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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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was asked this morning if I wanted to upgrade to foreman. more money hells yea but it's for a night shift and I would never see my beautiful 11 month old daughter...


not worth it.


yea I told them no.

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My Bloody Valentine at Enmore Theatre in Feb, $100 bucks...


My Bloody Valentine?



Rick Astley too, he's charging a more generous $80. trying to decide who to lay down the cash for.


That doesn't seem like a tough choice. Hasn't Astley vowed his loyalty to you enough over the years? Has he lied to you? Has he actually let you down?


Follow your heart, usagi.

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Sitting in the library common space, listening to two fuckwits discuss how "amazing autocorrect is" while proclaiming the merits of madonna's latest album (she still makes music?).

Kill me now.

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Sitting in the library common space, listening to two fuckwits discuss how "amazing autocorrect is" while proclaiming the merits of madonna's latest album (she still makes music?).

Kill me now.


God damn do I hear you. I was just sitting in the library surrounded by heavy-breathing dipshits blasting top 40 trance through their headphones, occasionally picking up their cell phones and having tedious "How are you?" conversations while sitting two feet away from liberally sprinkled "Cell phone use prohibited in the library" signs. People, you're in a library. You should know how to read.

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Guest uptown devil

stuck in a car dealership waiting room for three hours and I forgot my headphones. to make matters worse, they are blasting CNN so I've resorted to sitting outside in the 45 degree weather so that I can atleast read without distraction.

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It was just some really stupid n00b shit. Basically me not understanding what encrypting/formatting is all about. And I've just switched to OSX, so I have no clue what I'm doing half the time. It's a long story, don't want to bore anyone with the details.


But I've managed to "save" the harddrive... So it's okay.


Sucks about all the lost files though, they're gone forever. But they weren't that important really. I just forgot to transfer a few files before I formatting it (pretty sure I did though).


herp derp

Edited by Npoess
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sorry to hear about your gay porn bro





edit: for real though, sorry to hear you lost a whole hard drive of projects, that's rough =[

Edited by luke viia
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The theme from Midnight Cowboy that had been floating through my head for the last three days has been mysteriously replaced by a Gwen Stefani song that wasn't even a single. First world solution: making this post has put the Midnight Cowboy theme back in there.

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The theme from Midnight Cowboy that had been floating through my head for the last three days has been mysteriously replaced by a Gwen Stefani song that wasn't even a single. First world solution: making this post has put the Midnight Cowboy theme back in there.




Shit's bananas








Edited by baph
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"Dude wtf


I'm not even gunna try and rationalize with you on this one. I'm generally just done dealing your adversity and lack of dependability. The lineup is no reason not to go. But yeah, if you really ditch edc, it'll definitely be one of the biggest fuck-ups on your part thus far. And that's all i wanna say"

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The theme from Midnight Cowboy that had been floating through my head for the last three days has been mysteriously replaced by a Gwen Stefani song that wasn't even a single. First world solution: making this post has put the Midnight Cowboy theme back in there.




Shit's bananas









Okay, bit of a stretch here because I forgot FNM even covered that song, but maybe I unconsciously made the FNM connection, remembered the cheerleader chant from Be Aggressive, remembered that Gwen Stefani had a song also with the cheerleader chant idea, then remembered some other random Gwen Stefani song which proceeded to inhabit my conscious thought on loop. Maybe.

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