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Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'


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Really? How a person can't jump on a plane and move somewhere?


Ok: you're a 15 year old student who is quite bright, but because your parents didn't "make the right choices" you live in government subsidized housing, and have to start working a part time job in order to buy new clothes. As a result of working part-time, your studies start to slip. Even though you're making good grades, they're just not quite good enough to get a scholarship to a university. You'd apply for a loan, but don't have anyone who can co-sign. So now you're 18, working 50 hours a week, trying earn a wage good enough to pay rent and feed yourself.

"Oh, my environment isn't so great, I should just up and move."


And that's a good prospective choice. Environmental aspects begin influencing you at a much earlier age than 15, and the chances for 5 year olds to up and move is nil.


So.. the students grades start to slip (from working a part time job? wtf?) and he's not bright enough for scholarships? Seems like natural selection placing him in a low income job permanently because that is his genetic pre-disposition.


You don't think that working a part-time job could maybe take away from time that could be used studying to maintain grades?


ah - genetic pre-disposition.

excellent troll.


Not sure how that's trolling. And yeah, I don't see how working a part time job can possibly take from someones grades.


Using myself as an example I manage a 200million $ CAD/yr commodity processing warehouse. I work full time and I'm a full time student. GPA 3.95. Am I genetically pre-disposed/suited to perform well in standardized schooling and tests? probably.

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fast food restaurants... I walk in, slam my hand on the counter, say my order a little over the desired talking level and make it as short as possible (ie: "#3, REGULAR SIZE, DIET COKE!"), Then look over to the cooks and nod my head! Pay, then stand at a place where I can see them making my food and eyeball them the entire time! Get my order, eyeball the person behind the counter and take a sip of my drink... Turn around and leave.

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You don't seriously believe in genetic pre-disposition do you?

Well, since you do, I guess if you had just had better genetics, you could have gone to a good school like UofT or UBC instead of Athabasca or York. Not even in the top 400 Universities worldwide.

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fast food restaurants... I walk in, slam my hand on the counter, say my order a little over the desired talking level and make it as short as possible (ie: "#3, REGULAR SIZE, DIET COKE!"), Then look over to the cooks and nod my head! Pay, then stand at a place where I can see them making my food and eyeball them the entire time! Get my order, eyeball the person behind the counter and take a sip of my drink... Turn around and leave.


I literally got up and made you a sandwich after reading this.

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You don't seriously believe in genetic pre-disposition do you?

Well, since you do, I guess if you had just had better genetics, you could have gone to a good school like UofT or UBC instead of Athabasca or York. Not even in the top 400 Universities worldwide.


No, because I weighed the incentives of staying in Calgary and earning 115k/annum NOW versus moving to Toronto etc to go to one of those schools, earning low income now, with only a slim chance of future employers even LOOKING at what school I went to. Most don't.


Also, Athabasca's MBA program is in the top 75 in the WORLD. Not sure where you're getting your numbers from. "Athabasca's Executive MBA was rated in the top 75 by the Financial Times, the only executive MBA on the list that is delivered entirely online.["


Anything else?


It's alright, continue with your ad-hominem approach instead of providing an actual basis for your arguments(?).


I still appreciate the exchange of words.

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You don't seriously believe in genetic pre-disposition do you?

Well, since you do, I guess if you had just had better genetics, you could have gone to a good school like UofT or UBC instead of Athabasca or York. Not even in the top 400 Universities worldwide.


Now this is just stupid bullshit posturing.


I wish I could participate more in this thread but I'm busy ATM. Maybe later.


But for now I will just say that if you don't believe that genetics plays some role in social status, you're basically living under the shroud of a Marxist campaign in the 60s to cover up basic results in genetics. If you think I am bullshitting, google Richard lewontin, Richard levins, steven rose, and gang. They are basically singlehandedly responsible for a massive disinformation campaign designed to manipulate policy by "protecting" it from science.

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You don't seriously believe in genetic pre-disposition do you?

Well, since you do, I guess if you had just had better genetics, you could have gone to a good school like UofT or UBC instead of Athabasca or York. Not even in the top 400 Universities worldwide.


No, because I weighed the incentives of staying in Calgary and earning 115k/annum NOW versus moving to Toronto etc to go to one of those schools, earning low income now, with only a slim chance of future employers even LOOKING at what school I went to. Most don't.


Also, Athabasca's MBA program is in the top 75 in the WORLD. Not sure where you're getting your numbers from. "Athabasca's Executive MBA was rated in the top 75 by the Financial Times, the only executive MBA on the list that is delivered entirely online.["


Anything else?


It's alright, continue with your ad-hominem approach instead of providing an actual basis for your arguments(?).


I still appreciate the exchange of words.


oh wow, you earn 115k a year and have a 3.95 gpa and went to one of the TOP 75 SCHOOLS FOR BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. god, your dick must be so big.

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According to the Goldman Sachs Elevator tweets your dick grows an inch with each new comma in your salary. I can't confirm this however, but seeing their behavior I think it might actually have some truth to it.


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You don't seriously believe in genetic pre-disposition do you?

Well, since you do, I guess if you had just had better genetics, you could have gone to a good school like UofT or UBC instead of Athabasca or York. Not even in the top 400 Universities worldwide.


Now this is just stupid bullshit posturing.


I wish I could participate more in this thread but I'm busy ATM. Maybe later.


But for now I will just say that if you don't believe that genetics plays some role in social status, you're basically living under the shroud of a Marxist campaign in the 60s to cover up basic results in genetics. If you think I am bullshitting, google Richard lewontin, Richard levins, steven rose, and gang. They are basically singlehandedly responsible for a massive disinformation campaign designed to manipulate policy by "protecting" it from science.


