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I broke my face


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I had my LA housewarming party planned for 2pm today. Beforehand, I figured I would go on my favorite bike ride this morning above and around the Hollywood Reservoir and back. At the very bottom of the hill, I rode threw a puddle and about 10 feet later, my back tire skid out... and that is all I remember.


I was woken up shortly after by a guy who found me unconscious in the road. He asked me if I was ok and if I needed an ambulance. I asked if I was in the bushes. I must have been dreaming that I was laying in some bushes or flowers. I also felt extremely nauseous, so I asked him if I vomited. He said no and said I should try and move out of the road. He he helped me up and into someone's driveway and called an ambulance for me.


Long story short. I was badly scraped up on my arms, legs and shoulder, couldn't walk on my left heel and had some impact to my head/face. In the hospital, I got cleaned up, x-rayed, cat-scanned and bandaged. They determined I broke 2 bones in my face. It doesn't look that bad. It is sore and hurts a bit to smile big or to eat crunchy food, otherwise, you wouldn't even guess.

They prescribed me some antibiotics and hydrocodone (vicodin) gave me crutches too. It is a really good thing I had a helmet on. I could be dead.


Also, I was about 40 minutes late, but I made it to my party! I made guacamole and mostly sat. I was disappointed that I couldn't swim in the pool, but it was fun. I think my bike might be fucked. I'll probably be ok.





on a side note, they gave me a disc with my cat-scan images, but they are all weird extensions like dll and shit. I can't open them and wanted to post them to facebook or make an art project with them or something. Any tips?

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dude that sounds nuts! seriously glad you are ok. did you have a concussion? what happened to your heel? I suppose you will be watmming a lot for a bit. get well jefferoo!

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Guest the anonymous forumite

It is a really good thing I had a helmet on. I could be dead.


For real. Glad you're ok.


Bicycle Helmets are the gayest thing ever, but it can save your life indeed.

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Drink plenty of fruit juice or you'll end up with codeine constipation as well.


this too. I just had percocets from my surgery and let me tell you, being constipated with 12 staples in your lower back and not being able to sit on the bowl was not fun. drink lots of water and go get some kashi and fiber bars too. for real.

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Arriving fashionably late with minor injuries is quite badass. In all seriousness though, helmets are the shit and I'm glad you're OK.

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Guest Rambo

remember that time you held a fart in when you were in a elevator? This is because of that. That's why you broke your face.

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It is a really good thing I had a helmet on.

definitely this. get better soon, man, and good to hear it wasn't any worse than it was!


as far as the .dll files or whatever odd filetype—maybe you could interpret it as raw data files in photoshop and get something that way? i don't have a lot of experience with that but worth a shot i suppose.


being constipated with 12 staples in your lower back and not being able to sit on the bowl


is this a quote from dante's inferno?

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breaking the face happens to the best of us! sounds like a nice dream you were having in the road there, and i'm glad to hear you're doing well (and have insurance - that's always been the true downfall of my great falls). cheers jeff, keep wearin' that gay helmet.

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Thanks guys. Yer all schweethartz



did you have a concussion? what happened to your heel?

Definite cuncussion. I'm not sure what happened to the heel. My guess is that i bruised the bone and thats why it hurts to walk on it.

Unfortunately, I don't remember anything after the rear wheel of my bike skidding. It's super crazy to wake up and find out you are all kinds of messed up and you're not where you thought you were. I don't know if I was skidding to avoid someone or something, or of it was just that my tire was wet. It's kinda like I was abducted by aliens.




pics or gtfo

Dood. I'm working on it. I took a few in the mirror last night.


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Glad you're alright.


Wearing your helmet while riding your bike is about as IDM as it gets.


Funny thing, I knew someone else who broke his face in a biking accident. He was drunk at a soccer game in Germany, and decided to bike home, and after a couple second on the bike landed face first. He needed to stay in the hospital for about 2 weeks while they repaired his cheek bone.

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Last night, some dick tried to kill me by intentionally making a left turn in front of me, while I was doing about 45k... no respect :\


Also, I got a flat tire and had to walk home 7 km. :\


Didn't break any bones though. :D

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