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Do You Ever Find Yourself Secretly Wishing The World Would Come To An End?


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Yeah, I have this sort of gleeful fear that one day nuclear war will have started. I'll catch it on the internet and just walk out of work.. I'll wait for my girlfriend before we head out into the villages with a suitcase full of food, water and clothes.


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you can never be replying

unbound tents were allying

you came to consume for this part

diverted within it's bath


I have always been refreshing

you were to be attended

you have rotated in this moss

numbly ached above this ox


over the ice that wouldn't think

a deformer was cooking

diluted under those oiled mires

blast their very unjoined pile


unviewed from the deliverer

me beside that poisoner

for unprized pylons you are rippling

shorter defenses ripple


I never breathe astride her ox

wheezing briefly to her knot

this scope had usually twirled

I was going to deter

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I sometimes wish that all humans would die for the sake of the rest of the natural world, but I definitely wouldn't want anything nuclear war-y to happen.


In regards to the money debate, it's probably not money that's the problem, but the fact that greed is so intertwined in human nature. Nothing (by nothing I mean big nothings) is ever done in this world unless someone can make a profit off of it. Wildlife is being ripped apart daily for useless projects such as the construction of sub-divisions, all for the purpose of making money. These sub-divisions won't make anyones life better, except for the ones who are making money off of them.


I'm sure if we divvied up all of the worlds resources amongst all of the nations and people evenly, we would all be able to live a very comfortable lifestyle (I guess it'd be worldwide communism). But as long as greed exists, that utopia cannot exist.

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I've wondered where greed comes from. Does it have evolutionary roots or is it something that has come much later? Is it something that could be removed from human nature? I somehow doubt it since we live in a scarce world, although in the West there seems to be this propensity to gather more resources than you need to feed some weird materialistic hunger. How much of that hunger is manufactured and when did it really pop up?

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in the West there seems to be this propensity to gather more resources than you need to feed some weird materialistic hunger. How much of that hunger is manufactured and when did it really pop up?

Shit, so there really is a different mindset in other countries? Wish I knew a foreign language so I could move.

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don't despair guys, it's just humanity entering middle age. Like most middle-agers, we're now old enough to know what the world (universe) is about, but we're starting to feel strong doubt as to whether or not we can reach our goals (a rewarding job/ space travel). We're realizing our vision exceeds our grasp. Eventually, if we survive long enough, we'll enter humanity's old age, where the universe is hurtling apart ever faster, entropy is settling in, and we're still mired on this rock and haven't achieved interstellar travel. Like an old guy savoring his mashed peas, we'll turn inward and endlessly re-run memories of our glory days, as we wait for oblivion. Oh wait, we're doing that already...*boots up WoW*


Emotionally speaking I don't like the tone of your post, it makes it sound like the best stuff has already happened and we're not far away from seeing the lack of potential we actually have. I've been thinking a lot about what earth and humanity will look like in the future, and I'm hoping for some big changes as time goes on. Personally I'm not desiring a kind of apocalypse, but of course it's exciting to think about, a lot of action and new stuff would happen and that's interesting from the point of view of the imagination. I just want it to be something positive or something where we prosper, rather than destruction. With destruction we'd be out of electricity and the internet and all the other goods of today, that just sounds like a lot of hard work and isolation and boring walking. If humanity was able to rebuild a kind of society that would be interesting though. It would also be interesting to see a new human society in say, 1000 years, after the apocalypse. What would they do differently if they got technology, how would things be? That kind of stuff is fascinating to me.

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Not selfish thinking; extreme-materialism.


Although you non-westerners may only see our super materialistic people in your media. My Mom has a book that shows what different people from around the world have in their house, and of course, they took the most stereotypical examples from The United States and The UK.

The United states people had a 3 car garage, wore cowboy hats, and they're prized possession was "The Bible".

The Brits were all dressed disgustingly proper, were sipping tea in one picture, and their daughters both played violin at their private school.

Moral of the story, everybody hates the west.


It would also be interesting to see a new human society in say, 1000 years, after the apocalypse. What would they do differently if they got technology, how would things be? That kind of stuff is fascinating to me.

Agreed. Been thinking about this a ton lately.

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Too add to my very first post. Most of my thoughts of the end of the world dwelled on me during sporadic moments of depression or perhaps just pessimism? Rationalism? Along with those thoughts would come the wish that I simply never existed, but that since I unfortunately do I must participate in this thing called life untill my unfortunate fortunante death. Of course these thoughts are only natural I'd assume for all humans to experience but instead of choosing to give up or call it quits we should all strive to become good and better people. Perhaps the best and only fair way to go about that is to do what makes us each happy as long as it doesn't interfere with another human being.


But their are just to many variables, instabilities. Corruption, greed, jealousy, illogical, naive, ignorant, prejudiced, stubborn etc.. you can't ask that to go away, you can't ask a human to stop being a human. But what you can try to do perhaps is find a strong point in someone maybe like a stubborn logical person and try to use reason to shed some light on how stubborn they are being.