Thank you Joseph... =)


You don't seriously believe in genetic pre-disposition do you?

Well, since you do, I guess if you had just had better genetics, you could have gone to a good school like UofT or UBC instead of Athabasca or York. Not even in the top 400 Universities worldwide.


No, because I weighed the incentives of staying in Calgary and earning 115k/annum NOW versus moving to Toronto etc to go to one of those schools, earning low income now, with only a slim chance of future employers even LOOKING at what school I went to. Most don't.


Also, Athabasca's MBA program is in the top 75 in the WORLD. Not sure where you're getting your numbers from. "Athabasca's Executive MBA was rated in the top 75 by the Financial Times, the only executive MBA on the list that is delivered entirely online.["


Anything else?


It's alright, continue with your ad-hominem approach instead of providing an actual basis for your arguments(?).


I still appreciate the exchange of words.


oh wow, you earn 115k a year and have a 3.95 gpa and went to one of the TOP 75 SCHOOLS FOR BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. god, your dick must be so big.


Not sure what the size of my dick has to do with anything.


I was simply substantiating my position for why I didn't go to a better school. As it pertains to this conversation, it was simply a demonstration of how incentives work and why someone may be in a low paying job versus not in a low paying job.


Good contribution though, you really added something to the conversation.


According to the Goldman Sachs Elevator tweets your dick grows an inch with each new comma in your salary. I can't confirm this however, but seeing their behavior I think it might actually have some truth to it.



I wish it were true.

Only slightly above average here. But I'm not complaining and neither is the wife so I'm good.

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With your salary, slightly above average is what you're genetically destined to. I can still see no falsification of the GS-theory.




Nice one.


Anywho none of this is about my salary it's not a pissing contest. I only used it as an example for Chen to illustrate a point....



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You're supposed to tip a server 20%.


I keep coming back to this thread hoping someone will have found the 1% tipper's identity and hacked his life to smithereens ...

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You're supposed to tip a server 20%.


I keep coming back to this thread hoping someone will have found the 1% tipper's identity and hacked his life to smithereens ...


You have it wrong. This genetically superior banker is only giving an important life lesson to his genetically inferior waiter. A lesson this waiter should heed and pull himself up from his bootstraps and leave his inferior job and become a contributor as this noble banker has shown to be. Unless of course, this waiter simply doesn't have the genes to be a better person. Otherwise this waiter should just move to an environment where his genetics will offer him a better advantage.

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Or the restaurant was shitty.


My guess is the weather was shitty, so people in that area had a shitty outlook on life that day. Independent from genetic dispositions.

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See, the banker might have been super nice!


How do you know it's not genetic how people perceive certain weather conditions?

I don't. But when I say independent from genetic dispositions, it implies that those possible effects were irrelevant! (read: the weather was that bad.)

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How do you know it's not genetic how people perceive certain weather conditions?



Of course it's genetic how people perceive weather conditions.


That's partially why some people at -10 degrees feel cold, and other people at the same temperature, do not feel cold.


You're supposed to tip a server 20%.


I keep coming back to this thread hoping someone will have found the 1% tipper's identity and hacked his life to smithereens ...


You have it wrong. This genetically superior banker is only giving an important life lesson to his genetically inferior waiter. A lesson this waiter should heed and pull himself up from his bootstraps and leave his inferior job and become a contributor as this noble banker has shown to be. Unless of course, this waiter simply doesn't have the genes to be a better person. Otherwise this waiter should just move to an environment where his genetics will offer him a better advantage.


I like how you can somehow judge the validity of other peoples opinion without offering any posts that have substance. I'm not being a dick, I legitimately would like to see what you've got to offer on the subject.



I've had service so shitty I'd like to have done that. Instead, I just tipped 0$ and explained to the server why I tipped 0$. Hopefully he took my advice so that in the future his service was better, warranting greater tips.

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As someone who has 'bootstrapped' themselves to a certain degree, I've funnily enough got NO time for people who argue that all it takes is a bit of determination on the part of the individual.


Yeah, I was able to go from fairly grim jobs in my teens to the actually pretty decent job I've got now, but I'm aware that if a few variables were different it wouldn't have happened. For example, I worked part time on top of a fairly tough medical degree, got loans and had not a single day's holiday for 3 years - but if my course wasn't subsidised I still could never of afforded it. There's a thousand other examples of luck and advantage on my part that helped along the way.


I don't think it's a coincidence that most people arguing that everyone has an equal opportunity in life come from at least some amount of privelege.


Anyway, we could be getting off topic here - I'm sure everyone here, from full on communists to Randian social darwinists, can still agree that the guy leaving his pissy little message on the bill is undoubtedly a massive dick.

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As someone who has 'bootstrapped' themselves to a certain degree, I've funnily enough got NO time for people who argue that all it takes is a bit of determination on the part of the individual.


Yeah, I was able to go from fairly grim jobs in my teens to the actually pretty decent job I've got now, but I'm aware that if a few variables were different it wouldn't have happened. For example, I worked part time on top of a fairly tough medical degree, got loans and had not a single day's holiday for 3 years - but if my course wasn't subsidised I still could never of afforded it. There's a thousand other examples of luck and advantage on my part that helped along the way.


I don't think it's a coincidence that most people arguing that everyone has an equal opportunity in life come from at least some amount of privelege.


Anyway, we could be getting off topic here - I'm sure everyone here, from full on communists to Randian social darwinists, can still agree that the guy leaving his pissy little message on the bill is undoubtedly a massive dick.


Yeah. Even if he got completely shit service, the comment was not called for. Leaving 0$ tip I kind of agree with if he got shitty service, but the comment was not needed.


If anything the person should have just talked to a manager or something.

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