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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest Sprigg
it must be an affordable housing scheme thing so poor people can live somewhere


i doubt it's to force money makers to spend, or to keep poor people in specific areas.


Exactly right. It's cheap, but nice flats for people who can't afford something like it normally.

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Guest underscore

my friendship with my best female friend has cooled off after a verbal disagreement.


every time the subject of my sister's forthcoming marriage comes up, my friend can't help herself from repeatedly predicting its future problems or outright failure, because she - my friend - is all westernised and has left her traditions behind, therefore she doesn't believe in traditional marriage. which is fine if that's her opinion, except she expresses it in a completely tactless manner. every time. in the last conversation alone, she said something to the effect of "you wait and see, I don't think it will work out" three fucking times before I'd finally had enough and told her she was being offensive.


so now she's keeping her distance from me, as if she's the one who has the right to be offended. what the fuck is with people, seriously. I mean I did raise my voice a little but I didn't blow up in her face or anything. and she likes to think of herself as rational and levelheaded... it's always the people who call themselves rational who end up being extra touchy.




sounds like it just isn't working out

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i did okay on my math placement test and only have to take one math class to be done with math FOREVER but that class is totally full.


every time i see people talk about math in this way, i feel obligated to linkmm


done with math FOREVER




...if you're leading your life in such a way that you never have to do math, congratulations, you are a donkey.


Why is math the only discipline that has to put up with this bullshit? People gladly learn art, music, literature and geography. You'll even nod like a happy idiot when you learn what a haiku is, and you never complain or whine about how you'll never use this in your "life." When is the last time you wrote a haiku, asshole?


But when it comes to math, everyone turns into a big pussy and starts PMSing all over the place. The walls, the flag, the teachers, everyone and everything gets splattered by your crimson twat water. Because suddenly you can predict the future and you know that for the next 70 or so years of your life, with 100% certainty, that you will never use math and that you can tune out and go back to doodling because you're too self-important to learn something that ancient people thought was important enough to pass down for your dumbass to learn from.

Edited by luke viia
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i hate myself and this is completely decadent.


don't beat yourself off about it.


thanks! i have some real self-loathing issues.


have you guys seen my pic in the recent pics thread? no, bc i'm a fat piece of shit with a verbosity of chins.



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like, I have always liked science, mainly astronomy and neuroscience... but if I really want to succeed in any of them, I would need to totally be absorbed by them, which I don't want :( cause I also like to tell stories, I have always wished to be part of the creative team in a videogame or a movie (animation only)... shit! !!! help me!!!1111 art or science?!?!?!

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Guest milorad

like, I have always liked science, mainly astronomy and neuroscience... but if I really want to succeed in any of them, I would need to totally be absorbed by them, which I don't want :( cause I also like to tell stories, I have always wished to be part of the creative team in a videogame or a movie (animation only)... shit! !!! help me!!!1111 art or science?!?!?!

To be successful in anything you have to be completely absorbed by it, it's inevitable. It might as well be something you really really like... as long as you don't want to end up an urban clichè who knows a lot about everything and nothing about something. I vote science.

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Guest disparaissant


But when it comes to math, everyone turns into a big pussy and starts PMSing all over the place. The walls, the flag, the teachers, everyone and everything gets splattered by your crimson twat water. Because suddenly you can predict the future and you know that for the next 70 or so years of your life, with 100% certainty, that you will never use math and that you can tune out and go back to doodling because you're too self-important to learn something that ancient people thought was important enough to pass down for your dumbass to learn from.


well i meant math classes

i use math daily


i just don't have any interest in continuing to learn it because twat water or something

i will stick with history and queer bullshit

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thats ok, i just like linking that maddox article. and i thank jebus that queer studies are not a required field of knowledge for a degree in general Sciencing




FWP: had the hiccups for almost 3 hours now. fucking infuriating

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FWP: had the hiccups for almost 3 hours now. fucking infuriating


supposedly my friend's dad used to get mad at him when he hiccuped.. i mean, it's not something you can control.. "STOPIT!"

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that would be shitty, if someone was huffing at me for this sphincter glitch i'd tell em a thing UHWP or two HCIP


fwp: i don't know if my diaphragm is a sphincter


or any diaphragm for that matter


fwp: i have to take a physiology & anatomy class next year.

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really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing

Edited by marf
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Guest disparaissant

thats ok, i just like linking that maddox article. and i thank jebus that queer studies are not a required field of knowledge for a degree in general Sciencing


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really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing

do sex with her

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Guest disparaissant

xena warrior princess isn't as awesome as it was when i was like 10. or 22 and high off my tits.


also my computer sucks and i really can't wait for financial aid to disburse so i can get a fucking macbook already.

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like, I have always liked science, mainly astronomy and neuroscience... but if I really want to succeed in any of them, I would need to totally be absorbed by them, which I don't want :( cause I also like to tell stories, I have always wished to be part of the creative team in a videogame or a movie (animation only)... shit! !!! help me!!!1111 art or science?!?!?!

To be successful in anything you have to be completely absorbed by it, it's inevitable. It might as well be something you really really like... as long as you don't want to end up an urban clichè who knows a lot about everything and nothing about something. I vote science.


yeah I know dude... but ah shit... I just don't want to be in a laboratory everyday or something like that, and since I'm not an asperger I will never like discover "something new", and I would be just another researcher/professor... damn I'm pretty fucked right now... I just want to be succesful in life doing what I like, but I don't know what "being succesful" means and I can't define what I really like because I like a lot of things :(

Edited by logakght
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is aspergers something people envy now? sometimes i think some of our favorite musicians are aspergers

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What do you do well + like + people want + is in demand + gives you money? I recently decided to cut the philosophy/culture/sociology buffet and go for a TESOL/CELTA degree which sounds like it'll break me but it beats speculation I guess.


Edit: @logakght

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really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing

do sex with her


conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one

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really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing

do sex with her


conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one


Still, couldn't hurt to hang out with her anyway! I keep as many female friends as possible.

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really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing

do sex with her


conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one


Still, couldn't hurt to hang out with her anyway! I keep as many female friends as possible.


She's engaged, and marf is pretty much a stranger to her. Continuing to hang out (with the shadowy hope of a relationship in mind) really smacks of a Ziggomatic thread in the making. Don't do it, marf!

Edited by luke viia
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really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing

do sex with her


conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one


Still, couldn't hurt to hang out with her anyway! I keep as many female friends as possible.


She's engaged, and marf is pretty much a stranger to her. Continuing to hang out (with the shadowy hope of a relationship in mind) really smacks of a Ziggomatic thread in the making. Don't do it, marf!




I don't really understand. What's wrong with having female friends just to have female friends? No different than having guy friends is it?


I have lots of female friends (some engaged) that I'm just friends with to be friends with them.... Like, not thinking of sticking them in the pink..

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