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RIP Sally Ride

Rubin Farr

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Sad to see someone who is an example to young people die so young, and now bringing up again the prejudice gay people experience on a daily basis in the US.



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Guest chunky

A lesbian lover of an astronaut doesn't get free handouts? Why do Americans care more about this sort of thing than other things like abandoned kids or pensioners being abused by their carers? It's very strange, the level of prominence given to the sick & deranged agenda of the gay rights lobby.

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If u shared your life with someone you loved for 27 years, and after they died you were told by your federal govt that entitles you to jack shit. I think most people in that situation would be upset. Know wtf you're talking about before blowing off your mouth.


And if you have a problem with gay people then

Fuck Off.

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Guest chunky

I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!

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Wouldn't it be the same result irrespective of the couple's sexuality ? I'm not hot on US (or UK for that matter) law, but isn't it the fact they weren't married that's the issue rather than being lesbians ?


EDIT: If they are married then feel free to ignore my post !

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Guest chunky

Listen to David Brooks of the New York Times

He said



"A few years ago, I wrote a book about the rise of a new educated class, the people with 60's values and 90's money who go to Starbucks, shop at Whole Foods and drive Volvos. A woman came up to me after one of my book talks and said, "You realize what you're talking about is the Jews taking over America."

My eyes bugged out, but then I realized that she was Jewish and she knew I was, too, and between us we could acknowledge there's a lot of truth in that statement. For the Jews were the vanguard of a social movement that over the course of the 20th century transformed the American university system and the nature of the American elite."


Why do people let themselves be manipulated like this? The US university system is openly rigged against white men. All this gay rights feminism junk is for keeping white men down, as it was designed in the first place to do. Why be dumb enough to go along with people that want to keep you down?


David Brooks says "All of which suggests that human nature hasn't changed. People who possess privileges try to protect their own, even if they do shop at Whole Foods and drive Volvos."


:cerious:Too right!!! Dont be a fool, ignore the comedians on telly for a change and the B.S. storylines of fictional programmes

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If u shared your life with someone you loved for 27 years, and after they died you were told by your federal govt that entitles you to jack shit. I think most people in that situation would be upset. Know wtf you're talking about before blowing off your mouth.


And if you have a problem with gay people then

Fuck Off.


i know nothing of this situation... tell me, would a non-married-hetero, bereaved spouse get the fed hand-out?

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I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


This was a thread in tribute to the life of our first American female astronaut, someone who is held up in our country as a pioneer and example, they teach her story to children in our schools. I'm sorry you are a bitter person.


My intention of including the link about her partner was to illustrate the hypocrisy and irony of being a celebrity in a country that props you up as an icon, then denies your civil rights to marry, visit your significant other in the hospital, or receive any reasonable compensation when that person dies. Yes, she probably left her assets to her partner in a will, but as an astronaut she was an employee of the Feseral Govt, who uses her image to promote the space program, but denies her what heterosexual astronauts received in their employ.


Empathy is one of our greatest reactions to seeing others in pain, hating those that are different than you is a short road to nowhere.


I hope you leave your cynicism behind as you go through life. It's an amazing world if you look at it with open eyes and an open heart.

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Sally was my fucking hero when I was little. She inspired boys and girls alike. This one hurts, a lot.


And chunky becomes the first dipshit I've ever had to ignore on watmm. I don't know, chunkster, I've seen plenty of white men succeed in and out of the American university system without any interference from feminists, or gays, or blacks, or jews. Myself included. Maybe you just need a combined SAT score of, like, over 900?


I must be indoctrinated, though, right? It's super tough being a straight white guy in America. None of my law firm partners ever even groped my genitals like they did for my girlfriend before she was fired. Why will nobody grope my genitals?

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Guest RandySicko

I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


Truth hurts, but chunky is right


This was a thread in tribute to the life of our first American female astronaut, someone who is held up in our country as a pioneer and example, they teach her story to children in our schools. I'm sorry you are a bitter person.


Your post seems to have a different agenda than what you mention here.

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chill dude, he prefaced it with "<some guy> writes:"...

therefore it is legitimate


David Brooks also sez:

We should insist on gay marriage. We should regard it as scandalous that two people could claim to love each other and not want to sanctify their love with marriage and fidelity.... It's going to be up to conservatives to make the important, moral case for marriage, including gay marriage.
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I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


im curious, what lies is gay rights agenda based on ? (no tldr please, just your educated opinion.)

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I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


Truth hurts, but chunky is right


This was a thread in tribute to the life of our first American female astronaut, someone who is held up in our country as a pioneer and example, they teach her story to children in our schools. I'm sorry you are a bitter person.


Your post seems to have a different agenda than what you mention here.


i can't wait for the worldwide recession to bite you in the ass. i'm fairly certain you may have a different attitude then. oh wait, you're probably fourteen and posting from your mommy's basement.

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I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


Truth hurts, but chunky is right


How is that? It's merely an argument that gays should have the same rights as straight people. I'm not really sure what "agenda" you're talking about. If a person dies in a straight marriage, their husband or wife is entitled to something, but it's not so with a gay couple since they can't marry in most states.


How about this: if you're so disconcerned about the whole thing, then why not keep your mouth shut?

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Guest RandySicko

I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


Truth hurts, but chunky is right


How is that? It's merely an argument that gays should have the same rights as straight people. I'm not really sure what "agenda" you're talking about. If a person dies in a straight marriage, their husband or wife is entitled to something, but it's not so with a gay couple since they can't marry in most states.


How about this: if you're so disconcerned about the whole thing, then why not keep your mouth shut?


lol of course coming from the guy in San Francisco. There is no such thing as a "straight" marriage. Marriage is man & woman... always was, always will be. Simple as that. For those who chose the gay lifestyle, stop crying and learn to deal with the repercussions of your actions

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