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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I want to post music in the "rate the music the person above you is listening to thread" but I don't want to rate other people's music at the moment.

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maandag: van 9u tot 12u30 en van 13u54 tot 18u

dinsdag: van 9u tot 12u30 en van 13u54 tot 18u

woensdag: van 9u tot 12u30 en van 13u54 tot 18u

donderdag: van 9u tot 12u30 en van 13u54 tot 18u

vrijdag: van 9u tot 12u30 en van 13u54 tot 18u


Why am I doing this. This is HORRIBLE

Edited by Ego
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I want to post music in the "rate the music the person above you is listening to thread" but I don't want to rate other people's music at the moment.

Heheh, this is the reason I never post there. There's been many a time where I've thought "I must share this tune I'm currently listening to with the wattm." Then I remember I have to listen critically to something else first in order to participate, so I don't.

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Stupidly parked my car under a tree before I left to Japan for two weeks. Came back to a car covered in fallen leaves and bird shit.


Best way to remove bird shit?

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Stupidly parked my car under a tree before I left to Japan for two weeks. Came back to a car covered in fallen leaves and bird shit.


Best way to remove bird shit?

I think last time I had that problem I simply ran my truck thru a car wash and it did the trick. But there might be some cheaper options discussed here: http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/23231-how-safely-remove-dried-bird-dropping.html


My latest FWP is having a sudden drop in self-esteem after randomly browsing local chicks on Match.com just for shits and giggles. The ones my age either already have kids or have preferences for guys with a greater income and athletic build than mine. But at least I have a college degree. So unless I get in better shape and earn more scratch, I'm pretty much fuct.

But on the same token, seems like many of them have generic, conformist self-introductions and have very little interests that overlap with my own. So I dunno whether it's better to exert the effort to meet their demands, or to resume my usual hermit lifestyle. But if I have to strive and sacrifice order to win someone else's approval, then I can't be arsed.

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Guest disparaissant

bleh i gotta work in 4 hours


also i am listening to a LOT of xiu xiu which generally precedes a depressive episode.

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Stupidly parked my car under a tree before I left to Japan for two weeks. Came back to a car covered in fallen leaves and bird shit.


Best way to remove bird shit?

I think last time I had that problem I simply ran my truck thru a car wash and it did the trick. But there might be some cheaper options discussed here: http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/23231-how-safely-remove-dried-bird-dropping.html




Unfortunately, last time I tried going through a car wash, it didn't completely remove the bird shit. That method looks interesting, but seriously it's a lot. Plus I don't have any auto detailing spray. lol. the FWPs just keep building.

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I finally have only one job and I have no idea what to do with all this free time.

whats your job about


I'm in the warehouse/ shipping department of an online pharmacy. Boring, menial work and it doesn't pay terribly well, but it's a full-time M-F 9-5 job and I get to listen to music all day so I'm okay with it.

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so in an effort to "better myself" and "help the environment" i stopped driving for a couple of months and started taking public transport and walking everywhere. today i went out and started my car and the engine sounds a bit like "fold4, wrap5". popped the hood and it looks like some animals moved in and chewed up some components. there's some squirrels that live in a tree which my car is under. i made eye contact with one the other day. now i know his betrayal.

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so in an effort to "better myself" and "help the environment" i stopped driving for a couple of months and started taking public transport and walking everywhere. today i went out and started my car and the engine sounds a bit like "fold4, wrap5". popped the hood and it looks like some animals moved in and chewed up some components. there's some squirrels that live in a tree which my car is under. i made eye contact with one the other day. now i know his betrayal.


You should tell that squirrel that although your need for a car is simply a byproduct of the social constructs that make up your reality, you would very much appreciate it if the squirrel doesn't....ah fuck it, burn the squirrel down.

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True fact, my buddy in Portland got "banned" from smoking on his porch because his housemates were concerned it would upset the birds that had nested under the awning. He ended up moving. Portland.





- I only have one match left and I want to smoke some hash. I will fail miserably.

Worked too much. I'm a fetus..




also lol

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