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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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A prime example of first world problems: Venting about things which don't have any direct relationship with personal life whatsoever. Brilliant! Plus 2 meta points!


Are you suggesting that second and third world peoples are incapable of abstract thought.

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No...The idea is they would have actual stuff to complain about. Stuff directly relating to their own lives. Although they wouldn't because they have to work hard to stay alive. Literally.


Abstract thought in the sense of complaining about stuff happening in other countries which doesn't directly impact your personal life is a privilege, not a competence.

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Spilled beer on my night school homework. Managed to dry my calculator. Textbook is mostly salvaged but this chapter on bearings and distance measurements in surveying calculations will now forever reek of Guinness black lager.

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I just violently exiled a praying mantis from my abode.


I hope he hasn't got friends or family in here.

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I made a funny comment on a Death Grips youtube video in response to Anthony Fantano and it keeps getting +1s. I keep getting notifications every time some bozo +1's it. it's been nearly 3 weeks. stop already.

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I made a funny comment on a Death Grips youtube video in response to Anthony Fantano and it keeps getting +1s. I keep getting notifications every time some bozo +1's it. it's been nearly 3 weeks. stop already.


Don't lie, i bet it gives you a boner every time.

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i have a stupidly large workload as two of my colleagues have been made redundant and we have loads of new processes coming in.


9GAG and this site are the only things keeping me sane right now.

Edited by MadameChaos
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Some jerks are coming over tomorrow at 9AM to fix up my balcony, and the next day, and the next day.


those fucking bastards

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i really want to quit one of my jobs, i'm not very good at it and it stresses me out for days, but my boss who is super nice keeps asking me if i want to work more and making the case that he really wants to keep me around. i want to quit but i could sorta use the money. bah.

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i really want to quit one of my jobs, i'm not very good at it and it stresses me out for days, but my boss who is super nice keeps asking me if i want to work more and making the case that he really wants to keep me around. i want to quit but i could sorta use the money. bah.


can I ask what the job is that you think you aren't good at?

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I was finally going to get health insurance after my gf and I get hitched in a week and some change, but she just quit her job to take a new one and the health insurance on that job won't kick in for a few months, so now I have to eat the uninsured penalty on (I guess?) my 2014 taxes because (I guess?) you can only be uninsured for 3 months in a one year period and if I apply right this second it may not kick in until well into April, not that I can really afford to toss $200+ on crappy high deductible insurance right now


basically THANKS OBAMA


but congrats lambytoes on the new job

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I was finally going to get health insurance after my gf and I get hitched in a week and some change, but she just quit her job to take a new one and the health insurance on that job won't kick in for a few months, so now I have to eat the uninsured penalty on (I guess?) my 2014 taxes because (I guess?) you can only be uninsured for 3 months in a one year period and if I apply right this second it may not kick in until well into April, not that I can really afford to toss $200+ on crappy high deductible insurance right now


basically THANKS OBAMA


insurance is such a rort. it's exactly because of bollocks like that ^ that I ultimately didn't bother getting any (health insurance, that is). probably should at some point :dry: but I'd only really be interested in extras, not hospital cover.


(3 posts instead of 1, wtf)

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I had to show 3 photo IDs in order to vote today. Dude behind the counter just wasn't 100% sure, or as he said specifically "are you like a spy or something?" My face is apparently inconsistent between mandated photos. Totally unexpected but I lol'd the whole time.


The great irony is that Voter ID (i.e. mandatory use of photo ID and not just voter card) was a huge controversial bill by the GOP that kept coming up over the years before finally passing. Yet here I was at a very Democratic heavy polling place with a presumably Democratic polling officer asking me to go beyond that.

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Some jerks are coming over tomorrow at 9AM to fix up my balcony, and the next day, and the next day.

those fucking bastards

Godammit! How very dare they.



I know, right? Then they showed up 3 hours late, right after I had adjusted to the idea that they were probably postponing it for another date.

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i really want to quit one of my jobs, i'm not very good at it and it stresses me out for days, but my boss who is super nice keeps asking me if i want to work more and making the case that he really wants to keep me around. i want to quit but i could sorta use the money. bah.


can I ask what the job is that you think you aren't good at?




^ what is it?


they call me a "research technologist," lol. i'm just not into the job and i would like it to be passed off to someone who can really do it proper and actually enjoy the work -- but they're making it seem like i'm the one for the position since i've been working on this one particular machine for 9 months now, far more than anyone else in the lab has, and so i'm apparently an asset to them. (i recently picked up another job that's much more fitting for me, and it's something i enjoy, so i'm basically fwp'ing about the fact that my longer-standing job (technologist) is now asking me to be more involved, hinting at bringing me on full-time, etc... about a month after i told them i had accepted a second job elsewhere because i wasn't getting enough hours. lol.)


maybe i can offer to try to help find a replacement for my lab position through the same tech program i came out of... and i could even train them. that'd be a pretty good exit strategy i think.




new fwp: i just spent $350 on work gear for my other job. fucks sake construction gear is pricey. almost $200 on boots alone, sheesh!

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I got pissed on by a rainbow lorikeet on my morning walk before bed yesterday. Yes i know it all comes out of the same hole so effectively i got shat on, but it was a clear liquid, probably down to their nectar based diet. Anyway, there was some low brush to duck under on the footpath and as i stooped to clear it i felt something warm distributing itself down my left arm, so turned around to see where it could have come from only to find in my eyeline a rainbow lorikeet staring back at me with as bemused an expression that an animal can have when it hasn't any facial muscles. After enough time to bury it's mirth at my misfortune deep into my psyche, it gave a little screech that it was going now, and flitted up to an higher branch to look for more of that sweet sweet nectar.


And no, it's piss wasn't rainbow coloured.




For the fastidious amongst you. There was one of those water fountain things not far from where i interfaced with the digestive drippings, so i could wash my arm.

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