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Do You Ever Find Yourself Secretly Wishing The World Would Come To An End?


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I often have dreams about the end of the world. Last year there was a time where I was really really low... I don't know if I was clinically depressed but yeah. Of course the thought of suicide occasionally crops up, but I would never kill myself, and one of the devices I use to ensure I don't dwell too deeply on the topic is to think about how selfish it is, and how many people would be upset over it. It usually helps a lot to stop thinking about it and work through those really tough times.


So when I had an apocalyptic dream then, I LOVED it. it felt like such a huge relief. Not only was my life going to end, but everyone else's as well, so it didn't matter that I was dead.


I think that was the only time I thought of the end of the world in a positive way. I agree with those who say it won't be quick and painless though. It'll probably happen of the course of decades or centuries. In the words of Alex Patterson, "it's not like one big bum boil that's going to suddenly explode on day".

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I have dreams about the end of the world from times to times. I remember one where asteroids were falling from the sky during a night. Everything was so confused, dark and red, and smoke was all over the place. Still there was something cool into this atmosphere.


I also made several dreams where a tsunami is coming over me and the people I'm with.


It seems society wants to romanticize the idea of an apocalypse... but like previously said, it wouldn't just happen overnight. but not in the sense of humans "giving up"... we'll just slowly burn as radiation falls from the sky.


i really agree with that. It's a theme that is represented a lot in movies these days, and I think it's growing into the collective subconsciousness. Take Shelter was pretty interesting by the way

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Guest moonchild

I do have a "the stand" sort of plan in the back of my head. What I would do and where I would go to make a new life if we ( the survivors) had to start over. Mostly I could be ok since I have hung out with my grandmother a great deal and know how to preserve things, garden, hunt, etc. I could take care of a lot of people too and teach them how to do that stuff too. But if everything ended all of that would be useless so I never really think about it too much. After all, what would be left to worry about then?

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I used to fantasize about the end of humans all the time, now I don't have to as I know it'll happen eventually anyway, but I have no wish to see it with my own eyes.


Edit: Actually if it was very special, I would see it. But what are the odds?

if it happens this process will prob. be very slow, culture will die long before humans die, and with culture the interest for history and similar things, so there won't be much to see, nobody will care, it will be more like the death in a product life cycle, oops where has it gone ? ah dunno my dumb post...


Well yes, slow, but I COULD imagine a fell god or demon coming from some vulcano and start wrecking everything, because he would be very nervous and would try to end it by the end of the day. Then we would just run around and scream like little girls waiting to be stomped on by his foul feet or get burned by lasers coming out of his eyes



or nipples :emotawesomepm9:


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i definitely do. moreso lately.


i always had an apocalyptic fantasy where I'd be sitting on my roof with a beer and a lawn chair, naked and laughing as an asteroid hits. would be good times. naked outdoorsman drinking is good times.

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man I never wished or dreamt about this, can't connect with this wish at all.. I would like living my life more post apocaliptic though :emotawesomepm9: for real.. all the sense of security we get from our job, home and insurance is crumbling as we speak anyway.. why hang on to it? get something better instead. social security in the real sense of the word, not something you stick money into.


I kind of get why you all would wish to wipe the planet out of existence though... but I believe that the whole piramid of society as we know it will crumble to a small insignificant idea anyway, it's just inevitable! most of the people don't really like this lifestyle we should all subscribe to, except for the people on the upper bit of the piramid, where the power and money is, because it works fine for them..


I don't think shit will change in a big apocapoliptic blast or any such a thing, but over time. inevitable.. old views will fade, new and better views will come up. don't believe the hype.

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there is however difference between the end naturally

occurring and taking ones life through choice or force. taking life is undeniably wrong when it can be avoided


please explain further


choosing to defeat ourselves versus insurmountable circumstances. this is related to all choices and how they work inside moral framework and the difference between right and wrong (which most intelligent human beings will admit exists). if we are genuinely naive to our actions it is different reaction or check and balance then if we are aware of the repercussions of our actions, are presented with that choice and continue to choose what is self-defeating or destructive to other systems and living things around us.

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I've had my views on this subject in my signature for some time now.


im kinda banking on shit going downhill after 2012, and will be quite dissappointed if i actually have to figure something out to do for an entire lifetime.

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I don't want money to exist anymore its fucking making me miserable. Can we just go back to being self-sufficient (farming,gathering,etc.) but still have stuff like the internet and big cities.

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I don't want money to exist anymore its fucking making me miserable. Can we just go back to being self-sufficient (farming,gathering,etc.) but still have stuff like the internet and big cities.



