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Canblaster is doing some crazy IDM shit and I don't think you guys are even aware of it. His second EP, Master of Complication, was excellent. The highlight of it? His sampling of clock-related sounds and incorporation into flawless house rhythms. Observe:




But that's just the start. Digging further into Canblaster's discography reveals more gems--most notably remixes that completely tear apart and reimagine the original song into some abstract unsettling hellhole. Canblaster has a penchant for using strange sound effects, but he manages to use them with perfection. No, they do not become cheesy or overdone. You don't say to yourself, "Did he seriously just sample a tea kettle?" You say to yourself, "DID HE SERIOUSLY JUST SAMPLE A TEA KETTLE!?"


You'll see what I mean. The first song I'm linking you to is almost the epitome of this combination.


http://soundcloud.com/canblaster/drop-the-lime-hot-as-hell-canblaster-remix (again, note the creative sampling and seamless integration with synths and rhythms that are actually very typical of marble. this is where canblaster distinguishes himself from the rest of the marble crew--his ability to put together a collage of sounds to elevate house to idm levels.)


http://soundcloud.com/canblaster/mustang-dick-reverse-canblaster-sam-tiba-remix (NOTE THE TEA KETTLE WHISTLE. SIGNATURE SOUND.)


[youtubehd]mP1z7UbzamM[/youtubehd] (this song is far more "marble" than many of his other remixes. it focuses less on creative sampling and more on the "plastic" aesthetic that you hear on a lot of releases from the marble players, sam tiba and para one. interestingly, most of his original material has a similar focus as well.)


for this final song i want you to hear, i can only find an excerpt. he REALLY kicks it up a notch in this one. listen and note the absurdity of the sound choice:




You want more. Everyone wants more Canblaster. So I will link you to more.






I will link you to no more. Go on his soundcloud and explore.

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Hell yeah I'm not the only marble enthusiast up here ! His EP on Marble was really great, he's imo the most talented producer in the Club Cheval crew...He will be playing live in my town soon, guess I have no choice but go at that gig :music:

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Guest analogue wings

Been checking out lots of Marble since you linked them a few months back - thanks Hoodie!


Love that Marble Anthem track with the Bucephalus Bouncing Ball sample


And I'm looking forward to the Rustie remix of Surkin's "Lose Yourself"

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