeping fit and it basically went as follows:


Two days at gym, one day off.

First day cardio - running, cycling and rowing machine mostly.

Second day weights, rotating between back, legs and arms.



Got my weight training routine from here, changed it up quite often so I didn't get bored.


Also had a diet which basically consisted of food I liked, but healthier alternatives, like turkey rashers or grilled back bacon, low salt/sugar beans, replace beef mince with turkey. Still tasty eating without being bland. Cut out sweets, replaced completely with fruit, except for the odd treat.


Lost a stone in the first three weeks I was on this routine and felt great.


Kinda fell off the rails massively this year, but fuck it.

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i run 4 miles 5 days a week. Lift few days a week. I eat lean meats, fruits, veg. I love being fit.

but when i binge i binge. Until Im sick

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i run 4 miles 5 days a week. Lift few days a week. I eat lean meats, fruits, veg. I love being fit.

Mine is similar. My weekly routine that i usually stick to is:


Monday - Football

Tuesday - Spinning class/lifting

Wednesday - Football

Thursday - Run 6 miles

Friday - n/a

Saturday Run 6 miles

Sunday - Swim/lifting/treadmill


My wife goes to the gym a lot so I join her for spinning and swimming. Been thinking about doing a circuits or bodycombat class cos I don't really do weights properly.


Lost over a stone since january, got another 1 to go!

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I need to do more cardio for sure. I usually walk to the park (2 miles 1 way) and let my son play for an hour, then walk back about 3 times a week. so that's the only cardio I get.


I don't have weights. I used to use the bow flex where I used to work daily. But now I do 100 pushups every other day and I use my bungee for my bicep, shoulder, and back excersizes in between. I do 300 situps a day. 150 in the morning when I wake up, and 150 in the evening.


I do watch what I eat, but I have a cookies n' cream ice cream deficiency. I can eat a whole tub in one night! So I tell my wife not to buy it when she does grocery shopping. and chocolate chip cookies too. I have a deficiency for them too.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

just started again and had a week of acidmuscles

back tomorrow for more pain!

only weights and some minor cycling (100km/week)


why do people do "cardio" in a gym? i see these guys coming by car even tho they live 3km from there to than sit 1 hour on a bike or treadmill in an airconditioned/unhealthy environment. Usually wearing fancy hightec air resistant ultralight clothing lol. God i hate those fags

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Guest Ricky Downtown

my exercise routine consists of walking to the store to buy cigarettes and going outside to smoke cigarettes

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why do people do "cardio" in a gym? i see these guys coming by car even tho they live 3km from there to than sit 1 hour on a bike or treadmill in an airconditioned/unhealthy environment. Usually wearing fancy hightec air resistant ultralight clothing lol. God i hate those fags

exactly what i was about to post, surely running somewhere however boring it is is more interesting than running in one place like a some kind of douchebag


i do 50 pushups every day, but i've been stuck with this number for months now..

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Guest disparaissant

i p. much just do yoga and walk 3.5 miles a night.

i mean, it's for work, but heyo, that counts.

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why do people do "cardio" in a gym? i see these guys coming by car even tho they live 3km from there to than sit 1 hour on a bike or treadmill in an airconditioned/unhealthy environment. Usually wearing fancy hightec air resistant ultralight clothing lol. God i hate those fags

exactly what i was about to post, surely running somewhere however boring it is is more interesting than running in one place like a some kind of douchebag


i do 50 pushups every day, but i've been stuck with this number for months now..


I see this point of view, but also running on a treadmill regardless of how boring it is does a lot less damage to the knees than running on pavement.

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Personally, I lost 65lbs over a 5-6month span with the help of my GF who actually has a Masters in exercise science, so if anyone has any questions I can help.

i've got a question--i started watching my caloric intake, and limited it to ~1200/day. my intention was to keep track of calories and start a workout program, but i got really busy at work and couldn't exercise but once a week for the first few weeks. the weight was just peeling off. once i had time i began walking daily (~3.5 mi/hr for 45 min.), and since then i've stopped losing weight and i'm wondering why.


i still need to lose ~20 lbs for a healthy BMI, so it's not like i've hit my ideal weight or anything. is this just a plateau that i'll eventually push past, or is it a "muscle weighs more than fat" situation?

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got a month long free pass to fitness first, plan to go with my friends who in he past month has turned into a gym addict, i need to get fit and while in dorset i ran up very steep hill to impress the wifey and felt great afterwards and want that feeling again.


i use to be in a swimming squad, and the training was 3 times a week for a 90 minutes, the training consisted of 30 minutes of straight swimming switching between strokes then a bit of technique improving (only swimming with legs or arms etc), i was in amazing shape and had a great bod'

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my plan:



wake up, cereal, no sugar on cereal. take a b100 vitamin and fish oil



lunch, healthy , nothing sweet


snack: a couple cookies


dinner: seomthing healthy


snack: something sweet but not alot



really limiting the sugar and watcing portions of food. after awhile you might not want to finish your whole meal, so don't


and then i ride my exercise bike for i dunno 2 hours a day?




i've lost 25 pounds in 3 months?


\and i'm continuing to lose weight. once you get the ball rolling it's quite simple as long as you stay at it





i'm still not where i want to be so gotta keep going.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

eating no sugars and riding your bike for 2 hours a day is a tuff way to commit suicide.

but you will succeed after some time!

if you want to burn fat your better of walking or jogging really slow. And just eat normal.


sure the catabolic way of depleting yourself will work but it backfires after a while. (getting tired, poor blood levels, more injuries,...)

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Personally, I lost 65lbs over a 5-6month span with the help of my GF who actually has a Masters in exercise science, so if anyone has any questions I can help.

i've got a question--i started watching my caloric intake, and limited it to ~1200/day. my intention was to keep track of calories and start a workout program, but i got really busy at work and couldn't exercise but once a week for the first few weeks. the weight was just peeling off. once i had time i began walking daily (~3.5 mi/hr for 45 min.), and since then i've stopped losing weight and i'm wondering why.


i still need to lose ~20 lbs for a healthy BMI, so it's not like i've hit my ideal weight or anything. is this just a plateau that i'll eventually push past, or is it a "muscle weighs more than fat" situation?


Well exercising and limiting your caloric intake at 1200 a day is not a smart thing to do. You see your body needs energy to workout and to burn fatty tissue. When I say diet, I generally mean you should watch what you eat and try to eat healthier, but do not limit your intake. Stay at the interval in which it is healthy for you, so for men that is around 2000-2500. If you limit your intake, you won't have enough energy to exercise. Also, if you really want to lose weight you need to increase your heart rate because the more your heart pumps blood around your body the more fat is burned. Hence why cardio involves getting your heart rate up. Don't get me wrong, walking 3.5 miles is good and all, but in order to lose more weight you have to step up the ante a bit.


You should also intertwine some weight or bodyweight exercises such as pushups, chin ups, squats, crunches, planks, etc, in order to build muscle. Even though muscle weighs more than fat, it will burn more fat throughout the day than just doing cardio. If you stick to just doing cardio, then you will lose muscle mass and become a stick.

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oh i also occasionally bust out the one tai chi routine i know how to do as well. relaxing!

Busting it,Yang style.Nice. :smile:

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eating no sugars and riding your bike for 2 hours a day is a tuff way to commit suicide.

but you will succeed after some time!

if you want to burn fat your better of walking or jogging really slow. And just eat normal.


sure the catabolic way of depleting yourself will work but it backfires after a while. (getting tired, poor blood levels, more injuries,...)

well i do have some sugar...impossible to give that up entirely but i watch what i eat definitely :nyan:

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