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Clive Barker gave ex-boyfriend AIDS


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Most of you probably don't care but I really liked me some Clive Barker back in the day, the Books of Blood made a big impact on me as a youngster.




a few choice quotes:


Armstrong says Barker confessed he had previously engaged in a sexual relationship with his own cousin, who had AIDS


According to the lawsuit, that's when Barker became addicted to prescription painkillers such as Vicodin, Percocet, Demerol, and Oxycodone. Armstrong claims Barker would mix these drugs with alcohol, cocaine, and/or crystal meth and use them for recreation.


Armstrong says Barker started throwing drug-fueled parties with young men ranging in age from 19 to early 20's.
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if this is true, its a shame....Im a big fan of a lot of Barker's work...but his life sounds pretty fucked up....I suppose in some sense it would need to be to come up with some of the stuff he did.

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if this is true, its a shame....Im a big fan of a lot of Barker's work...but his life sounds pretty fucked up....I suppose in some sense it would need to be to come up with some of the stuff he did.



Here in Germany we have the BILD newspaper who is known for digging up dirt from famous people and celebrities. Sorry, cannot take this very serious.


Wonder they haven't written something about his spanking parties where Barker is dressed like a transsexual cenobite :cat:

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Armstrong says Barker started throwing drug-fueled parties with young men ranging in age from 19 to early 20's.


i guess hanging out with Coil rubbed off on him ? After all Coil's music does make his 'bowl's churn' (actual quote)



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