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it's like the last decade never happened


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Guest Rambo

I actually know what he's talking about for some reason. Another thing i feel like, maybe it's just me, but it feels like the 60's, 70's, 80's and even most of the 90's seemed to have a much stronger identity. In those other decades it feels like they each have their own clear look and sound.


It seems to me that at some point during the mid to late 90's (funnily coinciding with the web taking off) virtually everything in music and fashion became a mish mash of the previous few decades. "new" stuff seemed to come out of doing that but not unique to the extent that things felt unique in the previous decades. It almost feels like we're saturating the possibilities or something, until science and technology explodes into a whole new sphere of possibility that just wont make sense to regular humans. It's like getting came on when your straight.

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I actually know what he's talking about for some reason. Another thing i feel like, maybe it's just me, but it feels like the 60's, 70's, 80's and even most of the 90's seemed to have a much stronger identity. In those other decades it feels like they each have their own clear look and sound.


It seems to me that at some point during the mid to late 90's (funnily coinciding with the web taking off) virtually everything in music and fashion became a mish mash of the previous few decades. "new" stuff seemed to come out of doing that but not unique to the extent that things felt unique in the previous decades. It almost feels like we're saturating the possibilities or something, until science and technology explodes into a whole new sphere of possibility that just wont make sense to regular humans. It's like getting came on when your straight.


Yeah, I have to remind myself that 99/00 was literally ten years ago. I think I'm actually moving past it, it feels like awhile ago, but just not as "distinctly" different as the 80's/90's split. That said, early 90s/late 80s is pretty similar, as is late 90s/00s.


Personally, I tend to categorize things based on where I was living.

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Guest uptown devil

i remember the 90's feeling this way at first as well, almost surreal that it had just happened. i think we just need more distance from the last decade before we can start associating it with a general theme, feeling nostalgic, etc.

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Honestly, I think this mentality is because of what of the time some of us have lost to the internet. Pre-internet, we went outside and did things every day and had meaningful real-life experiences. Now most peoples intellectual stimulation is anecdotal, fed into our brains on a spoon, without having to work for it, and this makes life less memorable.

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Honestly, I think this mentality is because of what of the time some of us have lost to the internet. Pre-internet, we went outside and did things every day and had meaningful real-life experiences. Now most peoples intellectual stimulation is anecdotal, fed into our brains on a spoon, without having to work for it, and this makes life less memorable.


speak for yourself :P

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Honestly, I think this mentality is because of what of the time some of us have lost to the internet. Pre-internet, we went outside and did things every day and had meaningful real-life experiences. Now most peoples intellectual stimulation is anecdotal, fed into our brains on a spoon, without having to work for it, and this makes life less memorable.


speak for yourself :P

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Honestly, I think this mentality is because of what of the time some of us have lost to the internet. Pre-internet, we went outside and did things every day and had meaningful real-life experiences. Now most peoples intellectual stimulation is anecdotal, fed into our brains on a spoon, without having to work for it, and this makes life less memorable.


speak for yourself :P

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i remember the 90's feeling this way at first as well, almost surreal that it had just happened. i think we just need more distance from the last decade before we can start associating it with a general theme, feeling nostalgic, etc.


yea I think this is right on, it takes more time to have a bit more perspective on the decade as a whole. in time the 00's will be viewed as a decade in which an extreme amount of things took place. we probably crammed 30 years into those 10.

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the disconnect that many of us are feeling with regards the 90s - can't help but equate with what happened in the 70s; all the flower children ended up getting fucked up on coke and giving us everything from the worst of prog to steely dan and everything in between.


we are perhaps mid-witnessing a similar fragmentation of style with regards to modern electronic music. and perhaps ecstasy is to blame but who the fuck knows?

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I read a novel that was written in 1996 recently.


In it, the hero goes to a large library to research an evil company that he is grappling with.

The phones in the story are only landlines, and crucial plot points revolve around people answering the phone without knowing who is ringing them (no caller id).


Similarly, when I first read Harry Potter, the scenes with the Dursleys seemed contemporary. When you read it again now, the lack of internets, texting and phones in the muggle world (spoilt Dudley would surely be wired in to the net up to his eyeballs?) are very conspicuous. So Harry Potter now has the ring of something set in the past. Children who are 8 or 10 now reading it will not identify so strongly as children did a decade ago.


The period from about 95/98 to about 2005/2008 brought about massive changes to the way we interact with each other and get information about the world.

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There was a technological/social wave especially with music in the 90's that was akin to the 60's in a lot of ways but I think the wave broke around 2001 and things haven't progressed much since then other than appalling fashion but the internet did gave way to a massive information access and a loss of focus on any one culture but as a result music is far more widespread and better for it in many ways.


Drukqs is only just starting to sound a little cliched and dated now but if you compare it to ten years before that then the advancement is huge.



The 00's - the decade where people spent ten years unsuccessfully seeking the decades identity and are still unsure of how to name it even now.

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