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Super Bowl


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Its all about the half-time show + commercials, innit. I'm only aware of this event because my idiot friends like to pretend they love every sport (its a status thing).


I will share a few drinks with them and hope for wardrobe malfunction. I want the Giants to win because they are the fucking GIANTS (cool name for a sports team).




Oh and i saw this on Reddit ..





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I really have no interest or minimal interest in this game, as all the teams I would have rooted for bit it horribly (49ers and Ravens). I will however root for NY out of my irrational hatred for Tom Brady. Yes I am one of those people. I shall be consuming copious amounts of alcoholic haterade to increase my hating efficiency.

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I've been with the Giants since 2007.


But I haven't really been following the NFL for like 2 years. Having a job and following it is almost impossible when you live in Europe (time zones of course).


I don't think going to watch The Super Bowl again this year, it sucks. Why the fuck does it have to be played on a Sunday.

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Is Tim Telbow playing? i want that guy to get hurt.


nah, poor Timmy lost a while back.


I sorta wished that, just for that game John Madden would be narrating, because I keep imaging that, at the end of the 4th quarter as the camera zooms in on Tebow's dejected face, you hear Madden's barreling voice state "Where's your messiah now?"

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The best thing to do, if you're with a group of friends, is make "quarter bets". You make bets of 25 cents on the most ridiculous things like "i bet the first commercial in the next break is a car commercial" or "I bet the next play will have number 27 fall over" things like that. Mix with a couple of joints and plenty of alcohol.

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The best thing to do, if you're with a group of friends, is make "quarter bets". You make bets of 25 cents on the most ridiculous things like "i bet the first commercial in the next break is a car commercial" or "I bet the next play will have number 27 fall over" things like that. Mix with a couple of joints and plenty of alcohol.


I went to a SB party back when the Steelers beat the Cardinals and they did this... I left with $10!

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I'm a Yankee fan which automatically makes me hate the pats and I'm an eagles fan which means the giants are an archival. that said, I am going to watch the entire game with a few friends, copius amounts of Stella, guacamole, salsa, wings and some serious stuffed peppers I made this morning after I made some chorizo and egg breakfast tacos.


I also plan on cracking open hautlles vanilla java porter.

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The best thing to do, if you're with a group of friends, is make "quarter bets". You make bets of 25 cents on the most ridiculous things like "i bet the first commercial in the next break is a car commercial" or "I bet the next play will have number 27 fall over" things like that. Mix with a couple of joints and plenty of alcohol.


I went to a SB party back when the Steelers beat the Cardinals and they did this... I left with $10!


Asymm always knows what's up!



I'm a Yankee fan which automatically makes me hate the pats and I'm an eagles fan which means the giants are an archival. that said, I am going to watch the entire game with a few friends, copius amounts of Stella, guacamole, salsa, wings and some serious stuffed peppers I made this morning after I made some chorizo and egg breakfast tacos.


I also plan on cracking open hautlles vanilla java porter.


you've already cracked some of those stellas haven't you? lol

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fucking pumped about this superb owl



Actually I don't care at all, but my school is in a tizzy as usual (being both Patriots and Giants territory and that Bill Belichick (aka the antichrist) "studied" here



fuck football

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Guest kokeboka

But I haven't really been following the NFL for like 2 years. Having a job and following it is almost impossible when you live in Europe (time zones of course).


I so know what you mean.



Patriots are looking unusually disorganized - grounding in the end zone, silly penalties...

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