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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I need help with my alcoholism.


But it's a career limiting move to take short term disability to go to rehab lol,.


Maybe you could get someone to help you 1 on 1 for a month or so to ween yourself off instead of having to go to a hospital and get the dt's or whatever?



I have the dts that's the scary part.... I have seizures, fever, and i'm tachyrdiatic if I don't have alcohol...... I've been struggling for years. I don't know what to do.... =(


I've been fighting it with on/off success for years.......




this is what i think, take it or leave it.


do some research on treatment facilities, outpatient has been proven to be just as effective as inpatient, so you don't necessarily need to go away for a while. don't get railroaded into a treatment center or plan that's not right for you, find the one that you think is going to work for you, that fits your belief system. don't listen to anyone that says that a certain type of treatment (12 step, etc.) is the ONLY way you're going to get and stay sober because it's simply not true.


i've been to inpatient treatment twice, and outpatient several times (all 12-step, all for opium and/or opiates), and treatment can be a mixed bag. i wish i hadn't rushed into it, wish i had done some research first, but me and my wife were desperate, i was in rough shape. most of the people i was in with had been in inpatient rehab 4, 5, 6+ times. 12-step was not the way for me, and i don't believe in it, and don't practice it. but some people are alive because of it.


the most important thing i think , is to BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. if you're not, you're only hurting you. that for me has been the key this time, i had enough of my own bullshit and was sick of feeling and living a shitty life. i've been sober for almost 4 years now, no alcohol or drugs of any kind, and my i love my life. actually i lied, i had gall bladder surgery, and took 1 vicodin later that day. but i'm in control of my life now.


in my opinion, stephen, you've been full of shit about this in the past. you're in one thread talking about how you're no longer an alcoholic and haven't drank for a while, and meanwhile you're in the "what are you consuming" (or drinking? whatever.) talking up your latest expensive alcohol purchase, or in another talking about what psychedelics you've taken to listen to an album. if you really want out, do it. even if you have to sacrifice your job, so be it. a job is pointless if your dead.


i really didn't want to post all this, but i hate to see someone throw their life away, especially someone so young.


btw, alocoholism/drug addiction isn't a first world problem, it's an all world problem.


this is a rambling mess i know, but hopefully you can take something from it. btw, that's my attitude with respect to treatment as well, take whatever you can from it that you can use or that helps you, and fuck the rest.


this book takes a good, fair look at the state of addiction treatment, at least in the u.s., i don't know what canada is like. she gives some good suggestions:




someone else might come along and say that everything i've written here is bullshit, and i think that would demonstrate how personal addiction is, how everyone reacts to it and treatment differently.

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I want to go outside and soak in some sunshine and go biking or rollerblading, but instead I have to wait around inside for a phone meeting...

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I need help with my alcoholism.


But it's a career limiting move to take short term disability to go to rehab lol,.


Maybe you could get someone to help you 1 on 1 for a month or so to ween yourself off instead of having to go to a hospital and get the dt's or whatever?



I have the dts that's the scary part.... I have seizures, fever, and i'm tachyrdiatic if I don't have alcohol...... I've been struggling for years. I don't know what to do.... =(


I've been fighting it with on/off success for years.......




this is what i think, take it or leave it.


do some research on treatment facilities, outpatient has been proven to be just as effective as inpatient, so you don't necessarily need to go away for a while. don't get railroaded into a treatment center or plan that's not right for you, find the one that you think is going to work for you, that fits your belief system. don't listen to anyone that says that a certain type of treatment (12 step, etc.) is the ONLY way you're going to get and stay sober because it's simply not true.


i've been to inpatient treatment twice, and outpatient several times (all 12-step, all for opium and/or opiates), and treatment can be a mixed bag. i wish i hadn't rushed into it, wish i had done some research first, but me and my wife were desperate, i was in rough shape. most of the people i was in with had been in inpatient rehab 4, 5, 6+ times. 12-step was not the way for me, and i don't believe in it, and don't practice it. but some people are alive because of it.


the most important thing i think , is to BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. if you're not, you're only hurting you. that for me has been the key this time, i had enough of my own bullshit and was sick of feeling and living a shitty life. i've been sober for almost 4 years now, no alcohol or drugs of any kind, and my i love my life. actually i lied, i had gall bladder surgery, and took 1 vicodin later that day. but i'm in control of my life now.


