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Obama's full 180 reversal on Medical Marijuana


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Politicians gonna politic.


He wants to win reelection. Duh.


Guys, if we legalize marijuana about 1/2 of the DEA would be out of jobs. We need to be creating jobs, not eliminating them. Bad idea!


Guys, if we legalize marijuana about 1/2 of the DEA would be out of jobs. We need to be cutting government spending! Great idea!


Jobs need to be created in the private sector. Not government jobs.

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I can see the DEA's rationalization for this, it's the same as South Florida, mostly Broward County. Sham doctors there write bullshit scripts for OxyContin and a host of other painkillers strictly for the money.


The pot clinics have almost reached the same point, anyone can walk into the doctor's office then walk downstairs and get their weed. Some clinics even have vending machines where u don't even need to deal with another person.


I am in no way condoning this as I like to smoke as much as the next guy, but their blatant dealing has brought down the law on them and I think the conservatIves would have used it against Obama during the election. If re-elected don't be surprised if this gets put on the back burner again.

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Well at some point in the past, Obama actually made some sense. Can't really say that about Bush. (But at least he's consistent!) That's why he deserves some kind of slack. In the sense of: this is so stupid, that's almost not Obama-like. There's still some hope left. Not much though.

This. Except I think there is less hope than you think.


This year I am comfortable with voting for a third party. I am tired of having a president who doesn't support anything I believe in. The only thing I can applaud Obama on is helping getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He promised so much more than that though.

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Guys, if we legalize marijuana about 1/2 of the DEA would be out of jobs. We need to be creating jobs, not eliminating them. Bad idea!


Guys, if we legalize marijuana about 1/2 of the DEA would be out of jobs. We need to be cutting government spending! Great idea!


given their experience and market knowledge those dea guys could easily turn into legal weed growers/dealers


given their experience and market knowledge those dea guys could easily turn into legal weed growers/dealers

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Well at some point in the past, Obama actually made some sense. Can't really say that about Bush. (But at least he's consistent!) That's why he deserves some kind of slack. In the sense of: this is so stupid, that's almost not Obama-like. There's still some hope left. Not much though.

This. Except I think there is less hope than you think.


This year I am comfortable with voting for a third party. I am tired of having a president who doesn't support anything I believe in. The only thing I can applaud Obama on is helping getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He promised so much more than that though.


best post in thread, someone who isn't going to cast a vote for someone who has basically said 'fuck you' to everything they believe for the past 2 years. I commend you


I think the conservatives would have used it against Obama during the election.


i really don't think their attacks at this point can't get much worse than calling the president a secret Muslim Manchurian candidate communist socialist from Indonesia who hangs out with radical leftist terrorists who bomb police stations ( in case anyone forgot this is how the republicans tried to win the last election, by characterizing Obama this way)


edit: throwing 'pot loving hippy' on top of this i don't think will make him anymore unelectable. I really strongly believe this. In his book called 'dreams of my father' Obama admits to snorting cocaine on more than one occasion, being addicted to marijuana and suiting himself up with a heroin rig to shoot dope but then at the last minute 'decided not to' (yeah right, the guy tried heroin, lol) . All of this leads me to believe that no drug associations can bring him down at this point, short of a meth dealing operation coming from the Lincoln Bedroom

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i did not think he was solely responsible for it. that would have been dumb.


things don't happen in a vacuum, i don't think i implied that in my first post, ultimately though the 'buck stops here' the president is responsible for the policies of the attorney general. If you don't agree with this then we better start giving a free pass to W for the aggressive patriot act push.


You know who is REALLY responsible for this CHEEBA crackdown?


This guy:




bonus points for using 80s slang term for pot

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There is no way I am voting for Obama... Not sure what to do though really...



i think this is the worst part of the situation. its glaringly evident now moreso than ever that no mainstream candidate represents common interests. (that aren't business related)



edit: and no, im not subtly hinting that you should vote for Paul. Believe me, I got hangups about that man myself.

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go out and change things yourself, change yourself, change other people, find out the truth in all things. politics is about wanting others to take care of thing so we can go about our business, we want to just press the button and everything is taken care of. then when 'they' make a muck of it and sell our souls, we wish we could do something ourselves. well the truth is, we can and politics take energy and momentum away from the greater community putting it's actions behind true, grand scale metamorphic change. we need to take our lives back, we need to stop living 'their' lie, some of which is so deceptive and subtle in it's brainwashing, it has become the lie we've learned to love

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Well at some point in the past, Obama actually made some sense. Can't really say that about Bush. (But at least he's consistent!) That's why he deserves some kind of slack. In the sense of: this is so stupid, that's almost not Obama-like. There's still some hope left. Not much though.

This. Except I think there is less hope than you think.


This year I am comfortable with voting for a third party. I am tired of having a president who doesn't support anything I believe in. The only thing I can applaud Obama on is helping getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He promised so much more than that though.


The thing about DADT though is he didn't really have to do much. All the publicity pretty much did the work for him when it came to swaying peoples opinion to repeal it.


+1 to your post tho. I want to vote for somebody I agree with. Not because they are the lesser of the two evils.

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Well at some point in the past, Obama actually made some sense. Can't really say that about Bush. (But at least he's consistent!) That's why he deserves some kind of slack. In the sense of: this is so stupid, that's almost not Obama-like. There's still some hope left. Not much though.

This. Except I think there is less hope than you think.


This year I am comfortable with voting for a third party. I am tired of having a president who doesn't support anything I believe in. The only thing I can applaud Obama on is helping getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He promised so much more than that though.


The thing about DADT though is he didn't really have to do much. All the publicity pretty much did the work for him when it came to swaying peoples opinion to repeal it.


