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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I can excel in absolutely everything I want, but I'm too lazy.


Yeah laziness is my tragic flaw. I sometimes wonder what my life and accomplishments would look like if I was a highly-motivated person.


Having said that, I am still an ardent amor fati adherant.



FWP: My stomach is full of Denny's "food" and I kinda wanna die.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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I must have bitten the inside of my cheek because now I have a huge canker sore on the inside of my cheek which I can't help from biting whenever I move my teeth slightly and it is making the canker sore bigger and easier to bite and by this time tomorrow I will be nothing but canker sore

also rinsing with a home-made saline solution and it is slightly unpleasant

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I can excel in absolutely everything I want, but I'm too lazy.

hmm, yeah. i have too many hobbies. i think if i focused on one i'd be better, but no, i like what i do.

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Guest isaki

I must have bitten the inside of my cheek because now I have a huge canker sore on the inside of my cheek which I can't help from biting whenever I move my teeth slightly and it is making the canker sore bigger and easier to bite and by this time tomorrow I will be nothing but canker sore

also rinsing with a home-made saline solution and it is slightly unpleasant


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Guest jasondonervan

I'm going to an all-weekend conference the weekend after next. I had agreed with a friend that I would drive (200 mile round trip), and if he could throw in a bit of money for fuel that would be cool. We also agreed to split the cost of a hotel room for the night. This was all arranged months ago. Now he's claiming that he's 'skint', and his attendance has been downgraded to 'maybe'. I get the impression he no longer wants to go, and is fumbling around for any weak excuse to justify the no-show. As soon as he told me over IM a couple of days ago, I just dropped the chat and haven't engaged with him since.


Not only that, but guess who paid for a non-refundable room booking in good faith that half of it would be paid for by the other party? So I'm out of pocket there, as well as having to pay for fuel by myself. I'm still going, as I'm meeting up with another friend while there. But it's shit like this that makes it difficult for me to trust anyone when it comes to organising/paying for anything other than myself. I guess I only have myself to blame for agreeing to pay for the room upfront, but it further compounds the difficulty I have in relying on people in general for anything.

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I got a playstation network buddy request from someone saying they're from watmm, but when I tried to add them they'd already withdrawn the message.



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I must have bitten the inside of my cheek because now I have a huge canker sore on the inside of my cheek which I can't help from biting whenever I move my teeth slightly and it is making the canker sore bigger and easier to bite and by this time tomorrow I will be nothing but canker sore


also rinsing with a home-made saline solution and it is slightly unpleasant

I hate getting canker sores because I find them strangely pleasing to gnaw on, and then they get too big. Kind of like the strange pain-pleasure I used to get from wearing braces.



No way! Enjoying pain is super common. Get yourself some nipple clamps and go to town.
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Guest Frankie5fingers



I must have bitten the inside of my cheek because now I have a huge canker sore on the inside of my cheek which I can't help from biting whenever I move my teeth slightly and it is making the canker sore bigger and easier to bite and by this time tomorrow I will be nothing but canker sore


also rinsing with a home-made saline solution and it is slightly unpleasant

I hate getting canker sores because I find them strangely pleasing to gnaw on, and then they get too big. Kind of like the strange pain-pleasure I used to get from wearing braces.



No way! Enjoying pain is super common. Get yourself some nipple clamps and go to town.


lol. i love taking some dental floss and really gouging the crap outta my gums. the pain is so freakin amazing.

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After visiting the dentist a year ago I keep flossing the same gap between the upper right molar (about 2 from the back). i think I've flossed a vinyl groove into the tooth. Ended up with an accumulation of frayed floss jammed in the cavity between tooth and gum which was there for almost 3 weeks. Couldn't get it out. As you know its pretty hard to see whats going on between those teeth at the back. I had tried to floss it out to begin with, but that just led to a build up of more frayed floss in the cavity. Not comfortable. Anyway, eventually poked it out with a needle at work, it was a pea sized ball of yellowing, decaying floss. As you can imagine, it didn't smell too good. But what a relief to get it outta there.

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you're not supposed to floss like that



my teeth are shit again because i didnt want to buy more floss when my floss thing broke

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Why is there always too much delay sound on every vsti patch/preset ever? Yes, you're supposed to make your own sounds, but when checking out what's possible, too much delay having presets make this watmmer mad.


Also, I want to be able to turn the effect section off in synths, no dry/wet nonsense where shit is still calculated in the background, help a cpu usage out.

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just went through a 4-5 hour deep periodontal cleaning and my gums are friggin enraged. can't smoke weed coz that will increase the rage. they let me wear headphones while they were working, which was nice - but the first thing that came on while there's a bunch of sharp objects in my mouth is an old mr. velcro fastener album, mostly a bunch of vocoded electro tracks about the superiority of robots. i told the dentist i needed to sit up for a second, made like i was drooling, but really was just undoing the psychological setting of robot music asserting its dominance over organic life while there was a host of very sharp little mechanical pieces in my mouth. four tet was a much better choice. craving a burrito, but can't have one until i can feel my mouth again (tried with a sandwich for lunch and just about bit my tongue off. "drunk tongue" is what it feels like, like it just falls over in the way of the teeth and gets smashed). think they went through 7 full needles of anesthetic, and i wasn't even asking for it. no nitrous though, just feel like a boxer.


tl;dr i have to bake my weed cuz some dentists paid me to have my molars brushed with barbed wire.


not really a fwp, they paid me $200, but still, my mouth hurts, i can't talk, and i got the need to complain at somebody. gumraeg

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just went through a 4-5 hour deep periodontal cleaning and my gums are friggin enraged. can't smoke weed coz that will increase the rage. they let me wear headphones while they were working, which was nice - but the first thing that came on while there's a bunch of sharp objects in my mouth is an old mr. velcro fastener album, mostly a bunch of vocoded electro tracks about the superiority of robots. i told the dentist i needed to sit up for a second, made like i was drooling, but really was just undoing the psychological setting of robot music asserting its dominance over organic life while there was a host of very sharp little mechanical pieces in my mouth. four tet was a much better choice. craving a burrito, but can't have one until i can feel my mouth again (tried with a sandwich for lunch and just about bit my tongue off. "drunk tongue" is what it feels like, like it just falls over in the way of the teeth and gets smashed). think they went through 7 full needles of anesthetic, and i wasn't even asking for it. no nitrous though, just feel like a boxer.


tl;dr i have to bake my weed cuz some dentists paid me to have my molars brushed with barbed wire.


not really a fwp, they paid me $200, but still, my mouth hurts, i can't talk, and i got the need to complain at somebody. gumraeg


wait... you got paid AND got your teeth cleaned?


I have to pay $400 to get mine cleaned =(

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yeah, it was a student clinic. they... don't always... know what they're doing. i got good students though. they both promised to pay me $100 for my help (as a patient) during their exams. it felt a bit exploitative but i was reassured that that's the norm, lol.

Edited by luke viia
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I like that feeling when they over freeze everything and you can't feel one side of your face. Last week they used so much on me that the right side of my face was droopy and it looked like I had a stroke =(.


I was also drooling everywhere. And I bit the front of my lip REALLY hard.


Glad you had good students but that's a little nerve racking!

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Guest isaki

computer won't boot up, stuck at classpnp.SYS - I know this because I disabled GUI boot... and the weird thing is, I had a dream of my friend scoffing at the white text on black that you see when booting up. weird :(

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