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Masked gunman kills 14 at Batman premiere in Denver


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Coming Soon: Metal Detector in Cinemas.

Not gonna happen - there is nothing on screens worth going through that hassle. Flying is different - in many cases it is the only realistic means of getting to a place in a reasonable time, so people will put up with that form of security theater.


More like: Coming Soon: Even Fewer People Go to Cinemas; Cinemas Raise Prices to $29.99 per Viewer; Sony Sells More TVs

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more like pirates 0, paying costumers 12


imagine if someone was trying to make a cam and the video of this surfaced? jesus.


i hope this guy will open up and fucking tell us why. and it better be good.

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There's no why, there's only serious mental illness at play in culture that frequently fails to adequately treat people with mental illness but sure as fuck will do it's best to glorify gun violence. But you're not going to hear that from him.

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i don't mean why in the sense that we will all go 'ahh, now i get it', but just the reasoning. the stream of thoughts that piled up and exploded into this. even if guy's schizophrenic and the techno song that he got on the loop told him to do it through hihat patterns.

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James Holmes' downstairs neighbor called a non-emergency police number to report loud music coming from the killer's apartment right around the time he was shooting up a movie theater nearby.


Kaitlyn Fonzi told The Huffington Post she and her boyfriend were trying to sleep when they heard techno music coming from Holmes' apartment at around midnight. Fonzi said she went upstairs to bang on Holmes' door ... but he didn't answer.


Fonzi, a 20-year old biology student at the University of Colorado at Denver, says she returned to her apartment called a non-emergency police number to report the disturbance.


She claims the song played over and over again until around 1:00 AM ... when it stopped abruptly. Fonzi says she went to sleep and was awoken an hour later by police telling her to evacuate.


Police received 911 calls from the movie theater beginning around 12:39 AM.



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i don't mean why in the sense that we will all go 'ahh, now i get it', but just the reasoning. the stream of thoughts that piled up and exploded into this. even if guy's schizophrenic and the techno song that he got on the loop told him to do it through hihat patterns.

James Holmes' downstairs neighbor called a non-emergency police number to report loud music coming from the killer's apartment right around the time he was shooting up a movie theater nearby.


Kaitlyn Fonzi told The Huffington Post she and her boyfriend were trying to sleep when they heard techno music coming from Holmes' apartment at around midnight. Fonzi said she went upstairs to bang on Holmes' door ... but he didn't answer.


Fonzi, a 20-year old biology student at the University of Colorado at Denver, says she returned to her apartment called a non-emergency police number to report the disturbance.


She claims the song played over and over again until around 1:00 AM ... when it stopped abruptly. Fonzi says she went to sleep and was awoken an hour later by police telling her to evacuate.


Police received 911 calls from the movie theater beginning around 12:39 AM.




Well, there you go.

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Guest Mirezzi

Newsweek Magazine:


"A monumental conclusion to the epic trilogy. Audiences will be blown away."



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Guest Mirezzi



As the horrific details of the shooting at a Colorado theater continue to emerge, some are noticing a parallel between the incident and a page from "The Dark Knight Returns," a series of four comic books, originally published as a graphic novel written and drawn by Frank Miller.

The comic book includes a scene where a troubled young man shoots an audience inside a darkened theater. The character, named Arnold Crimp, is shown buying a movie ticket, entering a theater, and brandishing a gun. The last panel of the page states that three were slain in a "Batman inspired porn theater shootout." According to the book, which HLN has obtained, Crimp thinks he hears satanic messages in a song.

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if the show Millennium were on today it would be called 2012 and instead of the entire first season being about serial killers, it would be about mass shootings

I loved that show. Wish more would have been made of it.

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I agree with Chen, guns are bad mmkay? I too like the argument about resisting tyrannical govt., and think that red-blooded americans should have the freedom to shoot beer cans and small rodents for fun. BUT. I bet if I asked you if nuclear weapons should be banned, you'd say "why yes of course, they could destroy the world as we know it." Well guns do the same, sure on a smaller scale, but when you're instantaneously dead I doubt you care if you're one of 12 or one of 5 billion. I really can't tell you what a relief it is to leave in a place without guns, Shanghai feels incredibly safe and it all comes down to the understanding that you're not going to randomly bump into a lowlife packing heat. Yeah sometimes you do hear about someone being stabbed to death, but at least in that scenario you think you have a fighting chance.


I just don't like guns, they are designed for only one purpose, and give inflated power to people who don't deserve it - the cowardly, the unstable...the police. Oh yeah, police here also don't carry guns, yay (unless they're transporting money from a bank, and even then everyone says those guns are unloaded and just for show).


