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it's too late ding. we've all witnessed how little discernment you have. there's nothing you can do to fix that.

the committee will now decide whether to expel you for your blatant lack of aesthetic taste and the overall poor quality of the content you share on this platform. i'd advise you to be very careful what you post in the meantime as you're skating on thin ice. 


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thought of posting this in the sax thread but the peasants over there won't fully appreciate this sweet nectar so i choose the intelligentsia headquarters instead. with some luck we might educate ding in the process and put him on the path to redemption 


no idea why the thumbnail won't show. the video works though

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12 hours ago, dingformung said:

Ok forget this, this gets pretty annoying after a while.

I think I managed to stand about 5 minutes of a concert of his once. And I *like* repetitive music made with electronic trickery.

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1 hour ago, splesh said:

Some free jazz/free improv women, as requested. Most of these have said woman playing with other people.

Nicole Rampersaud is a great trumpet player more people should know

Susie Ibarra is a great drummer/percussionist

Germaine Liu is a drummer/percussionist who should be more widely appreciated; she composes and plays composed pieces, too. She and Bea who appears below also appear on a newly recorded album of William Parker's



Karen Borca is a great jazz bassoonist who got her start playing with the likes of Cecil Taylor and then played a bunch with Jimmy Lyons



Kayla Milmine is a super talented saxophone player more people should know


Joelle Leandre is a French bassist/cellist/vocalist


Andrea Neumann and Bonnie Jones both do improvised electronics as well as some other things


Christine Abdelnour is a saxophonist and Magda Mayas is a piano player

Liz Allbee plays trumpet



Karen Ng is a saxophonist/clarinetist who should have more recognition


stolen from this post^

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kind of a mixed bag that herbie tune actually. most of if is unbearable cheese. the rest is pure gold, especially the solo at 4:04. but the cheese, ugh


from the dude who played the sax solo in mario kart 8: 



tasty cheese: 










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