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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I just learnt that Klaus Kinski was a sadistic sexual predator that abused his daughter and now I feel terrible for ever telling people that he was one of my favourite actors.


i'm also saddened but not surprised by this. imagine living(suffering) daily with the intense seriousness and hair-trigger madness that makes him so captivating as an actor! it'll definitely affect my perception of him as an actor in future viewings, as it did with polanski's work... but i'd be missing out on amazing films/art if i boycott every actor/director/artist who's done wrong.


(co)incidentally, did anyone else notice this? POLA KINSKI... POLA KINSKI...POLANSKI. :irrelevant mind assplosion:

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Guest Frankie5fingers

so the semester just started up. i gotta leave my place at 7am and i dont get home till 7pm. even better, i have a 3 hour layover between classes but i cant go back to my place cause by the time i get home ill have to leave the house again (i commute). honestly, why do i have to have the one major that gets the worst fucking class times? like i have this one class that i keep putting off but have to take at some point that goes from 6pm to 9pm. this shit is really pissing me off cause ive got nothing to do and im bored outta my mind!


im actually writting this during my layover just to give me something to do.

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so the semester just started up. i gotta leave my place at 7am and i dont get home till 7pm. even better, i have a 3 hour layover between classes but i cant go back to my place cause by the time i get home ill have to leave the house again (i commute). honestly, why do i have to have the one major that gets the worst fucking class times? like i have this one class that i keep putting off but have to take at some point that goes from 6pm to 9pm. this shit is really pissing me off cause ive got nothing to do and im bored outta my mind!


im actually writting this during my layover just to give me something to do.

whataru studying?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

@logakght: Aerospace engineering


@Usagi: i would but i cant sleep in public. ive tried before but i just end up getting agitated and parinoid.

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My gf and I were trying to move into a place with an extra room apart from the bedroom and living room. I was looking forward to having my computer away from her constantly blaring fucking television so that I could work on music again for the first time in 2 years, but after giving the landlord enough personal info to steal both of our identities, paying the $40 rental application fee, and disclosing well in advance that we wouldn't be able to move until mid-february, the fucking landlord decided to rent to someone who could move in on the 1st.


Can't afford any other place that isn't just a one room now, so it looks like another year of me not being able to escape from that goddamn fucking television.

Edited by baph
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My gf and I were trying to move into a place with an extra room apart from the bedroom and living room. I was looking forward to having my computer away from her constantly blaring fucking television so that I could work on music again for the first time in 2 years, but after giving the landlord enough personal info to steal both of our identities, paying the $40 rental application fee, and disclosing well in advance that we wouldn't be able to move until mid-february, the fucking landlord decided to rent to someone who could move in on the 1st.


Can't afford any other place that isn't just a one room now, so it looks like another year of me not being able to escape from that goddamn fucking television.


sorry you didn't get the place!


in the mean time, you could make a Headphones thread, to see if watmm has ever used headphones?

Edited by luke viia
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(co)incidentally, did anyone else notice this? POLA KINSKI... POLA KINSKI...POLANSKI. :irrelevant mind assplosion:


and also


"n the 1970s, Nastassja Kinski made headlines for her affair with "Tess" director Roman Polanski. She was 15 at the time, while he was 42."

Holy fucked up coincidence. Were Klaus and Polanski friends? Rumors abound...




Part of me thinks Klaus Kinski would revel in all this horrible publicity.


fwp: I'm finishing up an album which always bums me out a little. It's like there's a little flame getting extinguished inside me. But there's also the promise of starting fresh with something new, so that's cool.

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I'm finishing up an album which always bums me out a little. It's like there's a little flame getting extinguished inside me. But there's also the promise of starting fresh with something new, so that's cool.

I get this a lot as well. Though not so much these days because I always have 4 or 5 projects going at once, so once something is finished I can just keep going.

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fwp: I'm finishing up an album which always bums me out a little. It's like there's a little flame getting extinguished inside me. But there's also the promise of starting fresh with something new, so that's cool.


Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

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The problem here is the metaphor! Drop this 'flame inside me' talk and begin to think of it as 'a new tooth to wear,' like you're a predator. You've earned a badge, so to speak, and you'll always have it around to reflect upon, and now you can go out and earn more.


Or maybe it's like, every time you complete a project, your Creative Jesus gets a new feather on his wings, and some day, when you free him, you'll like, get his golden egg.

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(co)incidentally, did anyone else notice this? POLA KINSKI... POLA KINSKI...POLANSKI. :irrelevant mind assplosion:


and also


"n the 1970s, Nastassja Kinski made headlines for her affair with "Tess" director Roman Polanski. She was 15 at the time, while he was 42."