I'm actually a borderline libertarian in a lot of ways, but I just don't understand the need for guns in modern society.


About xxx's "mental health crisis in America", hmm, maybe, but you could also argue mental illness it over-treated in US (the overprescription of meds), but I guess you'd argue that's improper treatment of mental illness, and I'd agree.


Truth is, our understanding of mental issues is better and saner than it's ever been. If soldier suicides are bad now, imagine what they must have been like under Napoleon. Or, maybe they weren't as bad because...


...modern society is fucked up in so many ways, it's impossible to tease apart causal factors but seems like everyone is stressed out and unhappy. We've got stimulus coming in from every angle (computers, phones, tv). The family has broken down and people are less physically connected to each other than they've ever been. Our entire culture needs to learn how to "chill the fuck out."


Just some random thoughts, don't think there's a way to eliminate random crazies like this, just limit the damage.

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i only browsed over most of these posts, so forgive me if someone else brought this up. but the constitutional right to bear arms in America will never be changed. it may be restricted more over time, but it will never ever be illegal for a general citizen to own a gun. the reasoning behind this, as someone brought up, is partially a logistics issue. enforcing a ban would be about as useful as enforcing the illegality of marijuana...anywhere in the US it can be found, despite the fact that it's been illegal for a very long time. the issue of enforcing a ban was already discussed though.


what i hadn't seen discussed is the fact that the main reason for our right to bear arms is so that the citizens can keep the government in check, if it were to ever overstep its bounds. this is one of the main arguments that America as a nation is founded on. this is exactly what happened during the Civil War; a group of states thought the federal government was imposing too much control by trying to ban slavery and other reasons, so they acted by seceding from the union and protecting their borders with their own weapons. now i'm not arguing the validity of that, because fuck slavery, but the option of action by the people when its government doesn't listen to it anymore is why personally owned arms will always be legal in this country.


i'm not a militia supporter or anything of the sort, so don't get the wrong idea. but there's been this uneasy line we've been treading for a few decades now...where there are groups of people who think the government is already crossing that line or soon to cross it, and these groups are arming themselves heavily in case. that's their right, but the government has been keeping these groups in check for the most part. when they get too big, they go in and break it all up. the incident at the Koresh compound in Waco, TX (while not entirely about its militia leanings) is the most public, and perhaps the most upsetting, of these skirmishes. but i bring that all up because THAT is what gun ownership is about for Americans. not just personal protection (guns generally aren't useful in many personal protection situations) but more so about protection of the people, the citizens and their rights, as a whole.


technically speaking the Waco incident is not really related to the right to bear arms. They wanted to arrest david koresh and instead of taking him in when he was out shopping, they made their announcement to the mainstream media and intended to have a standoff to make an example of him. In no way am i defending Koresh, but I think the Ruby Ridge incident is probably the most notable 'militia' type vs federal law enforcement

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in response to some of the people here wondering why america has so many crazy as fuck gun toting wanna be hero types or who fancy themselves big government overthrowers. It's simple really, America is one big cesspool of people with extreme inferiority complexes. It's a by product of american exceptionalism as a mental illness. these people think that for some reason if they own a gun, or one hundred guns that they are more powerful because of it. The smart people who come from that culture are the ones who learned to live off the land, hunt, survive when being snowed in a cabin with no electricity, the idiots are the ones who've come out of all that history with facsimile penis weapon that can kill someone instantly


and to end this rant on a positive note, let's hope a lot of cool art happens made by americans who are inspired by it's collapse before it all turns into shit

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no, we wouldn't beat a tyrannical government. However, given the premise that we are in the middle of a civil war, having a means of self-defense significantly increases chances of survival. I doubt that everyone with a handgun/rifle will immediately charge towards a well-armed military.

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Coming Soon: Metal Detector in Cinemas.


The last thing we need is another organization created by the Department of Homeland (In)Security ruining everyone's daily recreational experience by hiring nosy rent-a-cops at minimum wage. TSA is bad enough.

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Coming Soon: Metal Detector in Cinemas.


In the Philippines there are armed guards at the entrance to every shopping mall and building complex, and you have to sign in and out when you go to them.

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no, we wouldn't beat a tyrannical government. However, given the premise that we are in the middle of a civil war, having a means of self-defense significantly increases chances of survival. I doubt that everyone with a handgun/rifle will immediately charge towards a well-armed military.


one thing missing from this theory is that most of the people who are gun enthusiasts are borderline psychotic and have personality disorders. I know this is a sweeping generalization, but the idea that the people who will be helping defend freedom in a Red Dawn style way is an extreme fantasy. I don't think even these psychotic americans have nearly enough balls to match the dedication of say an Iraqi insurgent, in other ways we're fucked either way.

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