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it's not the money, it's the thing inside us, the thing inside our hearts and our minds that we have to change. we are being controlled by a force that many of us don't even believe exists. so subtle and shifting is this force that in some cases it has its way with us at every moment. we must help each other to change, we must help each other or there will be no future here - but first we must see clearly what it is we need to do

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All the god damned time... Ever since I was little really, I just had this morbid curiosity to know how it all ends. A holy rapture, an alien invasion, or a fiery comet impact? The curiosity is more so, especially now that science seems to be fairly sure of how it all began. These days also there is somehwat of a sadomassochistic wish just to see society fall, and live in the aftermath because in a light, I hate what a lot of modern society has become.

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i fantasize about collapse. all the golden calves of the West burning up. Potentially, we could move on and improve and develop an anarchoprimitivist unsociety of mushroom consumption and free love, but we have too many fucking nukes locked away in silos everywhere, and humans will always sometimes be murderous psychos or social predators. The economic collapse would be followed by global unease unlike anything ever before. And if the collapse would mean the end of us, in all likelihood we're taking nature with us. Fuck you, nature!


In all honesty, contemporary middleclass westerners are brainwashed with their societal living and the rat race, they are experiencing a hallucination that will be very hard to unplug from. I can't imagine the kind of stress that would be unleashed on collective human beings realizing that the whole program is going down, no cereal shopping, no nothing. Or are there more of us that are secretly reluctant slaves under the system and will rejoice to unleash our most primitive sides?


I'm just finding it very hard to concieve of a society-less "society" without The Man, unless you can accept an extent of rampant disregard for fellow human lives. I guess that's what we do now anyway, as people die on the telly and whatnot.

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why ? because money is the most universal and comfortable means for trading.

right. but people could still trade out a lot more than they do.

i think it's time we found a better way as a globalised society. i'm not saying i have the answer myself but when you look at the amount of shit going on in this "financial crisis" you've got to step back a little and wonder just what it is we're making such a big deal about. it's just paper and metal at the end of the day yet we act as if it is our own god.


This is because of human need to put their hands over their ears and take themselves very seriously, lest they find out that the entire universe doesn't give a flying fuck about them, and then it's very hard to make other people do what you want.

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why ? because money is the most universal and comfortable means for trading.

right. but people could still trade out a lot more than they do.

i think it's time we found a better way as a globalised society. i'm not saying i have the answer myself but when you look at the amount of shit going on in this "financial crisis" you've got to step back a little and wonder just what it is we're making such a big deal about. it's just paper and metal at the end of the day yet we act as if it is our own god.

i think people would trade much less if there was no universally acceptable good...which is money. although i admit i do like the idea of trading two sacks of rice for upcoming squarepusher's lp.

did the financial crisis really had to do anything with money being the common means for trading ? i'm pretty sure it has more to do with machinations and miscalculations

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even if you don't agree with that point (which is really more of a personal belief), can you not agree that in a society that still uses money i think we should trade more in everyday life? i personally can think of a few times i could have traded out instead of just handing over cash.

there are many instances where you can barter but what for ? for the sake of romanticisation ? to continue the previous example, if i give squarepusher 2 sacks of rice for his new cd his possibilities of trading it for something he may later need are limited as compared to the situation where i would give him 20$ for the new cd, because everyone accepts money.

(in fact rice isn't such a good example because it was used in a way very similar to money in china in japan, it was something that almost everyone had a use for..)

i think it's really quite elementary and i don't see how you can defend your argument in practical terms.

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but i don't have bass strings, i'm a rice farmer, so i'll have to look for people who'll accept to trade strings for my rice, or trade my rice for something string makers need. do you see how that can complicate the transaction ? instead of 3 steps: sell rice>get money>buy ufabulous, while it can get very convoluted till i get those strings tom desires.


the source of this conditioning is not an evil outside force but a desire for streamlined trade, it's not something exclusive to rich people. so i don't understand the animosity towards money based trade.

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your initial argument was "people could still trade out a lot more than they do."

i agree that there are scenarios where barter can be a better option, so then do you think people overlook such possibilities because of the prevalence of money ?

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don't despair guys, it's just humanity entering middle age. Like most middle-agers, we're now old enough to know what the world (universe) is about, but we're starting to feel strong doubt as to whether or not we can reach our goals (a rewarding job/ space travel). We're realizing our vision exceeds our grasp. Eventually, if we survive long enough, we'll enter humanity's old age, where the universe is hurtling apart ever faster, entropy is settling in, and we're still mired on this rock and haven't achieved interstellar travel. Like an old guy savoring his mashed peas, we'll turn inward and endlessly re-run memories of our glory days, as we wait for oblivion. Oh wait, we're doing that already...*boots up WoW*

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