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Tottenham riots


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No, Dispairassant has got things back to front. It is about looting. The simple (through not simplistic) analysis is correct. Commentators are now trying to impose their own agendas on it. And because everyone loves to be a victim, the looters will adopt whatever analysis makes them the biggest victims.

so you are genuinely saying that the protests on saturday were actually just a pretext to loot?


where are you getting your info? there wasn't any "protests" - there was A protest, which in my view was closer to just being an angry mob wanting to kick it off with the police, but what they hey, lets call it a protest. but that was it and it really should be considered a completely seperate incident. all the violence and damage was just started by thugs looking for free stuff and that's all it ever was. you seem to see this as some kind of mass social unrest to do with race and persecution etc and it's nothing of the sort! it's just a load of kids looting stuff - it really is no more complicated and has no more connotations than that.

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If you dress a certain way and act a certain way then you must carry the consequences, fuck this victimization bullshit. A thug is a thug.






I bet this sissy twat also didn't discriminate this young thug and look at him now lol, next time change sidewalk pal if you're not going to defend yourself.

i'll bet you've never been on the receiving end of thugs over here in the UK?

i have. simply crossing the street doesn't do anything to stop them. and it's very easy for you to talk about 'defending' oneself when you're not the one in the situation.


tldr: stfu


You talk like there aren't any thugs like these dipshits in Lisbon, Paris, etc.. it's exactly the same.

you talk like you know what you're talking about, and you clearly don't.

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Guest yikes

too bad about all of those "independent " labels who stored their stock at SONY's warehouse


i feel bad for WARP ….really i am sad….squarepusher and mira calx q4 numbers will be adversely affected

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i can't find that clip i've seen on teevo today where some reporter asks a looter why is he looting, and the guy brilliantly and succinctly answers: "because there's no cops". :cisfor:

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No, Dispairassant has got things back to front. It is about looting. The simple (through not simplistic) analysis is correct. Commentators are now trying to impose their own agendas on it. And because everyone loves to be a victim, the looters will adopt whatever analysis makes them the biggest victims.

so you are genuinely saying that the protests on saturday were actually just a pretext to loot?


where are you getting your info? there wasn't any "protests" - there was A protest, which in my view was closer to just being an angry mob wanting to kick it off with the police, but what they hey, lets call it a protest. but that was it and it really should be considered a completely seperate incident. all the violence and damage was just started by thugs looking for free stuff and that's all it ever was. you seem to see this as some kind of mass social unrest to do with race and persecution etc and it's nothing of the sort! it's just a load of kids looting stuff - it really is no more complicated and has no more connotations than that.



you have a very simplistic view of the situation.

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It is pretty simple really. They have no legitimate political grievances to speak of, at least none of any moment. It's just a bunch of bored kids having the time of their lives. It's probably symptomatic of some vague feeling of alienation and lack of community spirit that permeates pretty much all western capitalist life, but nothing more serious that that. Quite weird that some people are trying to attach some revolutionary glitz to the thing.

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ffffffffuuuuuck, i know im not affected in any way by all this but the stupidity of those two girls makes me naceous. ugghh

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Guest Iain C



And if you want to check her out on twitter, the unedited picture is here -




Is this bitch for real??







Ma bf got meh a new tracksuit from JD today <3 WHOPPING FOR THE RIOTERS"




clearly fake

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Guest Iain C

Just went for a run around Stratford and Forest Gate. Still pretty quiet, all shops closed and shuttered, but lots of people about and no real tension in the air.

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wow no legitimate political grievances huh.


very interesting perspectives from some of you.


Well I'm a native of Northern Ireland, I've lived in London (in some of the shithole areas affected) for 7 years now. I know what real victims of police and state-sponsored brutality look and behave like; these aren't they.

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Guest Rambo

Just went for a run around Stratford and Forest Gate. Still pretty quiet, all shops closed and shuttered, but lots of people about and no real tension in the air.


Have you given the jorts a run out at any point?

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No, Dispairassant has got things back to front. It is about looting. The simple (through not simplistic) analysis is correct. Commentators are now trying to impose their own agendas on it. And because everyone loves to be a victim, the looters will adopt whatever analysis makes them the biggest victims.

so you are genuinely saying that the protests on saturday were actually just a pretext to loot?


where are you getting your info? there wasn't any "protests" - there was A protest, which in my view was closer to just being an angry mob wanting to kick it off with the police, but what they hey, lets call it a protest. but that was it and it really should be considered a completely seperate incident. all the violence and damage was just started by thugs looking for free stuff and that's all it ever was. you seem to see this as some kind of mass social unrest to do with race and persecution etc and it's nothing of the sort! it's just a load of kids looting stuff - it really is no more complicated and has no more connotations than that.



you have a very simplistic view of the situation.


yeah, when you get down to brass tacks, i think it is very simple.

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Why do I get the feeling that most, not all, but most British teenagers, sound like complete muppets? Was listening to Radio 4, I think it was during PM, and they were interviewing this girl saying: "We are showing that we can beat the police, YEAH!? and fighting against the rich"


How so? They are breaking into corner stores and other small venues, amongst the bigger shops, they aren't do anyone, even themselves, any favours.


If this was North America, there would have been rubber bullets and tear gas flying all over the place the night it happened. The british system is so lenient on thuggery it is mind-blowing.


On a side note, bring back public flogging and the whole issue of rebellious youth would be taken care of.


Back to work.

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Just went for a run around Stratford and Forest Gate. Still pretty quiet, all shops closed and shuttered, but lots of people about and no real tension in the air.


Have you given the jorts a run out at any point?


If anything will stop the riot, it's the jorts. Send in the jorts says I!

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If this was North America, there would have been rubber bullets and tear gas flying all over the place the night it happened. The british system is so lenient on thuggery it is mind-blowing.


i'm not sure about that. i remember the los angeles riots, and the lapd were timid in that same way when it came to dealing with seemingly the same kind of element--those out just to loot and looking for mayhem because they could. i remember watching local news and wondering why police were not moving in and taking looters out, they were afraid of inflaming things, of degrading their already strained relationship with the inner city.


i know this it's not exactly the same, but i've thought this had the same feel the moment the "protest" transformed into a looting free-for-all.

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