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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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And here's the photo. Yes, I'm aware that they look like clown shoes or bowling shoes. Don't care. I bought them off a guy at work who sold me four pairs of boots for $120, pretty good deal imo.



I would have just thought you were in a ska band.





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full of guilt and regret because i knocked the recently purchased chicken from the hand of acquaintance and kicked it across the street whilst black-out drunk

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well actually a girl, who is a friend, had the chicken at that moment


edit: that was supposed to add on to the other post, should have just edited

Edited by tauboo
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full of guilt and regret because i knocked the recently purchased chicken from the hand of acquaintance and kicked it across the street whilst black-out drunk


a... live chicken?

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Guest uptown devil

the chocolate milk i purchased last night is not up to my standards.



also realizing that most of my first world problems have to do with chocolate milk.

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i picked up the annoying habit of judging others while in treatment a few years ago, and now think everyone who uses phrases like "while blackout drunk" is a full-blown alcoholic. i hate it, and am fighting to change it, but it still wins out on occasion.


btw, you're all alcoholics.

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i picked up the annoying habit of judging others while in treatment a few years ago, and now think everyone who uses phrases like "while blackout drunk" is a full-blown alcoholic. i hate it, and am fighting to change it, but it still wins out on occasion.


btw, you're all alcoholics.


I know I am... =(



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i picked up the annoying habit of judging others while in treatment a few years ago, and now think everyone who uses phrases like "while blackout drunk" is a full-blown alcoholic. i hate it, and am fighting to change it, but it still wins out on occasion.


btw, you're all alcoholics.


I know I am... =(




i hope you're joking, my post was certainly tongue in cheek.


you're young, eh? i think most everyone drinks like a fish at your age.

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holy shit, now I realise pattern recognition and patternoverlap are two different people as well. as if confusing gocab and godel with each other for the longest time wasn't bad enough.

patternoverlap is a much more prolific poster than me. a lot more interesting as well.

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Just got a job where I'm pretty much the only dude there and the lady boss lets them all wear incredibly inappropriate work attire. A good portion of my day is spent trying not to stare at the scattered ass all over the office. Are work boners a first world problem?

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I have tomorrow off and nothing to really do during the day, I can't decide if I should stay up late and sleep in late tomorrow or go to bed and wake up early and have a full day...

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Guest jasondonervan

I'm having to attend tediously unnecessary project calls at work on a daily basis where quite often I'll not say anything other than to acknowledge I'm on the call. I can't get out of these calls as my 'presence is required'.

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Just got a job where I'm pretty much the only dude there and the lady boss lets them all wear incredibly inappropriate work attire. A good portion of my day is spent trying not to stare at the scattered ass all over the office. Are work boners a first world problem?


pics please.

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I was so hungry during my last meal a moment ago that I didn't even enjoy what I was eating due to the void of hunger I felt. Then again, I'm so tired I can't be sure of the accuracy of what I just said. Maybe I enjoyed the pizza immensely. I can't tell which new memories are true and which are lies... Aaaaaaaahhh!!!

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Guest Iain C

I wish I'd worn a jumper to work today. Instead I'm shivering in the air-conditioning while stormclouds gather outside the window. And all because I couldn't find my favourite purple jumper.

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Guest jasondonervan

Amen on the air-con situation. I moved to a different office on Monday (less than a mile down the road from my old one), and it is frickin' freezing in there. There's no point in complaining about it as we're moving to our permanent desks next Monday.. which are about 20 metres away (the space planning team doing a great job all round). And I'll bet it's freezing over there too!

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Guest Gary C

I can't stand the air-con in our office. I wore jumpers until July. Pretty sure it was giving me neck pain too.

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I wish I'd worn a jumper to work today. Instead I'm shivering in the air-conditioning while stormclouds gather outside the window. And all because I couldn't find my favourite purple jumper.


that would look swell with lilac chinos no doubt.


my fwp is that I want to sample some humpback whales in a track bc it would be perfect but not only am I too lazy but it seems so cliché

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