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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I just had some reheated coffee from yesterday, and it wasn't that good.


I was gonna do that, but decided against it. There was a slight oily film on top. Beginnings of something mouldy me thoughts.


(decaf everybody twas decaf)

Reheating day-old decaf sounds like the most pointless thing in the entire universe


caffeine is an evil drug. You are a spawn of the devil, pusherman.

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I just had some reheated coffee from yesterday, and it wasn't that good.


I was gonna do that, but decided against it. There was a slight oily film on top. Beginnings of something mouldy me thoughts.


(decaf everybody twas decaf)

Reheating day-old decaf sounds like the most pointless thing in the entire universe



caffeine is an evil drug. You are a spawn of the devil, pusherman.

Actually I thought it's pointless to drink instant decaf (i assume it's instant; is there any other kind of decaf?).. I've never had good instant coffee.

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I just had some reheated coffee from yesterday, and it wasn't that good.


I was gonna do that, but decided against it. There was a slight oily film on top. Beginnings of something mouldy me thoughts.


(decaf everybody twas decaf)

Reheating day-old decaf sounds like the most pointless thing in the entire universe



caffeine is an evil drug. You are a spawn of the devil, pusherman.

Actually I thought it's pointless to drink instant decaf (i assume it's instant; is there any other kind of decaf?).. I've never had good instant coffee.


Why would i reheat day old decaf man ? That would mean the coffee was poured into the cup and then left there overnight before i thought about reheating it. extra gross.


No it's filter coffee. There's heaps of decaf filter coffees out there.

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my girlfriend split from me for real

I missed one bus and nearly caused the next one to crash

I am having trouble functioning because I have been getting around four hours sleep because I am trying to suit smoking weed

this in turn is making my eyes sting

Got called into work early for the third time in a row because everyone around me is useless an keeps on getting sick. I've worked here for three years and have been sick once



I will run out of booze and cigarettes and shit will get very ugly

I will get a small amount of money which will go on booze cigarettes (look I just need them for now they are back up vices I actually don't smoke that much) and my transport card which will leave nothing for food but hey fuck eating

I will get called in to work again after another apocalyptic nightmare like last night that somehow managed to scare the fuck out of me

I will not get any sleep

I might lose my house


Yeah whine whine I know. Shit will get better when I get a tank with a laser on it like in tank hero laser wars

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Sorry I'm being such a Bitch about this its just so much shit. Thanks a lot though guys, I actually really do appreciate the concern

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Sorry I'm being such a Bitch about this its just so much shit. Thanks a lot though guys, I actually really do appreciate the concern

I know how it feels. My last breakup destroyed me; I'm only just getting better now, over a year later.


You should come visit Melbourne soon. Maybe we could play a gig together, just like old times!

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Cheers everyone :) much appreciated. I'd love to go to melb mate but one of my various problems is I have no money. Like I'm hoping I get my tax return hell quick so I can pay the rent lol


and Delet! Long time no words my friend, how have you been?



Edit; I would love me some ethanol lol. As it is I just have cask white at home. Oh you best believe I'm gonna get stuck into that when I get back

Edited by od++
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i'm on the gin tonight (mineral water and apple and cranberry, the accompaniments. a two week holiday, the most time off i've had in five years !! ppl here don't really get what actual working is all about methinks, desk penis' or students in the main, upper rust, pointless grist that never met the mill).


I don't see though how you can have no money if you are working and picking up other pplz shifts. Sure i am no great model of financial reflection for the unbalanced. Nevertheless, if rents are too much, move away from the city. Cook your own food. Many things etc.


heh. soz man. you're awesome, and not taking the piss.


Just about to go on a Jason Statham marathon. Starting with Death Race.

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jesus christ, i was forced to perform a trick in front of a huge crowd in a park today. i had such extreme stagefright that i couldnt understand simple english (instructions), the dude asked if i understand english and i said no... i fucked up the trick too and spilled some of my drink on myself (the trick was spinning the pint so that it goes upside down, without spilling), i did it before the countdown too (so had to do it again.. and did it before the countdown again, but successfully). i feel like i've been raped in public.


(they gave me £6 to get another drink though (i didnt actually spill that much), yes i was drinking a pint of pimms that cost £6..)




im never going outside again

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the trick was spinning the pint so that it goes upside down, without spilling


have you ever performed said trick successfully? sounds a bit hard...

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yeah the second attempt was successful, but it's more impressive with a full glass


but i don't think i explained the trick that well there

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i'm on the gin tonight (mineral water and apple and cranberry, the accompaniments. a two week holiday, the most time off i've had in five years !! ppl here don't really get what actual working is all about methinks, desk penis' or students in the main, upper rust, pointless grist that never met the mill).


I don't see though how you can have no money if you are working and picking up other pplz shifts. Sure i am no great model of financial reflection for the unbalanced. Nevertheless, if rents are too much, move away from the city. Cook your own food. Many things etc.


heh. soz man. you're awesome, and not taking the piss.


Just about to go on a Jason Statham marathon. Starting with Death Race.


Haha yeah I hear ya man but removalists cost money I don't have, and I can't get any loans because I'm paying off my now exs fucking credit card debt which we plan to shift over to get but not sure if its possible because she has bad credit as it is which is thy the loan was in my name in the first place.

Its all very irritating because I am actually very responsible with money. I make my own sandwiches for work and cook heaps of cheap shit its just a few key things have fallen away and left me in a mess. I can fix it it will just take a lot of time and patience.


Oh and also? I work at an arcade so pretty shithouse money to begin with. I love the job so much but such as in relationships sometimes love just don't cut it and you gotta find something else involving a desk

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