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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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just told that i wont be receiving financial aid for my last semester....so i gotta find another 20 hour job in addition to lecturing a class, working on my thesis, retaking the GRE, and submitting applications. motherfuck a life right now.

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just now i was gonna make eggs benedict and i realized there was no tin foil. OF COURSE. so i had to go all the way to the store to get some tin foil, and it wasnt at the first store i went to it was at the second one. also im trying to have a listening session and my dads friend is here so i cant use my headphones because theyre gonna say someting to me and i will seem rude if i dont answer, and i REALLY want to listen to strawberry jam by animal collective, a selected version of 26 mixes of cash of my favorite songs (its narrowed down to 9 songs) 2 songs of peel session aphex twin, then some animal cllective remixes and sung tongs which has we tigers and college removed because those songs annoy me. this was gonna be the best listening session EVER WHY HAS THIS HAPPENED TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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also whats more, i bought call of duty world at war because it was my favorite call of duty game and i was getting really nostalgic for it lately so i was gonan get it and me and my friend were gonna play it, and it turns out hackers took over the whole friggin game and every game you go into is full of BS constant rainbow text on the screen and ppl flying aroudn with automatic rocket launchers and all that stuff, so annoying. f u treyarch for not fixing this its been going on for a while apparently and f u for making black ops the biggest atrocity since hitler.

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Guest disparaissant

i woke up with a horrific backache and immediately went into full on allergy mode. and now i am babysitting and the kid is like 10 times crankier than usual. also there is NO FUCKING SUGAR in the house WHY DO WE HAVE NO SUGAR OR HONEY and WHY DID I NOT FIND THIS OUT UNTIL AFTER I MADE A NICE CUP OF LAPSANG SOUCHOUNG if id have known id have made something less strong or something. today is going to suck. oh and they only ever show the same episodes of super why and i hate it.


on the plus, i'm moving the fuck out on thursday!

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i woke up with a horrific backache and immediately went into full on allergy mode. and now i am babysitting and the kid is like 10 times crankier than usual. also there is NO FUCKING SUGAR in the house WHY DO WE HAVE NO SUGAR OR HONEY and WHY DID I NOT FIND THIS OUT UNTIL AFTER I MADE A NICE CUP OF LAPSANG SOUCHOUNG if id have known id have made something less strong or something. today is going to suck. oh and they only ever show the same episodes of super why and i hate it.


on the plus, i'm moving the fuck out on thursday!

i want you to be happy

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There was a poor turnout for the play I'm doing sound for last night, which I guess is to be expected for a 9:45 showing at an out of the way venue.

The "Bananas Foster French Toast" I had afterward was amazing, but I don't have a time machine so I can't go back in time to eat it over and over again.

I always put an "s" at the end of "afterward" because that's how I pronounce it, and it's wrong apparently, but I've been doing it for so long that I can't change my ways.

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My neighbours are voyeuristic assholes


they use my illness to justify their actions-paranoid schizophrenic

lol, is this true?


I had a neighbor that was CONVINCED that my roomates and I were living with her ex and we were harboring his existence("There is a MAN, living in your HOUSE and he is HARASSING ME!"). Supposedly he would harrass her at night by throwing things on the roof. (total load of shit crazy lady hearing things). She went so far as to track down my roomate's girlfriends liscense plate to her mother because she beleived it was the car that was transporting this man to our house every night. I even had cops come to the door sometimes trying to ask for the guy (some old ulgy bald dude that obviously didn't live with a bunch of 20-something young men). I would often see cop cars just sitting outside my house when I came home because she probably called them every single night. After a few months she wrote a long winded letter to our landlords trying to convince them we were hiding this man in their house. We had a meeting and explained how she was straight up batshit insane. It eventually fizzled out but I think she is still crazy.


Thats completely nuts! If something like this were to happen to me, I'd never assume I had a crazy neighbor. How did you figure out this neighbor was responsible for the cops showing up etc? Did she ever come over and confront you?

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shiiiiit i agree with delete...

did you're landlord believe you at first or did it take some convincing


as for my problem i have a pinched nerve close to my skull that makes me feel tingling on the top left side of my head.

i also hallucinate 70% of the time i look at my meditation teachers face.... but that's alright

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I have to pee but I don't want to pause the song I'm listening to.

That happens to me all the time. :watmm:

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I listen to music all the time (who here doesn't actually), but I hate pausing mid-song and coming back cause then you gotta restart the song over and it interrupts the flow and vibe of the song and...damn it. A wild bladder awakens! Being on watmm was coincidence.

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Lower back pain.


It's a real bitch.


I get sharp pains shooting down my leg to my ankle. It's really uncomfortable to sit anywhere, let alone drive. I've also been having hip pain.

Christ. I'm only 32. Why must my body fall apart?

I think a lot of it has to do with me falling out of shape after my bike accident.

What sucks is that right when my heel started to heal up, I nearly cut off the tip of my finger drying a sharp knife.

I just want to be healthy and active. Instead, I'm depressed and gaining weight.




sounds like a herniated disc holmes. I just had surgery for that in June. I hope yours is not as bad as mine was.


i spend a lot of care and time creating accurate drawings at work and it's guaranteed some fuckwitted idiot with no eye for detail or flair for design comes along and makes half-assed amendments based on stupid uneducated hunches without having a clue what they're doing and screws everything up!! and my name is always still on the fucked up drawings!!! if you mess with my work and make it unrecognizable put your own name on it ffs!!!!






I used to think I was smart for getting into the design world. I am now considering new career options but there are none.

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I never listen to music while interneting, mostly because my laptop speakers are horrible and ruin music, and partly because I tend to focus entirely on music when it is playing. It just wouldn't work.


I can't think of a good first world problem right now, so we'll pretend that not listening to music while internetting is a problem.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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sick of not knowing what the fuck is going on. sick of other people

s ethical systems shitting all over mine. sick of people posting comments on youtube. sick of disagreements with people.


sick of anxiety with strangers.

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Fucking book prices for university are insane.



hahaha, tell me about it.


i don't even have enough money to afford the books I am using to teach my own class...that is fucking embarrassing...


I was told you can get books for free by faculty but these seem to be from very hungry publishing companies.

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