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Unobvious things that make you sad.

Fred McGriff

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Name some not very obvious things that make you sad. For me, an uneaten sandwich. Or the time my brother bought me pocket shots of vodka to sneak into a football game, and i punted one over a fence. That happened 5 years ago. I still think about it and it makes me almost cry.

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The time I went to see Pink Floyd live and lost all but 2 of my joints in the bathroom before the concert started. Wait, that's too obvious.

Oh I got it. Yeast infections. All that unmade bread.

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A long long time ago when I was finishing high school, after exams, It hit me that it was all over. I suddenly became quite sentimental. I would look at things like clocks, doors, lockers etc. and think of all the stories they could tell. All of the things they had seen. Corners of rooms that nobody noticed. A faded peeling sticker stuck on a brick years before.






Then I got my exam results.

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When I was in grade 3 my school used to have a spring parade to welcome the coming thaw and rains and sun. We'd all dress up like our favorite super heroes or the coolest thing we could think of. I loved medieval lore and knights so my mom talked to one of my best buddies moms to see if i could borrow his knight costume to wear in the coming parade. He went to a different elementary/grade/grammar school than I did and he didn't need it. And this costume was fucking full out. made out of aluminium and wood, it looked way tooo real and was fun to wear.


Any how, my mom wanted to make this parade the best ever as I had been diagnosed the month before with type 1 diabetes. she busted her ass to get the most bad assed costume that was perfect for me just to make me feel better. She brought the costume to me that morning, at school, during class, and i was too embarassed to wear it. So, 30 minutes later, my mother and i stood there, her holding the best costume evar, and me with tears in my eyes, watching the parade march by. I still cannot forgive myself for that moment. The amount of love she poured into me being that medieval knight and the amount of me not doing it just kills me. This is why she is my mum and fuck you if you ever disrespect her.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Older American sitcoms as UK early morning get-the-fuck-out-of-the-house filler. Many times did I walk to school with a feeling of 1985 Cheers episode malaise.

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Also when i offer my cat a piece of gristle from a steak i am eating and he sniffs it, licks it and then just says "wtf dude" and walks away like nothing happened. That gristle don't disappear. It glistens in the evening light. It doesn't know what a cigarette is and yet i smoke one. I ash on it's decaying corpse. I take a sip of water and forget about the fact that i haven't been picking peas for the last 3 minutes. I look at my peas and realise there is nothing left. I missed the peas before they had the chance to miss me. Their sugar stings my tounge.

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I literally stop and think how many people are dying right now, what they might be going through, how much deep pain and all the serious crap and depressing emotions people from all over the world are feeling right at this very moment, the agony, all of that... And how complete obliviously we are to it and it just tears me up that I can't do anything about it.

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material loss of tiny shit makes you sad, omg so disgraceful. Couple of years ago a young girl walked in front of me, she walked pretty normal but there was some unsymmetrical drift in her walk, or rather in her movement, slightly, but still my chest feels bound, when I think off it.

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Guest hahathhat

i get oodles of junk mail like anyone else in america. if it didn't work, they wouldn't be sending me gallons of it. the fact that it works makes me sad

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When I was in grade 3 my school used to have a spring parade to welcome the coming thaw and rains and sun. We'd all dress up like our favorite super heroes or the coolest thing we could think of. I loved medieval lore and knights so my mom talked to one of my best buddies moms to see if i could borrow his knight costume to wear in the coming parade. He went to a different elementary/grade/grammar school than I did and he didn't need it. And this costume was fucking full out. made out of aluminium and wood, it looked way tooo real and was fun to wear.


Any how, my mom wanted to make this parade the best ever as I had been diagnosed the month before with type 1 diabetes. she busted her ass to get the most bad assed costume that was perfect for me just to make me feel better. She brought the costume to me that morning, at school, during class, and i was too embarassed to wear it. So, 30 minutes later, my mother and i stood there, her holding the best costume evar, and me with tears in my eyes, watching the parade march by. I still cannot forgive myself for that moment. The amount of love she poured into me being that medieval knight and the amount of me not doing it just kills me. This is why she is my mum and fuck you if you ever disrespect her.


Aw man.. :cry:

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People with health issues not taking care of themselves by keeping unhealthy habits.

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seeing 1 shoe or sneaker on the side of the road.


opening a gift I don't like or would never ever use on Christmas in front of the person who gave it to me makes me feel terrible.


my recycling bin full of empty wine bottles, empty beer bottles and broken dreams.

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Guest hahathhat

People with health issues not taking care of themselves by keeping unhealthy habits.

i eat too much pizza, but you seem to hate me anyways.

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When I was in grade 3 my school used to have a spring parade to welcome the coming thaw and rains and sun. We'd all dress up like our favorite super heroes or the coolest thing we could think of. I loved medieval lore and knights so my mom talked to one of my best buddies moms to see if i could borrow his knight costume to wear in the coming parade. He went to a different elementary/grade/grammar school than I did and he didn't need it. And this costume was fucking full out. made out of aluminium and wood, it looked way tooo real and was fun to wear.


Any how, my mom wanted to make this parade the best ever as I had been diagnosed the month before with type 1 diabetes. she busted her ass to get the most bad assed costume that was perfect for me just to make me feel better. She brought the costume to me that morning, at school, during class, and i was too embarassed to wear it. So, 30 minutes later, my mother and i stood there, her holding the best costume evar, and me with tears in my eyes, watching the parade march by. I still cannot forgive myself for that moment. The amount of love she poured into me being that medieval knight and the amount of me not doing it just kills me. This is why she is my mum and fuck you if you ever disrespect her.


Fuck, that almost made me cry.


Not being able to think of an unobvious thing that makes me sad. It's like there's a small void in its place.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Terry's Chocolate Oranges make me a bit upset sometimes because my dad always insists on getting one for Christmas because his dad always got one for him before he died, and I hate that look on his face and the crack in his voice when he talks about his parents, its scares the shit out of me. My dad even usually buys himself a back up chocolate orange in case my mum forgets so he can still have one

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I get a little sad every time I switch past extreme makeover home edition on the telly, because my dad used to watch it when he was hospitalized with cancer, those are my last memories of him.

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Guest disparaissant

i havent listened to tri repetae in years because it's what i was listening to when i found out one of my best friends had overdosed and died. he was the guy that got me into electronic music in general so it's a double whammy.

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Guest hahathhat

Terry's Chocolate Oranges make me a bit upset sometimes because my dad always insists on getting one for Christmas because his dad always got one for him before he died, and I hate that look on his face and the crack in his voice when he talks about his parents, its scares the shit out of me. My dad even usually buys himself a back up chocolate orange in case my mum forgets so he can still have one

the fucking dad program is encoded into the firmware for full fucking effect. that orange owns your pop's soul. that christmas ritual resurrects his dead dad and allows him to resolve all his guilt and unresolved issues -- some of which have been passed down to you in true lamarkian fashion, like a daddy giraffe stretching its neck to reach the higher fuckin sativa leafs.

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