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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I just had the worst fucking night


my korg nano kontrol has been broken for a year plus, because the USB connector broke off after like a month of regular, non-abusive use (hint: there's a reason they're fucking cheap)

tonight I tried to repair it, and as the solder pads were completely shot, I just spent like 4 hours trying to solder wires to a female mini USB socket (I lost the old one) that I salvaged tonight. It didn't work, I burnt my fingers to shit, and when I was just trying to ragequit, I pulled the soldering pen's plug out, and received the worst shock of my life. basically just one step below full on electrocution.

fuck fucking fuck shit ass cocks. I am buying a new one and stealing the pots of this one just to spite it.

Edited by ganus
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My lips are dry as fuck and I have no chap stick handy. It's bringing me down baby, down to Chinatown.


Maybe not entirely a first world problem though, as I'm pretty certain starving african kids must also suffer from chapped lips. When they're not being filmed for Sky adverts that is.

Chapped lips probably aren't their first priority, though, so that is indeed a rough first world problem.

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I just wanted to go to the swimming pool for a few laps and sauna afterwards and was really looking forward for the relaxation. But those fuckers sent me home, reason being: they´re closing in 1 1/2 hrs and they only sell 2h tickets. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:



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I just wanted to go to the swimming pool for a few laps and sauna afterwards and was really looking forward for the relaxation. But those fuckers sent me home, reason being: they´re closing in 1 1/2 hrs and they only sell 2h tickets. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:




That is stupid. Although i can see what was going on. They didn't want you still swimming around when they wanted to close up, as customers tend to selfishly do (not suggesting that you would). OR they're lazy bums that want to finish early to go drinkin'.

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i just got back to my place from hanging out with one of my...three? friends in new york since i moved here in 2009, and now i'm going to hang out with another one of those three friends in an hour or so, but:


1. i got high and now i'm paranoid about leaving, and


2. i don't know if my friend #1 will be able to join me because he has a girlfriend with needs now, so

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Gotta wake up 3 hours earlier than I'm accustomed to, and every other time I've had to do that I've wound up not being able to sleep until even later than usual (ie. I'm looking forward to a 2 hour sleep tonight, and have a feeling tomorrow's going to be a long horrible day because of it).

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I just wanted to go to the swimming pool for a few laps and sauna afterwards and was really looking forward for the relaxation. But those fuckers sent me home, reason being: they´re closing in 1 1/2 hrs and they only sell 2h tickets. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:




That is stupid. Although i can see what was going on. They didn't want you still swimming around when they wanted to close up, as customers tend to selfishly do (not suggesting that you would). OR they're lazy bums that want to finish early to go drinkin'.

no they´re just lazy, they were opened for 3hrs yesterday and apparently decided to close after the first half...

I´m just annoyed, because that was the third time I tried to get in there.

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Guest disparaissant

i did really really well on my french midterm. like 102% well. and we're going to spend the whole class reviewing it. so i would skip but i have to get a ride anyways at 7 am, 4 hours before class even starts uggggh

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i've spent the past 4 hours trying to get the dvd-rom on my old computer to recognize burnt dvds (regular ones works just fine for some reason) in order to install windows on it. updated firmware, changed ide cables, messed about in the registry, nothing works. so then i tried deamon tools to install windows from there, but apparently you can't mount a 64bit image from a 32bit os. FUCK THIS SHIT.


also im out of smokes AND coffee.

Edited by data
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I just wanted to go to the swimming pool for a few laps and sauna afterwards and was really looking forward for the relaxation. But those fuckers sent me home, reason being: they´re closing in 1 1/2 hrs and they only sell 2h tickets. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:




That's just German efficiency at work.

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I can't find affordable, well-designed dining chairs for the new monster 12 person table my buddy built for my sunroom.



Oh, you said well-designed.

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