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Burial - Kindred EP


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Why, because it's a constant reminder of how wrong everyone else in the world is?



We invented cars. We invented roads. We invented gas. We invented wheels. We invented rubber. We invented gears. We invented light. We invented electricity.



Did yee invent English too?


i do think UK residents who take some sort of quasi nationalistic pride from their E binge days need to kinda stfu , in the US you have to be black to get away with that kind of exclusionary elitism hen it comes to original rave music, and i am neither british or black so i lose

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burial is rare artist who has allowed us to interpret our connection with him almost entirely through his musics and his musics are built so well for this



I replaced music with testicles whilst reading this.

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Guest sickboy

Why, because it's a constant reminder of how wrong everyone else in the world is?



We invented cars. We invented roads. We invented gas. We invented wheels. We invented rubber. We invented gears. We invented light. We invented electricity.



Did yee invent English too?


i do think UK residents who take some sort of quasi nationalistic pride from their E binge days need to kinda stfu , in the US you have to be black to get away with that kind of exclusionary elitism hen it comes to original rave music, and i am neither british or black so i lose


haha jealous much?

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Guest sickboy


anthony fantano, the internet's busiest music nerd.


I usually watch most of this guys reviews, even if he's reviewing music i'm not really interested in. he's pretty good.


But this was one of his weaker reviews I must say.

youre shit

thats my weak review of your weak review of his weak review

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burial is rare artist who has allowed us to interpret our connection with him almost entirely through his musics and his musics are built so well for this



I replaced music with testicles whilst reading this.


It's bad enough that TRM and I have had to put up with people typing “garridge” in this thread, now I have to stomach a “whilst” as well? How dare you!


The correct English is “I done replaced music with them testicles, tarnation, while I’as fixin’ to read this. Yes’m.”




  • Location:USA
  • USA!
  • USA!!
  • USA!!!!!

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Why, because it's a constant reminder of how wrong everyone else in the world is?



We invented cars. We invented roads. We invented gas. We invented wheels. We invented rubber. We invented gears. We invented light. We invented electricity.



Did yee invent English too?


i do think UK residents who take some sort of quasi nationalistic pride from their E binge days need to kinda stfu , in the US you have to be black to get away with that kind of exclusionary elitism hen it comes to original rave music, and i am neither british or black so i lose


haha jealous much?


apparently you didn't pick up on heavy sarcasm of my post, its just embarrassing to me that someone from the UK says they don't like it when an american uses the term garage based on some form of strange nationalistic pride.

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now now fellas, this has been a very positive thread thus far, let's keep it going.


TIL Burial makes my girlfriend want to get nekkid.


(Unsure why I didn't try this circa 2007)

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Am I the only one that prefer his debut to Untrue? Granted, I have not listened to Untrue as much as his debut, but it's just because it felt more of the same.


I actually don't love Untrue. I don't mind Burial's use of manipulated rnb vocal samples, but Untrue way overdoes it for me.


I vastly prefer the more ambiguous treatment he gives them on Kindred EP.

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Guest Popemobile v2

Jesus Christ guys, enough with the skip talk already. That's coming from someone with clinically diagnosable, pretty hardcore OCD (I'm also kind of an audiophile for what it's worth, FLAC only for this playa).


'playa' lol


heartly lol, and if Popemobile v2 was being parodious im loling with him too (hopefully he was) although you never know what type of fans listen to Burial after his 'urban' image took flight


Ain't nuthin' funny 'bout life in the ghetto, yo. Burial is street music, "CNN for black people". FLAC is the soundtrack. Peace.

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A lot of people seem to have a issue with the RnB vocals. I used to aswell, I couldn't stand a song like Archangel. But I don't know what happened, all of a sudden it just clicked for me. Now Archangel is one of my favorit songs of his. I actually love all of his vocal samples now for some reason.


Also his use of voice samples on Kindred is his best yet in my opinion.


Especially on Astray Wasp:


"I belong... to.. you". It gives me chills down the spine.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms


Origin of GARAGE


French, act of docking, garage, from garer to dock, from Middle French garrer, probably ultimately from Old Norse vara to beware, take care; akin to Old High German biwarōn to protect — more at ware

First Known Use: 1902


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I want to hate Ant


anthony fantano, the internet's busiest music nerd.


I usually watch most of this guys reviews, even if he's reviewing music i'm not really interested in. he's pretty good.


But this was one of his weaker reviews I must say.

youre shit

thats my weak review of your weak review of his weak review


He might review you one day lol. Shudder the thought? I would, heheh.

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This EP has grown on my so much


I love the voice samples in the last minute of Ashtray Wasp


I love the little missing dropout clicks in it as well like some people were complaining about


Voice samples at the same time as when the melody finally comes out for that one little section are beautiful in title track


So far Loner is my least favorite meaning it will probably soon become my most favorite

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Guest ruiagnelo

Ashtray Wasp has an epic uplifting and immense feel to it. It makes me picture myself trapped and living with ghosts in one of Piranesi's ruins.



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