+1 to your post tho. I want to vote for somebody I agree with. Not because they are the lesser of the two evils.


true on both counts, Ralph Nader made a great point when i saw him speak last month that if you keep voting for the 'lesser of two evils' there is only one way mathematically the parties can evolve, and that is in a more evil direction not in a less evil one. On a very basic level this makes perfect sense but people's irrational hopes and dreams continue to obscure this plainly visible fact.

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Uhm, I don't think I can follow you here. If people voting for the lesser of two evils, the parties will evolve into a more evil direction? The only way that would be logical is if you'd assume the parties actually want to be way more evil than they are at this point. And the only reason they're not full out evil is because they seek the most evil direction they can achieve without alienating voters.

If this internal incentive of evil is dropped, evolution would force the parties to be less and less evil, no? Assuming both parties want to be in power, and the least evil will win, that would mean a race to be least evil. I'm sure I'm missing something here? Care to enlighten?


edit.: haven't seen the youtubes , yet.

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evil in this sense means the party who is 'evil' does not subscribe to your beliefs, the more you vote into power and let-go of your attachment to your own beliefs in order to vote for an 'electable' politician the more you actually give up any leverage you have to make change, you are only reinforcing that evil by voting for the 'lesser' of it.


edit: the youtubes are now just links cause i couldn't figure out how to get them to work

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Well at some point in the past, Obama actually made some sense. Can't really say that about Bush. (But at least he's consistent!) That's why he deserves some kind of slack. In the sense of: this is so stupid, that's almost not Obama-like. There's still some hope left. Not much though.

This. Except I think there is less hope than you think.


This year I am comfortable with voting for a third party. I am tired of having a president who doesn't support anything I believe in. The only thing I can applaud Obama on is helping getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He promised so much more than that though.


The thing about DADT though is he didn't really have to do much. All the publicity pretty much did the work for him when it came to swaying peoples opinion to repeal it.


+1 to your post tho. I want to vote for somebody I agree with. Not because they are the lesser of the two evils.


that sounds too idealistic for our cynical and pragmatic world, i mean you should try to think a few steps ahead and see if the man has a chance to implement the things you so strongly agree with (which is probably quite difficult to predict). maybe it is more strategically sound to vote for someone who you agree with on 60% of the issues and who'll implement 50% of those when in govmnt. rather than someone who is your closest bro ideologically but who'll get stomped by the system.


the "but it shouldn't work like that" argument is irrelevant at this state of things..

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dumb. i wish we could just make it legal though, sometimes i have hopes about seeing that in my lifetime and then shit like this happens.



And the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) last week ruled that state-sanctioned medical marijuana patients cannot legally possess firearms.



lol WTF!


wow how on earth did i not catch that, that's pretty fucking ridiculous. So does this mean if i legally have a firearm in california and are stopped by federal authorities and am also a medical marijuana card holder, i can be charged with illegal possessing a firearm? thats one of the most fucked up things ive heard,

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Hmmm i would guess you want to get the second amendment people onto that one re: the BATF decree (since when did they have the power to declare what was legal or illegal?)


As for Obama's 180 on medical marijuana - just stupid. The war on drugs is a fucking tragedy.

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i mean that right there throws out completely any argument that Obama is doing this to 'please' conservatives. Even a hippy hating conservative is going to narrow in on the one thing that concerns him most removing more people's right to possess a firearm. It makes absolutely zero sense that he's ding this to be more electable in 2012


edit: at this point i'm convinced that the only way he can increase his electability is to appeal to the voices from the left and actually do more shit they want. The excitement about his candidacy is completely gone, without that i don't know how except for possibly a horribly bland outcome from the otherside (like mcain) win on his political capital at this current moment.


edit2: if conservatives were better at triangulation and not so obvious right vs wrong over simplifiers they would take this fact about his new legislation and make it the headline on every conceivable conservative media outlet for the next 24 hours.

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Well at some point in the past, Obama actually made some sense. Can't really say that about Bush. (But at least he's consistent!) That's why he deserves some kind of slack. In the sense of: this is so stupid, that's almost not Obama-like. There's still some hope left. Not much though.

This. Except I think there is less hope than you think.


This year I am comfortable with voting for a third party. I am tired of having a president who doesn't support anything I believe in. The only thing I can applaud Obama on is helping getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He promised so much more than that though.


The thing about DADT though is he didn't really have to do much. All the publicity pretty much did the work for him when it came to swaying peoples opinion to repeal it.


+1 to your post tho. I want to vote for somebody I agree with. Not because they are the lesser of the two evils.


that sounds too idealistic for our cynical and pragmatic world, i mean you should try to think a few steps ahead and see if the man has a chance to implement the things you so strongly agree with (which is probably quite difficult to predict). maybe it is more strategically sound to vote for someone who you agree with on 60% of the issues and who'll implement 50% of those when in govmnt. rather than someone who is your closest bro ideologically but who'll get stomped by the system.


the "but it shouldn't work like that" argument is irrelevant at this state of things..

That's what I've done since I started voting in '04. I just wish there were more than two realistic choices. Shouldn't be red vs blue because there is so much diversity on both sides.


But seeing candidates like Bachman. That's terrifying. Even if I only agree with a little bit of what Obama does. And even though some of his actions have put severe strain on the small business I work for (despite him saying he supports them), he's still looking much better than that other nightmare.

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Fuck Obama

everything has been decided, it has been planned far in advance. there is never any 'election' in america (or anywhere else for that matter), nor will there ever be. obama's now dwindling popularity is only because he's african american, he promises alternative and 'hope', gifts (that he then quickly snatches away), he is charismatic and people want to fuck him. he is just another distraction laid fourth by the power in the shadow.

don't believe a word any of them say, anywhere in the world. they are all liars, prevailers of conveniently customized false truth



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