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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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oh yeah and my housemate apologized for eating my food and replaced some of the stuff he snuck :sup:

that's good, but be careful. i had a housemate once who would take my food until i laid the law down. he was contrite and replaced some food, but thought that his reparations gave him license to return to his mooching ways.

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oh yeah and my housemate apologized for eating my food and replaced some of the stuff he snuck :sup:

that's good, but be careful. i had a housemate once who would take my food until i laid the law down. he was contrite and replaced some food, but thought that his reparations gave him license to return to his mooching ways.


ugh, exactly. I'm going through this right now as a matter of fact. The bastard,,,

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for real, the food scenario might easily slip back into "oops, I didn't know that was yours!" territory again... but i can be pretty confrontational without being damaging if the need arises. DIPLOMACY


in anti-FWP news, first day of the school quarter started today and the guy sitting next to me in calculus offered to send me the .pdf of the the entire three-quarter calc text so i wouldn't have to buy it. this was after the teacher publicly encouraged those of us who didn't have the text yet to "do some investigation and see if you can't just...acquire it on the internet." just opened the file, it works beautifully. now my $200 can go to rent. take that, fuckers!

Edited by luke viia
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Thanks—it doesn't itch or ooze or do anything that gross—it's not even really rough to the touch or anything. I'll check out cortisone-containing ointments for it though, and stop by the doctor if it tries to eat me.

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I'm at work, but I'd much rather be at home relaxing. This happens on a regular basis. Please help.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I wanted some coco pops but the amount left in the box would make for an unsatisfying meal. I'm just not living in a world where I can make that trip and pay inflated 24 hour garage prices either. Making do with fruit and fibre, which is alright, but not why I went to the kitchen.

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I had a fell out with one of my co-workers today. Probably due to both of us being a bit too stressed out. Now we probably have to be "enemies" for a while.


Sucks since I have to work with the guy every single minute of the day.



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you'll have to say something to attempt to resolve it then


'we were both stressed out so let's forget about it cause we have to work with each other every minute of the day' etc.


my problem is not having enough banter-style piss taking abilities and i was told i should flirt more with female customers. also, if i feel like singing, apparently i should. i never feel like singing. not terrible really, i'll just try to relax and be more casual :derp:

Edited by tauboo
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you'll have to say something to attempt to resolve it then


'we were both stressed out so let's forget about it cause we have to work with each other every minute of the day' etc.


Yeah you're right.


But I don't wanna be all sorry like. It was him who got pissed about absolutely nothing.


I know it sounds childish, but he should be the one saying something to make it right since he started it. I'm sick of always have to take shit from people.



my problem is not having enough banter-style piss taking abilities and i was told i should flirt more with female customers. also, if i feel like singing, apparently i should. i never feel like singing. not terrible really, i'll just try to relax and be more casual :derp:


lol.. What exactly are you doing?

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i saw a commis chef job ad for Hooters that said you have to like singing loudly and out of tune. ridiculous requirement but probably a good way to prevent party poopers like me applying. i'd be at the interview and they'd say 'give us one strength and one weakness', id be like 'my strength is i can only sing out of tune, weakness is that i don't want to do it, especially loudly'

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you'll have to say something to attempt to resolve it then


'we were both stressed out so let's forget about it cause we have to work with each other every minute of the day' etc.


my problem is not having enough banter-style piss taking abilities and i was told i should flirt more with female customers. also, if i feel like singing, apparently i should. i never feel like singing. not terrible really, i'll just try to relax and be more casual :derp:


lol a clear sign that you don't live in America. Over here they'd be all "Helloooooo Mr. Lawsuit"

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I always assume girls are interested in me beyond friendship if they're really friendly to me. Kinda silly especially since i work with a lot of depressingly beautiful women. One particular girl at work just makes me fall to pieces whenever i see her simply because we've had a few good conversations.

I'm such a retard when it comes to women, i sometimes wonder how i've even managed to get girlfriends in the past :wtf:

Edited by modey
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