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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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We were in love, I told her things my own mother didn't know about me. I decided our relationship had reached the point where it's time to take things to the next level..and meet in person


Long story short I met Chris Hansen.

Edited by roasty
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Incredibly, the new iOS map app is worse than I imagined. I live in downtown Los Angeles. When inputting my address, the app disregards the zip code and instead gives a result for an entirely different zip code 20 miles away in San Pedro.


There does not appear to be a way to tell the app that it actually should not disregard the fucking zip code I entered.


If apple doesn't allow google maps on the App Store, I will never buy another fucking apple product again.


:Zombie Steve Jobs rolls eyes at post and sez zip codes should go the way of the floppy disk and that i should be grateful to be relocated to San Pedro:

Edited by baph
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Incredibly, the new iOS map app is worse than I imagined. I live in downtown Los Angeles. When inputting my address, the app disregards the zip code and instead gives a result for an entirely different zip code 20 miles away in San Pedro.


There does not appear to be a way to tell the app that it actually should not disregard the fucking zip code I entered.


If apple doesn't allow google maps on the App Store, I will never buy another fucking apple product again.


:Zombie Steve Jobs rolls eyes at post and sez zip codes should go the way of the floppy disk and that i should be grateful to be relocated to San Pedro:

I'm holding back on ios6 for this very reason. Though, the browser-based version of google maps is pretty good.

I think I'm gonna switch to android once my 4 iphone dies though. I've been seeing more and more cool things on my friends' samsung phones and getting kinda envious imo.

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it didn't, but then i did have a 3+ hr layover in st. paul's airport, which is basically a giant mall surrounded by flying machines, where everything is priced at 250% retail. they had bars, but i drank water from the drinking fountain because $9 beer is a whole nother fwp

Edited by luke viia
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I'm like

weirdly in love with the crazy faced chick from the overly obsessive girlfriend memes

she doesn't even look crazy to me, just really excited about something

I'm weird and she's ridiculously cute


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fwp 1 is my laptop screen turns black when it boots up so i have to use safe mode w/ networking which makes everything stretched and pixelated.


fwp 2 is i have an internal hemorrhoid and am afraid to take a shit.

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Guest disparaissant

i have to read judith butler:


'To do, to dramatize, to reproduce, these seem to be some of the elementary structures of embodiment. This doing of gender is not merely a way in which embodied agents are exterior, surfaced, open to the perception of others. Embodiment clearly manifests a set of strategies or what Sartre would perhaps have called a style of being or Foucault, a "stylistics of existence." This style is never fully self-styled, for for living styles have a history, and that history conditions and limits possibilities. Consider gender, for instance, as a corporeal style, an "act," as it were, which is both intentional and performative, where "performative" itself carries the double meaning of "dramatic" and "non-referential."'







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I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.


The postmodern essay generator is objectively better at writing prose than Butler.

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Guest disparaissant

i was gonna post something about my roommate watching football (american football/handegg) and yelling a lot but yours sounds way worse

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