in my opinion, stephen, you've been full of shit about this in the past. you're in one thread talking about how you're no longer an alcoholic and haven't drank for a while, and meanwhile you're in the "what are you consuming" (or drinking? whatever.) talking up your latest expensive alcohol purchase, or in another talking about what psychedelics you've taken to listen to an album. if you really want out, do it. even if you have to sacrifice your job, so be it. a job is pointless if your dead.


i really didn't want to post all this, but i hate to see someone throw their life away, especially someone so young.


btw, alocoholism/drug addiction isn't a first world problem, it's an all world problem.


this is a rambling mess i know, but hopefully you can take something from it. btw, that's my attitude with respect to treatment as well, take whatever you can from it that you can use or that helps you, and fuck the rest.


this book takes a good, fair look at the state of addiction treatment, at least in the u.s., i don't know what canada is like. she gives some good suggestions:




someone else might come along and say that everything i've written here is bullshit, and i think that would demonstrate how personal addiction is, how everyone reacts to it and treatment differently.



thanks guys for the support :happy:


RE the bolded statement. It has been on and off.


For a while there I was in full control and was doing great. I was choosing when or if I wanted to have a few social drinks. It's just begun to be a habit again and I've kind of come off the rails. You've got a lot of good advice here and I definitely appreciate it. Trying to get back on track now! I'm committed to fixing this and getting back in control at whatever costs. Like you said I'm worthless if I'm dead and that's not a path I want to go down, not just for me but obviously it affects other people too if I'm dead or sick etc... no more fucking around for this guy. No more!


I'm not addicted to psychadelics though lol that's a completely different ballgame. =)

Edited by StephenG
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I wanna get a Death Grips Money Store shirt but don't want my friends knowing I'm into s&m :(

hahaha, when i saw them last decemeber they were selling NO LOVE DEEP WEB shirts with the penis on it. There were a handful of people who bought it


Edit: I'm not even sure if you can legally wear a shirt with a penis on it in America. Wouldn't cops consider it public indecency?

Edited by Danny O Flannagin
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Yeah, you probably wouldn't get away with it walking down the street. But if you're at a bar/concert/any other adult-only situation it wouldn't be an issue.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

nah, youd be fine. ive seen just as "bad" stuff on t-shirts being worn by people. nobody can really do much about it, if a cop sees ya he'll most likely tell you to cover up (flip the shirt inside out or something). at the most youd get a little fine. though if a cop is a real dick (haha) he could probably get you for Public Indecency or something like that.

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i have an opportunity to meet that married girl i have a crush on because we're doing some paper and she needs some help with it that i can provide, but arranging that meetup will involve lying because i can pretty much explain what needs explaining on the phone and have nothing to do in the uni (where she proposed we could meet if i'll be around) in the summer. and i really don't like lying to people, especially to people who i like. moreover there's about 1/100000000000000 chance that she's both somewhat unhappy with her marriage and is actually interested in me on a non-intellectual level, although there were some weak signs that could be interpreted that way and she's very open minded in general.


i have had unfinished gmail message tab (where im supposed to write my reply to her in regards to how i can help her) and her facebook page open for the last 30 minutes.


fuckng fuck, so stupid, juvenile and hopeless.

Edited by eugene
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Guest Frankie5fingers

just applied for an internship at NASA Glenn. however, my GPA is .1 lower than what they asked for. hopefully itll be enough.

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yeah that's what i said but it's also the smallest so i lose.

Please let her know that a panel of electronic music enthusiasts registered a protest with the sunflower judging board, and our inquiry is pending.

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Guest RadarJammer

the bestbuy.com website isn't working well on my chrome so i wen't and did a live customer support chat and he said chrome doesn't work good at bestbuy.com i should try another browser


fuck that!!!

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mcafee just billed me for a product i've rung up telling them that i don't want the two previous years running. Fucking hell, i don't know how they got the new expiry date on the card, they would have had to have contacted the bank, why the fuck didn't the bank contact me, informing me that these gangster scum bags were after my money. My plan of attack is to complain to the bank first and get them to reverse the payment, contacting mcafee is like traversing the rings of hell.

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I had subway for lunch. That's high in sodium. =(

Yeah, I feel like shit after eating there now. I can eat a sub somewhere else and feel fine, but subway makes me feel like I ate lead and desiccants.

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