We all want the world to be a better place, but until we correct ourselves we can't expect the world to do the same, can we?

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Not selfish thinking; extreme-materialism.


Although you non-westerners may only see our super materialistic people in your media. My Mom has a book that shows what different people from around the world have in their house, and of course, they took the most stereotypical examples from The United States and The UK.

The United states people had a 3 car garage, wore cowboy hats, and they're prized possession was "The Bible".

The Brits were all dressed disgustingly proper, were sipping tea in one picture, and their daughters both played violin at their private school.

Moral of the story, everybody hates the west.


Wait, who are non-westerners here? Maybe I should use the more modern "global north" term. I am pretty sure that as good as all of us here could be classified as "westerners".

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Not selfish thinking; extreme-materialism.


Although you non-westerners may only see our super materialistic people in your media. My Mom has a book that shows what different people from around the world have in their house, and of course, they took the most stereotypical examples from The United States and The UK.

The United states people had a 3 car garage, wore cowboy hats, and they're prized possession was "The Bible".

The Brits were all dressed disgustingly proper, were sipping tea in one picture, and their daughters both played violin at their private school.

Moral of the story, everybody hates the west.


Wait, who are non-westerners here? Maybe I should use the more modern "global north" term. I am pretty sure that as good as all of us here could be classified as "westerners".

Haha, I think my sedatives were kicking in when I wrote that. I translated West to mean US/UK and other "allied" groups for some reason. I guess whenever I hear about a country trying to stay away from "Western Influence", it's usually the US/UK trying to rub their influence all over that country.


Yea, everyone on here is definitely a westerner.


I publicly wish that troon's watmm account would come to an end.



I like this thread.

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there have been many revolutions in the history, and they all ended up with the same ideals. nothing changed, only the balance of power shifted.. the hunger for power hasn't gone.. the greed for more money, lust for expansion..


there is a wish for a different change in many of you, one that doesn't revert to this sort of stalemate. but in the end you still live your life chained to a lifestyle you don't like.... no wonder you dream this sort of stuff..


reading through Daniel Quinn - Beyond Civilization now, and it's very on topic of this thread. really interesting. much better then whatever I could add to this thread.

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there have been many revolutions in the history, and they all ended up with the same ideals. nothing changed, only the balance of power shifted.. the hunger for power hasn't gone.. the greed for more money, lust for expansion..


there is a wish for a different change in many of you, one that doesn't revert to this sort of stalemate. but in the end you still live your life chained to a lifestyle you don't like.... no wonder you dream this sort of stuff..


reading through Daniel Quinn - Beyond Civilization now, and it's very on topic of this thread. really interesting. much better then whatever I could add to this thread.


I like to think that we're a very special race in the way we represent the most "intelligent" life-form that we know, and in the same time our spiritual elevation as a specie is chained to the ground because what still leads our evolution is that animal greed for power.


Like we're perfectly imperfect. Or unachieved. Future will tell

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If you guys have never read it, Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse is a great read. It features a bunch of short-stories with a bunch of known authors takes on the apocalypse/post-apocalyptic life. It's a pretty great and fairly quick read, the first one in the book is done by Stephen King.



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there have been many revolutions in the history, and they all ended up with the same ideals. nothing changed, only the balance of power shifted.. the hunger for power hasn't gone.. the greed for more money, lust for expansion..


there is a wish for a different change in many of you, one that doesn't revert to this sort of stalemate. but in the end you still live your life chained to a lifestyle you don't like.... no wonder you dream this sort of stuff..


reading through Daniel Quinn - Beyond Civilization now, and it's very on topic of this thread. really interesting. much better then whatever I could add to this thread.


I like to think that we're a very special race in the way we represent the most "intelligent" life-form that we know, and in the same time our spiritual elevation as a specie is chained to the ground because what still leads our evolution is that animal greed for power.


Like we're perfectly imperfect. Or unachieved. Future will tell




well check out that book, you'll dig it... it actually deals with stuff you're saying. at least I remember one of the books in that series that was dealing with the exact subject of why we are always seeing ourself as this cursed species, the smartest - yet always fucking everything up.. among a lot of other interesting ideas... good read.

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Sounds interesting !


I've been reading two very good books lately but I'm not sure they have translated versions for languages other than french.


Anyway, the titles are Vivre et penser comme des porcs ("Living And Thinking Like Pigs") and L'homme des sables ("The Sand Man").


The first one is a concession-less and quite extremist book that analyses modern life and economy in their very deep philosophical meaning. It has a very aggressive and caustic vibe but it's also very clever.


The second one is a psychological / almost philosophical analysis about that same modern life. Way less angry than the first one but it gives another angle on the questions. It basically talks about the impact of the modern individualist society on us, on a personal/psycological level.


I'm looking for some other books of that vein so I'll check the one you advised, thanks

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