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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I guess I don't find any words offensive in and of themselves. It's all about context for me. If delet made a post about two guys holding hands and referred to them as "fucking faggots" I'd think he was a cunt.


FWP I'm continuing this conversation...

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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I guess I don't find any words offensive in and of themselves. It's all about context for me. If delet made a post about two guys holding hands and referred to them as "fucking faggots" I'd think he was a cunt.


FWP I'm continuing this conversation...


Those are my thoughts exactly. It's all about intent....

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I guess I don't find any words offensive in and of themselves. It's all about context for me. If delet made a post about two guys holding hands and referred to them as "fucking faggots" I'd think he was a cunt.


FWP I'm continuing this conversation...

what if they were two gay men in the act of coitus and he called them "fucking faggots"?


FWP: this merlot i bought has a nice bouquet but is a bit light in the body.

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No offense but this is kinda why I was surprised when you were selected to be a mod.



So you were around then?



I thought it happened like 10-12 months ago. Sounds like I'm mistaken.



*sniff sniff*



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Guest couch

So I've been watching House. Yeah yeah I'm years behind, blah blah. Currently in the middle of season 4. It's awesome I love it and until this weekend I had nothing spoiled for me, nor did I know anything about how the show would pan out. Turns out my uncle loved the show and he stopped by Saturday to pick up a guitar from me. I was watching an episode and he strolls in and casually said

"Oh I loved that show, it's a shame they killed him off in the end."


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No offense but this is kinda why I was surprised when you were selected to be a mod.



So you were around then?



I know one ex-user that has said this exact thing (and used to say it all the bloody time). So now i know who this dupe is, hooray !


better behave motherfucker, or you're out.

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Made me think of this:



I personally don't care what words people use unless they are deliberately being hateful. I get why some people get offended, but it's the user's intention that matters most. Pretty sure delet doesn't hate gay people, he just likes the sound of that word.


Yeah I'm sure that Delet doesn't hate gay people. I don't think his using the word has anything to do with gay people.


But the problem is that the word is a trigger. There are gay people who got called faggot all through high-school and that word still carries the same impact.


But yeah those people should totally lighten up, right? :nelson:



i was called all sorts of things in highschool. Really had a miserable time. At no point did i blame language.


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So I've been watching House. Yeah yeah I'm years behind, blah blah. Currently in the middle of season 4. It's awesome I love it and until this weekend I had nothing spoiled for me, nor did I know anything about how the show would pan out. Turns out my uncle loved the show and he stopped by Saturday to pick up a guitar from me. I was watching an episode and he strolls in and casually said

"Oh I loved that show, it's a shame they killed him off in the end."





omG, did you still lend him the guitar !?


also, if you've ever watched (ITV.Perspectives.2013.Copper.Bottom.Blues you would probably agree with what happened in the spoiler. (or perhaps i've just recommended something else for you to watch)

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Made me think of this:



I personally don't care what words people use unless they are deliberately being hateful. I get why some people get offended, but it's the user's intention that matters most. Pretty sure delet doesn't hate gay people, he just likes the sound of that word.


Yeah I'm sure that Delet doesn't hate gay people. I don't think his using the word has anything to do with gay people.


But the problem is that the word is a trigger. There are gay people who got called faggot all through high-school and that word still carries the same impact.


But yeah those people should totally lighten up, right? :nelson:

i was called all sorts of things in highschool. Really had a miserable time. At no point did i blame language.

lol, whatever man. clearly, words have meanings and some of them are very rude and offensive. for instance, there are some Hispanic gentleman tending to the landscaping outside my apartment right now. it would be idiotic of me to open my window and yell "hey you spics! doing a great job, your backs are all wet and it's not even noon!" if they came upstairs to kick my ass i could not possibly say, "don't blame the language you fucking mexicans, i've been calling assholes "spics" and "wetbacks" since i was a lad, no biggy!"


basically, it isn't up to you to decide whether the words you use are offensive to others or not. when people are offended when you use the word "faggot," you should just apologize and go about your business you fucking faggot.

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back to topic.


I froze two bottles of mineral water. Now what am i going to drink my OP bundy with, -sie-. At least i got xtal, so today ain't so bad.

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OK, a specific specimen. They (=she) can be so f-ing stupid sometimes. Don't know where to start. But in all reality, I'm sure I don't have to either. In sausage-fest language, this is more than enough info.





F-ing stupid, i tells ya.

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Latest Abk FWP: Still don't have a guaranteed place to live next month. I've never been homeless before, but that in itself isn't a guarantee either. But still...shit.

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the sun is out, everyone is in the park getting drunk and i want to aswell, but i was drunk all weekend, and im going to a festival (for my first luke vibert viewing which im quite excited about) all of this weekend aswell, and im pretty much thinking if i start drinking in the week then im generally going to be drinking quite alot of booze.



im gonna do it anyway though, because this is scotland, and when the sun comes out in may, theres a good possibility you wont see it again till next may.

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I stabbed my finger while cleaning my blender so that I could make butter coffee, and I then I got blood on my khaki shorts so I had to put them in the washer so they wouldn't stain.

the sun is out, everyone is in the park getting drunk and i want to aswell, but i was drunk all weekend, and im going to a festival (for my first luke vibert viewing which im quite excited about) all of this weekend aswell, and im pretty much thinking if i start drinking in the week then im generally going to be drinking quite alot of booze.



im gonna do it anyway though, because this is scotland, and when the sun comes out in may, theres a good possibility you wont see it again till next may.


I wish I could drink a beer and smoke a J while listening to a nice Vibert set live out in the open.

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/have run out of beer, well there's more but not this brand. bleh. /looks over to see whether mineral water has defrosted.

my first luke vibert viewing which im quite excited about


This is first world awesome !!

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