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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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hang in there (I always feel lame saying this but it's better than saying nothing)


edit: just started my day, have had about 4 hrs of sleep, can hardly focus, really tough workout later in the afternoon. I'm fucked. why do I keep doing this.


Because it feels good man.... in a twisted way, doesn't it?


It feels GOOD!

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Trying to juggle work, rehearsal for a gig on Friday (and making some merch to sell), preparation for a radio interview on Wednesday and trying to figure out a way to let a girl know I have feelings for her is kinda stressing me out. I kinda like things to be intense sometimes but this is ridiculous!

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Guest Aserinsky

hang in there (I always feel lame saying this but it's better than saying nothing)


edit: just started my day, have had about 4 hrs of sleep, can hardly focus, really tough workout later in the afternoon. I'm fucked. why do I keep doing this.


Thanks dude, any concern is always deeply appreciated :beer:


Lack of sleep sucks though, I'd say you should rest before you should do any major workouts or anything like that. Your body needs sleep to repair itself, might be worth postponing it to get the best out of the workout. Just don't do what I do and make a regular habit of it, then cancel your gym membership because it becomes a waste of money.

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Guest disparaissant

aw man i left my citalopram at my apartment and then stayed with my girlfriend for four days. it was pretty bad. i wish you the best of luck with all the weirdness that stuff causes.

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Guest Aserinsky

Thanks disp, fortunately things haven't been too weird recently, I've had weirder shit happen to me whilst it was fully kicking in. I think the worst experience I had with it was a couple of months back when it suddenly sent me into a state of dysphoric mania; I spent twelve hours alternating between laughing and crying hysterically, whilst spending about an hour staring in the mirror trying to convince myself my reflection wasn't a ghost. It sounds proper stupid now, but at the time that shit was NOT FUN.

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Yeah I know *dramatic sigh*


Have the day off on Thursday and if it doesn't seem to be getting better by then, will get it looked at.


Not ruling out that I may have just broken my toe, but I think I would remember doing something like that. My right foot has been massive, painful and swollen for a week now.

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I am rewriting my resume and applying for tons of jobs in the hopes I can bag one. I have lots of mixed feelings about all of this, but I need a job desperately. This sucks.

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Got the worst night's sleep of my life and my shoulders feel like they're being raped by a pack of gorillas.


Still not as bad as actually getting raped by gorillas. Maybe find someone with massage sk1llz to loosen them shoulder muscles, I dunno

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Despite once being a "Toys R Us kid", and my efforts against it, I seem to be unable to prevent growing up...


For those that don't get the reference:


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I'm gonna be on the radio tomorrow night promoting a festival I'm playing on Friday, and I'm fucking shitting myself. Why is it that I can get up on stage in front of 100+ people and make a fool of myself, but 15 minutes in a studio talking into a microphone makes me seize up?

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It's one thing to perform rehearsed work in front of a lot of people, it's another to have a conversation that everyone's listening in on. I've never been nervous about performing, but I find interviews incredibly awkward. You more or less know how a set will go, but an interview can be unpredictable. It's probably something like that.


My sleep schedule is a whole other fucked up this past week and a half. Instead of sleeping through the night, I'll sleep maybe 3 hours, wake up, stay up for maybe 4 hours, nap for a couple more, go about my day, go home, have another hour nap, watch a movie, repeat. It's been pretty consistently like this for more than a week now, and I don't know why. Also, if I wake up I'm awake and that's that. For 29 years I've always been able to go back to sleep if I needed it, then I turned 30 and everything changed.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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yesterday when i was at my moms place the cat walked out of his litter box and proceeded to drag his ass across the carpet. i don't know what the fuck he was thinking. is this a common cat thing? he's also been spraying, we believe he wants more attention then he is getting/

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