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Unobvious Things That Delight You

Guest hahathhat

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And I love it when moss and tiny ferns grow in the cracks of concrete.




(i made an EP under the name "downtown root" this summer, it's the noisy funk product of some saga-dreams of mine regarding weeds growing out of concrete, among a few other topics - sorry for the spam but i'm drunk and it's appropriate!)

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Guest moonchild

Bread dough rising. Glad door knobs. Unexpected and unexplained instant connections or understandings that randomly happen with strangers.


Glass door knobs.

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Guest moonchild

Watching my hair swirl in the water. That small window of time before you actually fall asleep but that you know it is close and will happen soon. Watching kittens when they puff themselves up because they feel tough. They've only killed a stuffed mouse but you can tell they feel all bad ass about it.

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Unexpected and unexplained instant connections or understandings that randomly happen with strangers.

I love this.

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Unexpected and unexplained instant connections or understandings that randomly happen with strangers.

I love this.


to refine: unexpected understandings with unobvious strangers

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getting dried up crusty shampoo shit out of my navel.

I pulled a piece of lint out this morning that was almost an inch long. Definitely a record.


I love Nature Parks more than anything. It's where the majority of things I love more than most things come from:


Laying on a hill on a sunny day, but you can look up into the sky because a cloud is covering the sun.

Peeling bark off of a fallen birch branch.

The changing sunlight levels on a partly cloudy day.

The fact that everything looks better in natural light.

That rare rare time, when you can hear all of the sounds of nature, and no drone of the highway or city.

Seeing a deer, or any animal other than a small bird, squirrel, or rabbit.


Also, Golden Retrievers in neckerchiefs. They're just so adorable. This article made me lol. http://www.theonion.com/articles/new-bipartisan-law-would-make-dog-neckerchiefs-man,26301/

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  • 2 weeks later...

A windshield, with a coat of Rain-X, having sat in the rain for an extended period so that the droplets are not heavy enough to run together, but once the car is moving in excess of forty miles per hour, the droplets scatter to the roof in nervous rivulets.

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Guest moonchild

Getting things in the mail. Finding out someone thought better of you than you thought. Making cranky people smile. Old men who blush when you smile at them. Boys who wink to convey a joke. Subtle humor.

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Guest ex-voto

I very much enjoy it when people hold the door for me. I do it for others and sometimes they do not thank me. I always say thanks, I think it is a modus vivendi that we all should have.

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walking faster than everyone else when i'm the cripple on crutches.





I nearly killed a couple the other day because they walked so damn slow. They somehow managed to block the entire street.

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