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Billions of Planets just like ours

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Well, not quite "just like ours", but the findings of these new high precision satellites and detectors are starting to show us just exactly how much stuff is out there.


I think maintain that life of some form will be found out there somewhere during my lifetime.

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Guest sirch



Well, not quite "just like ours", but the findings of these new high precision satellites and detectors are starting to show us just exactly how much stuff is out there.


I think maintain that life of some form will be found out there somewhere during my lifetime.


maybe this year even...

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i'm certain life exists elsewhere but i doubt we'll ever meet it face to face. Too far away to travel there. They said "100 habitable super earths within a 30 light year range", well thanks alot pricks, it would take us 38,263 earth years to travel one light year in the space shuttle, and 4,250 earth years to travel one light year in our fastest spacecraft. So, minimum possible travel time with current technology: 127,500 years. Erm...oh well.

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Guest sirch

i'm certain life exists elsewhere but i doubt we'll ever meet it face to face. Too far away to travel there. They said "100 habitable super earths within a 30 light year range", well thanks alot pricks, it would take us 38,263 earth years to travel one light year in the space shuttle, and 4,250 earth years to travel one light year in our fastest spacecraft. So, minimum possible travel time with current technology: 127,500 years. Erm...oh well.


yeah, but you assume that we have to go there...

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i'm certain life exists elsewhere but i doubt we'll ever meet it face to face. Too far away to travel there. They said "100 habitable super earths within a 30 light year range", well thanks alot pricks, it would take us 38,263 earth years to travel one light year in the space shuttle, and 4,250 earth years to travel one light year in our fastest spacecraft. So, minimum possible travel time with current technology: 127,500 years. Erm...oh well.


it's ok we can just freeze ourselves for the trip.



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It's remarkable how much the planet searching methods have improved. I was able to take a course at the University of Texas in 2004 entitled "Search for Extraterrestrial Life" that focused centered around the Drake_equation. We had to submit our own variables during tests and were graded on our reasoning and knowledge gained during the course. At the time only a handful of methods could be used to detect planets (mostly the transit method, but with far less accuracy), so at the time only massive, close-orbiting bodies could be seen and confirmed. I'd love to drop by a the same class now and see how much the content has changed.

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Finding some sort of life in our solar system is going to push the odds immensely that there is sentient life somewhere else. Even better if the life we find on some of the moons would show different characteristics than we have found on Earth.

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i'm certain life exists elsewhere but i doubt we'll ever meet it face to face. Too far away to travel there. They said "100 habitable super earths within a 30 light year range", well thanks alot pricks, it would take us 38,263 earth years to travel one light year in the space shuttle, and 4,250 earth years to travel one light year in our fastest spacecraft. So, minimum possible travel time with current technology: 127,500 years. Erm...oh well.


yeah, but you assume that we have to go there...


if there is life out there that has the technology to travel to us, we're doomed. hawkins i believe said that, the collision betweeen two "cultures" of which one is superior lead to a huge disadvantage for the "lower" lifeform, lol. provided that the alien life is based on darwinism. One could say, if they made it so far with technology and all that, so they can travel to us, they maybe have overcome their animal instincs, and are nice to everybody, imho thats bullshit, respectively not possible. We're DOOMED


the other possiblity is: alien life is not even based on carbon. if this is the case, our brain would not allow that kind of recognition, the universe could be full of 'life', even on our planet, but with no intersection on a perception level we're DOOMED to find it. this assumption could be wrong thou. maybe there is no relation.


another possiblity is: based on carbon, but not on darwinism, that would the most interesting combination. What other principles would allow evolution in the sense of "the change of an organism over a long time of time.

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Maybe our planet will be terraformed to be just like their planet, and we'll all turn into the aliens' sex slaves. So many tentacles. *shiver*


Or maybe we'll find some sea monkeys or bacteria and science will be like fuck yeah. I doubt it will be dangerous, we'll probably just be observing.

