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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest viscosity

Ready for a Root Canal!


they give nitrous oxide for that i hope?


feel like steinvord would compliment this experience well


yeah, they didn't put me out for mine. =(


me neither. they didn't even give me vicodine, what the hell.


actually wasn't all that bad.. doesn't feel swollen or anything

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i have a pathological need to be in a relationship even though i am terrible at them


you sound like some kind of human or something

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just got a job. have had to accept due to money issues even though i don't want to be doing what the job entails and the salary is much less than i was on before i was made redundant.


but it's more money than the dole so i guess it's a good thing...



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fucking sales/telesales :( official title is Business Development Manager. i hate sales. happen to be quite good at it, but i fucking hate it lol.


ah well, i'll just have to keep the lilac chinos in mind every day as a goal to strive for...


ah fuck it, probably be alright for a bit. keep my eye out for other, better jobs whilst i'm there innit.

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Guest disparaissant

this is a major social (societal? I've never liked using that word) problem.



i'm in a position where i have to choose between two good friends or one girlfriend.

and my need to be in a relationship is winning out.

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i have my first chance to play on a 20,000k funktion 1 soundsystem tonight, supporting some amazing techno dj's, but ive been completely unable to recover all my music and instead of feeling like im going to blow everyones minds with some new shit they havent heard before, ive been left with a bunch of, still amazing, but tunes that ive played plenty of times already over the last few months.

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I am trying to fill a metaphysical void with very material hamburgers


it's a bit of a kludge












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I think it's finally time for me to switch from cheap business trousers to jeans. I've pretty much worn trousers exclusively for the past 10 years; and tend to go through a couple of pairs every 6 months. The reason why I should probably switch to jeans is because I keep busting the seam at the seat of my trousers. Maybe I'm just not sewing them back up properly, but it keeps happening and it pisses me off!

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Guest jasondonervan

Got my server streaming music nicely to my AV receiver. Playback is great, fast loading (using ethernet) and have got my iPhone acting as a controller/browser too. However, I can't rewind, fast forward or pause whatever track I'm listening to. If I want to pause I can grab the AV remote, but rwd/fwd are out of bounds. Kinda takes the shine off of an otherwise perfect setup.

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Guest couch

I havent seen Prometheus yet because I can't get anybody to go with me and I don't want to go see it alone. :(



I've managed to remain spoiler free and have only seen the trailers once when they first came out.

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Guest disparaissant

i spent like six hours messing around with CDMA Workshop and QPST trying to dump my phone's memory so i could get my MSL code and root it.

no dice. kept getting memory logs that were just 0s and Fs. no useful data.

finally decided to just call virgin mobile and ask nicely and they had zero problems telling me it.

wasted a whole day just so i could get rid of ads in angry birds and install helvetica as my system font.

i am a giant loser.

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I have a strange sensation of having recently swallowed a pill without water, but I have not done that recently. That feeling's just been in my throat right now for the last half hour or so. I'm chalking it up to the late night coffee mocha I had a couple hours ago mixed with the couple glasses of champagne I had prior to that. This post is weird.

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Guest EleminoP

someone insulted me in a first world problems thread on the internet :(

sorry, you're not really.

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^ I used to get that a lot in the mornings about 5 years ago. I recently theorised it may have been my tonsils. tonsils are lymphatic and play a role in immune response, right? I think it was a case of my body fighting off infection


Interesting. I like this theory that my body was actually doing something useful!

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