Holy fucked up coincidence. Were Klaus and Polanski friends? Rumors abound...




Part of me thinks Klaus Kinski would revel in all this horrible publicity.





i read that he claimed (in his autobiography) to have lost his virginity to his sister and later also had sex with his own mother... however the 'autobiography' is claimed to be full of fiction. as you say, he definitely seemed to get off on shocking people and bad publicity.




an on set quote spoken to William Malone while working on the movie CREATURE aka TITAN FIND(1985). Malone tells the story in the book GODS IN SPANDEX and has told it in plenty of other interviews. He said on the very first day on set Kinski walked up to him, put his arm around him and and said to him quietly "You should know I fucked my Nastassja when she was twelve" in an attempt to get a reaction from him.
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OKStupid is rubbish, man.


Maybe you'll do alright as you're in Aus, but if you're a Londoner it's godawful and actually more shallow than IRL dating in this bleak, shitty hellhole of a city which I hope is nuked off the face of the Earth (please don't report me).


But good luck sir! :)

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Guest Aserinsky

Yeah OKCupid can be pretty depressing at times, there's a lot of people on there for different reasons so finding a good match is a hell of a lot harder than it lets off to be. Ironically I've had more success for what I'm looking for on POF, despite the fact it's mostly a hookup site which I'm not interesting in getting involved with (the girl I met from there atm for example is bleedin' gorgeous, although I haven't heard from her over the past week so I hope she's okay :cerious: )


Sure there will be one or two people looking for the same thing as you, just can take quite a while to find them. Best of luck my friend :flower:

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Oh god Plenty of Fish.. I didn't last five minutes on there. The interface was horrific, I was convinced I'd get a virus. Most likely an STD too considering at the time I was in Southend and it was giving me local girls.

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I hate to say this..


But my brother is massive dick. Back when he was younger and was in school. He had a drivers licenses, but didn't have a car. I let him borrow my car all the time.. And i mean ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And he only payed for gas, every once in a while


Now the tables turned. and I've lost my job and decided to pursue another education. So I'm going to have live on very little money, from what I've been used to. And I have to sell my car.


In the meantime he has also brought a car.


But he won't agree to share it now (split costs, I pay half, which he never did). Even though it's just in his garage in everyday, and he only uses it for the weekend. And I don't think I'll be able to have part time job without a car, because I live a long way from the school.


Seriously.. what a egotistical little cunt. I hate to use those words on my family. But I had it with his fucking attitude.


I have countless of other examples of him doing such egotistical things. I can't think of a person on the earth I'm more sick of. He's always been such a spoiled little brat.

Edited by Npoess
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I hate to say this..


But my brother is massive dick. Back when he was younger and was in school. He had a drivers licenses, but didn't have a car. I let him borrow my car all the time.. And i mean ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And he only payed for gas, every once in a while


Now the tables turned. and I've lost my job and decided to pursue another education. So I'm going to have live on very little money, from what I've been used to. And I have to sell my car.


In the mean time he has also brought a car.


But he won't agree to share it now (split costs, I pay half, which he never did). Even though it's just in his garage in everyday, and he only uses it for the weekend. And I don't think I'll be able to have part time job without a car, because I live a long way from the school.


Seriously.. what a egotistical little cunt. I hate to use those words on my family. But I had it with his fucking attitude.


I have countless of other examples of him doing such egotistical things. I can't think of a person on the earth I'm more sick of. He's always been such a spoiled little brat.

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I hate to say this..


But my brother is massive dick. Back when he was younger and was in school. He had a drivers licenses, but didn't have a car. I let him borrow my car all the time.. And i mean ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And he only payed for gas, every once in a while


Now the tables turned. and I've lost my job and decided to pursue another education. So I'm going to have live on very little money, from what I've been used to. And I have to sell my car.


In the meantime he has also brought a car.


But he won't agree to share it now (split costs, I pay half, which he never did). Even though it's just in his garage in everyday, and he only uses it for the weekend. And I don't think I'll be able to have part time job without a car, because I live a long way from the school.


Seriously.. what a egotistical little cunt. I hate to use those words on my family. But I had it with his fucking attitude.


I have countless of other examples of him doing such egotistical things. I can't think of a person on the earth I'm more sick of. He's always been such a spoiled little brat.



I feel you, my little brother behaves similarly. Got 2 be tha bigger man

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Maybe it's just a little brother thing?...


But I think I'm done ever doing anything nice for him again (über drama mode on).


I should probably also mention having a car in Denmark, is crazy expensive compared to other countries. But I'm lucky that there's reasonable student 'financial aid' here (not sure what to call it in english). So I can't really complain too much. But the fact that he won't share the car, will make my everyday life way harder that it could have been. That bothers me so much.

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