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Obama's full 180 reversal on Medical Marijuana


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There is no way I am voting for Obama... Not sure what to do though really...

i think this is the worst part of the situation. its glaringly evident now moreso than ever that no mainstream candidate represents common interests. (that aren't business related)


edit: and no, im not subtly hinting that you should vote for Paul. Believe me, I got hangups about that man myself.

Yea, I really respect Paul. But I have far too many hangups. Why hasn't Kucinich won the Democratic Vote yet? I respect him for the same reasons I respect Paul, but he's super liberal, so I'd vote for him (probably).


go out and change things yourself, change yourself, change other people, find out the truth in all things. politics is about wanting others to take care of thing so we can go about our business, we want to just press the button and everything is taken care of. then when 'they' make a muck of it and sell our souls, we wish we could do something ourselves. well the truth is, we can and politics take energy and momentum away from the greater community putting it's actions behind true, grand scale metamorphic change. we need to take our lives back, we need to stop living 'their' lie, some of which is so deceptive and subtle in it's brainwashing, it has become the lie we've learned to love

Idk man. We just seem so insignificant. I guess I could volunteer to help the Green Party or something, but really, what's that going to do? Plus I don't have the time to do that anyway.

And I can't run for office really, since I don't have a degree that would help me achieve that (Law/Political Science/What-have-you). So I'll continue to vote, even though you say it's all pre-decided anyway.


evil in this sense means the party who is 'evil' does not subscribe to your beliefs, the more you vote into power and let-go of your attachment to your own beliefs in order to vote for an 'electable' politician the more you actually give up any leverage you have to make change, you are only reinforcing that evil by voting for the 'lesser' of it.


edit: the youtubes are now just links cause i couldn't figure out how to get them to work

That Nadar quote is pretty awesome. And I agree with that reasoning. I wonder who the Green or Independent party is going to pick this year.

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Guest tv_party

he lost me when he rubber stamped the patriot act. I was also hoping he would be less aggressive with foreign policy. the marijuana stance is just further disappointment.

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go out and change things yourself, change yourself, change other people, find out the truth in all things. politics is about wanting others to take care of thing so we can go about our business, we want to just press the button and everything is taken care of. then when 'they' make a muck of it and sell our souls, we wish we could do something ourselves. well the truth is, we can and politics take energy and momentum away from the greater community putting it's actions behind true, grand scale metamorphic change. we need to take our lives back, we need to stop living 'their' lie, some of which is so deceptive and subtle in it's brainwashing, it has become the lie we've learned to love

Idk man. We just seem so insignificant. I guess I could volunteer to help the Green Party or something, but really, what's that going to do? Plus I don't have the time to do that anyway.

And I can't run for office really, since I don't have a degree that would help me achieve that (Law/Political Science/What-have-you). So I'll continue to vote, even though you say it's all pre-decided anyway.

every action you carry out is being closely kept trac of, whether the actions be useful to yourself and others, useless or consciously destructive. (we must learn the difference if we do not already know or are unsure). don't sell your small actions short my friend, as much as many would like to lead us to believe otherwise, there is greater meaning to what we do then just it's effects on this temporal world and this experience. it is not all about saving the world as most would think (if they think at all), it is also about what the act of attempting and dedicating allegiance to the cause have on the-greater-ineffable-everything, past this momentary flash we call life that is held inside the arms of eternity

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go out and change things yourself, change yourself, change other people, find out the truth in all things. politics is about wanting others to take care of thing so we can go about our business, we want to just press the button and everything is taken care of. then when 'they' make a muck of it and sell our souls, we wish we could do something ourselves. well the truth is, we can and politics take energy and momentum away from the greater community putting it's actions behind true, grand scale metamorphic change. we need to take our lives back, we need to stop living 'their' lie, some of which is so deceptive and subtle in it's brainwashing, it has become the lie we've learned to love

Idk man. We just seem so insignificant. I guess I could volunteer to help the Green Party or something, but really, what's that going to do? Plus I don't have the time to do that anyway.