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i'm certain life exists elsewhere but i doubt we'll ever meet it face to face. Too far away to travel there. They said "100 habitable super earths within a 30 light year range", well thanks alot pricks, it would take us 38,263 earth years to travel one light year in the space shuttle, and 4,250 earth years to travel one light year in our fastest spacecraft. So, minimum possible travel time with current technology: 127,500 years. Erm...oh well.


yeah, but you assume that we have to go there...


if there is life out there that has the technology to travel to us, we're doomed. hawkins i believe said that, the collision betweeen two "cultures" of which one is superior lead to a huge disadvantage for the "lower" lifeform, lol. provided that the alien life is based on darwinism. One could say, if they made it so far with technology and all that, so they can travel to us, they maybe have overcome their animal instincs, and are nice to everybody, imho thats bullshit, respectively not possible. We're DOOMED



lol what animal instincts? what animals? we're talking aliens here. You're assuming way too much in this case. Do you think if we found some civilization in solar system that is technologically just like us 300 years ago we'd destroy it, or make them our slaves? I doubt that. Anyway we can't really asume anything until we have solved Fermi paradox.

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Guest teetime

"The habitable zone around a red dwarf, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on the surface, is much closer to the star than the Earth is to the Sun," commented co-researcher Stephane Udry from the Geneva Observatory.

"But red dwarfs are known to be subject to stellar eruptions or flares, which may bathe the planet in X-rays or ultraviolet radiation, and which may make life there less likely."

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Maybe our planet will be terraformed to be just like their planet, and we'll all turn into the aliens' sex slaves. So many tentacles. *shiver*


Or maybe we'll find some sea monkeys or bacteria and science will be like fuck yeah. I doubt it will be dangerous, we'll probably just be observing.


These sound like comments pulled from a Drexciya brainstorming session.


I believe that life first will be found in solar system, probably in one of Saturn's moons.


The moons of the Solar System are fascinating. Personally I think Europa is the closest bet, both in chances and distance wise.





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lol what animal instincts? what animals? we're talking aliens here. You're assuming way too much in this case. Do you think if we found some civilization in solar system that is technologically just like us 300 years ago we'd destroy it, or make them our slaves? I doubt that. Anyway we can't really asume anything until we have solved Fermi paradox.


'we talking aliens here'

now thats a very elaborated statement

I wasn't talking bout animals in the jungle brah. Theres no need to invent a new word.

I differenciated between darwin based and non darwin based life. other thing is: if you asume there is life, is it wrong to assume that its based on a complex structure which was less complex before ?


also (aims at the second part of your statement): if you build a house, do you care for the worms inside the soil where you want to build it ?

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You were talking about overcoming animal instincts (particulary the one where you are hostile to other life forms because you think they are dangerous to you), I think it's wrong to assume that such instincts have ever existed in other life forms, they could have evolved alone, without any other species present, or without any hostile species present for example.


Regarding the second part. Well yes, actually I do, I am vegetarian and I do care about every conscious being, of course I care more about the humans then about the cats and more about the cats than about the worms, but I still care about worms and if I have a chance to save one I do that.

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I believe that life first will be found in solar system, probably in one of Saturn's moons.


fuck yeah!


i want to know what's up in enceladus, with its oceanic subsurface

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If aliens with superior tech did fly by Earth I'm really hoping they'd be more like Picard, tenting their fingers in amused condescension at our quaint ways. But if our minerals are as valuble to them as they are to us I imagine we'd be toast rather quickly.

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i'm certain life exists elsewhere but i doubt we'll ever meet it face to face. Too far away to travel there. They said "100 habitable super earths within a 30 light year range", well thanks alot pricks, it would take us 38,263 earth years to travel one light year in the space shuttle, and 4,250 earth years to travel one light year in our fastest spacecraft. So, minimum possible travel time with current technology: 127,500 years. Erm...oh well.


meeting another "intelligent" race face to face is something, finding out it exists is something else. And it would already be an immense thing. Imagine the world thrill that it would create. Maybe that's what our civilization needs to stop fucking with everything. Like it would allow us to think more relatively. I'd like to see that day in my life

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

would you get on a space shuttle knowing that you're great great great great great great great great (however many lifetimes it would take us to fly there) grandson would one day meet intelligent life on another distant planet? but you would die on route (obviously)

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