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2012 presidential debates


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Who the fuck made that egalitarian comment? Who would fucking even say that? What fucking planet is this?


the new york times article everyone is slobbering over.



i should also mention that the collapse of the Venetian super rich happened for FAR MORE VARIOUS REASONS THAN PURE SELFISHNESS.

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IN the early 19th century, the United States was one of the most egalitarian societies on the planet





one could argue that the Tea Party movement in it's original incarnation was a response to the bank bailouts until it got co-opted by the republican party who siphoned energy from a brewing and rather large anti big government libertarian movement in the US. Once Glenn Beck and Koch Brothers took it over it became part of the 2 party establishment and evolved into something more partisan, racist and fascist than it was ever meant to be.


right. so in other words, a failure.


temporarily yes, but i think it's too early to say that either movement has failed, especially if things get worse in this country. If they miraculously get better and we see no new brewing large country-wide protest movements you will be right, but only then :)

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Oh god, I just read that. Well, Thomas Jefferson said we have no paupers in 1814. IT MUST BE TRUE


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if romney's hair is floppy in an authoritative way ill vote for him, but if obama lifts his left eye brow and waves his arms a bit ill sway to his side

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Jill Stein is a hero

*an hero


Don't quite know why this is funny. But it made me laugh. That's one good thing to come out of this thread, I guess.


I'd rather vote for the black guy and the senate dinosaur than the creepy mannequin-faced cultist and hyper-fit greasy weasel.

God bless this country.



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romney is just fucking blatantly lying. he thinks every woman should have access to contraceptive care and employers shouldn't have to determine it?




"The question is whether Romney agrees with President Barack Obama's contraception mandate, which requires most employers and insurers to offer health plans that cover birth control at no cost to women.

Romney strongly criticized the mandate earlier this year, calling it an assault on religious freedom, and said he supported Sen. Roy Blunt's (R-Mo.) controversial measure that would have allowed any employer to refuse to cover birth control for any vague moral reason. Women who work for those employers, then, would not have the choice of a plan that covers contraception."


what a fucking lying asshole. are politicians not even trying to appear truthful anymore? holy shit. i'm so angry.

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its not as if Romney is the only one telling lies though. Obama talking about "making college affordable" in order to strengthen the economy made me want to strangle him. There could not possibly be a more one-dimensional claim made about our education system and the finance thereo-


oh wait nevermind, Romney said something even more retarded.



did anyone else LOL at Romney's answer to integrating women into the workplace? that shit was so awkward it was hilarious.

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did anyone else LOL at Romney's answer to integrating women into the workplace? that shit was so awkward it was hilarious.


I have a penis and yet I felt patronized

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he is mormon and very unsure how to appear to respect women


Who the fuck made that egalitarian comment? Who would fucking even say that? What fucking planet is this?


this country likes eagles. maybe they think it means something else.

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lol, jules



aside from the "binders of women" comment, Romney essentially confirmed his belief that a woman's main calling in life is to shit out babies and then make dinner for them

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one could argue that the Tea Party movement in it's original incarnation was a response to the bank bailouts until it got co-opted by the republican party who siphoned energy from a brewing and rather large anti big government libertarian movement in the US. Once Glenn Beck and Koch Brothers took it over it became part of the 2 party establishment and evolved into something more partisan, racist and fascist than it was ever meant to be.


right. so in other words, a failure.




I swear I've been saying that (mostly) for ages now

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"we literally ran out to every women's group we could find and came back with WHOLE BINDERS OF WOMEN"


I really want to ask him about his opinion of foot-binding among women in China so I can mindfuck him into another dimension.


also: http://bindersfullofwomen.tumblr.com/


He was clearly making an obscure reference, c'mon guys...



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