And I can't run for office really, since I don't have a degree that would help me achieve that (Law/Political Science/What-have-you). So I'll continue to vote, even though you say it's all pre-decided anyway.

every action you carry out is being closely kept trac of, whether the actions be useful to yourself and others, useless or consciously destructive. (we must learn the difference if we do not already know or are unsure). don't sell your small actions short my friend, as much as many would like to lead us to believe otherwise, there is greater meaning to what we do then just it's effects on this temporal world and this experience. it is not all about saving the world as most would think (if they think at all), it is also about what the act of attempting and dedicating allegiance to the cause have on the-greater-ineffable-everything, past this momentary flash we call life that is held inside the arms of eternity

I feel like if I was on psychedelics we could talk about the grand scheme of things forever, my friend. :beer:


I do believe there is some truth to your post though, but instead of a macro multi-verse scale, more of an individual (self) scale (maybe they're relative). If I were to revise your post I'd replace "the-greater-ineffable-everything, past this momentary flash we call life that is held inside the arms of eternity" with "your life and what people will remember you for throughout the rest of this Earth's life (not for selfish reasons [couldn't care less about that], but the fact that you are spreading what is good as inspiration to others)".


Anyways. Yea, Obama is a turd.

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i'm sure we would get on well murve with or without psychedelics. i once had a friend with the name murve some years ago, tho your name is most likely not murve irl

Ha, yea we probably would.


And no, it's not. *Audience Gasps* Murve was the main character in my 5th-7th grade comics.

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so i don't expect anyone here to type it on a public forum, but this means anybody who currently posesses a firearm but is also a medical marijuana card holder is now in violation of federal gun laws, now the question is what kind of violation misdemeanor or felony? Either way it's pretty serious. but lets think about this realistically. Every state now that has 'medical marijuana' laws including Montana, which is one of the biggest gun-owner states in the country will have the full force of the federal government coming down on them soon.


make no mistake, this is the largest push-back against state sovereignty since the first time feds tried to squash California's medical marijuana laws. All the progress we've made in the last 14 years is now being reversed.


To me this has heavy implications across the board on states rights issues including gay marriage, the reversal by Obama is so drastic that i wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing a federal push to not recognize gay marriage that was allowed by states like NY.


I know my posts about Obama tend to depress people, but i think this is one of the first major reversals that will eventually end with a showdown of some kind. Either a showdown of his supporters VS his reelection campaign or the state of California VS the feds.

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so i don't expect anyone here to type it on a public forum, but this means anybody who currently posesses a firearm but is also a medical marijuana card holder is now in violation of federal gun laws, now the question is what kind of violation misdemeanor or felony? Either way it's pretty serious. but lets think about this realistically. Every state now that has 'medical marijuana' laws including Montana, which is one of the biggest gun-owner states in the country will have the full force of the federal government coming down on them soon.


make no mistake, this is the largest push-back against state sovereignty since the first time feds tried to squash California's medical marijuana laws. All the progress we've made in the last 14 years is now being reversed.


To me this has heavy implications across the board on states rights issues including gay marriage, the reversal by Obama is so drastic that i wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing a federal push to not recognize gay marriage that was allowed by states like NY.


I know my posts about Obama tend to depress people, but i think this is one of the first major reversals that will eventually end with a showdown of some kind. Either a showdown of his supporters VS his reelection campaign or the state of California VS the feds.


It is just one more step into the police state that this country has been revealing itself as.

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Voting for the lesser of two evils ruins the public debate. In the next election you have the media saying "here are the candidates that are for sale: which one do you find least offensive?"


This is an interesting situation that arises when you have only 2 dominate political parties. My Guideline is, if you are in a strongly blue or strongly red state(a state that is, overwhelmingly, for sure going to vote one way or the other), then vote for a third party. If it is going to be really close, vote for obama. (because holy mother fucking god please do not elect rick perry)

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but this means anybody who currently posesses a firearm but is also a medical marijuana card holder is now in violation of federal gun laws


no, because that doesn't make sense


are you saying the story about the law is a lie, or that the law is so unfair sounding that it must not be true?


what about colorado? no more 4:20 happy hours at the dispensary three houses down from me?


if the feds keep pushing and no one fights back, no more 4:20 happy hours legally speaking

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i know you're mostly a troll Maximus, but it's really weird to me when people mock the idea that our civil liberties are slowly and irretrievably eroding. Is it because people like Alex Jones have made realistic paranoia seem laughable now?


if it doesnt concern you and a lot of other people are worrying about it, then surely it must be silly. Thats how it works right?

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but this means anybody who currently posesses a firearm but is also a medical marijuana card holder is now in violation of federal gun laws


no, because that doesn't make sense


are you saying the story about the law is a lie, or that the law is so unfair sounding that it must not be true?


from what i googled the atf statement is too contradicting to be actually implemented so it's unlikely to be considered as an actual law.


for the kicks, make a call to your local PD and ask them for a clarification, i bet they won't have a clear answer.

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some more googling revealed that marijuana use is considered illegal according to federal law, whether it's medicianl or recreational, so that new atf statement doesn't actually say anything new.

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This seems like a play to turn the anti-bank protesters into free MJ protesters, at least in the eyes of the media. The want to muddy the waters, and this is a way of doing it. I suspect though that they had this in mind for a while. But the timing of this dove-tails nicely with the idea of getting together ingredients for a smear campaign.


Plus it re-criminalizes a lot of the people that would be currently going to these 'occupy whatever' gatherings.


and .....................




yep, pretty much ...

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some more googling revealed that marijuana use is considered illegal according to federal law, whether it's medicianl or recreational, so that new atf statement doesn't actually say anything new.


if you would have been paying any attention to the debate for the past 14 years, you wouldn't have to google that marijuana is federally illegal and has been since the medical marijuana states rights bills were passed, that's not really relevant to this story specifically. All these states who have medical marijuana have always been technically violating state law.


what is 'new' is that if you actually go back and pay attention to my first post in this thread and look at the statement by Erik Holder, you will see clearly that the ATF memo is only the tip of the iceberg of a full reversal from Obama's stated marijuana policy starting in 2008


local news report on gun stores not being allowed to sell to pot users



i dont understand


self awareness is the first step

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This seems like a play to turn the anti-bank protesters into free MJ protesters, at least in the eyes of the media. The want to muddy the waters, and this is a way of doing it. I suspect though that they had this in mind for a while. But the timing of this dove-tails nicely with the idea of getting together ingredients for a smear campaign.


Plus it re-criminalizes a lot of the people that would be currently going to these 'occupy whatever' gatherings.


and .....................




yep, pretty much ...


they're smoking a lot of weed in there....

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some more googling revealed that marijuana use is considered illegal according to federal law, whether it's medicianl or recreational, so that new atf statement doesn't actually say anything new.


if you would have been paying any attention to the debate for the past 14 years, you wouldn't have to google that marijuana is federally illegal and has been since the medical marijuana states rights bills were passed, that's not really relevant to this story specifically. All these states who have medical marijuana have always been technically violating state law.


what is 'new' is that if you actually go back and pay attention to my first post in this thread and look at the statement by Erik Holder, you will see clearly that the ATF memo is only the tip of the iceberg of a full reversal from Obama's stated marijuana policy starting in 2008


local news report on gun stores not being allowed to sell to pot users




i dont understand


self awareness is the first step


but i wasn't addressing your original post.

you said that possessing a firearm and being a medical marijuana user is now illegal, which isn't true because it was always illegal. but it's all rhetorical bullshit anyway because it seems that the law was never really enforced anyway because of countless contradictions.

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